Looking for an Instantly Alternative?

Say yes to more features and savings with Saleshandy – an affordable alternative to Instantly that generates higher-quality leads 


Why choose Saleshandy over Instantly?

Engage users where they’re most active for a greater chance of closing deals with Saleshandy.

Unlimited Team
  • Icon Easier One


    You can only optimize your email sequence in instantly after sending the email campaigns and knowing the results.

  • Icon Easier Two


    Saleshandy offers unlimited team members, so you don't have to pay extra for every new team member you add to Saleshandy.

Sequence Score
  • Instantly

    You can only optimize your email sequence in instantly after sending the email campaigns and knowing the results.

  • Saleshandy

    You can identify leaks in your email account setup, sequence setup, and email copy before sending your email sequences with Saleshandy's Sequence score.

Prospect Outcome
  • Instantly

    You cannot assign deal value to your prospects and prioritize them in Instantly.

  • Saleshandy

    In Saleshandy, you can assign deal value to every prospect in order to map and prioritize prospecting.

Value for Money
  • Instantly

    Instantly charges more than it offers. Their starting plan is around $30, and provides very basic features for cold emailing.

  • Saleshandy

    Saleshandy offers more value than any other cold emailing tool at an affordable price. Our plans are designed to ensure you get more than you pay for.

One-on-one comparison

Check Out An Exclusive One-on-one Comparison Between Saleshandy And Instantly

  • Features
    Anually sales Anu Two
  • Pricing
    (Billed Annually)
    (Billed Annually)
  • Unlimited Email Accounts
    Table tick
    Table tick
  • Unlimited Team Members
    Table tick
    Table tick
  • Unlimited 1:1 Email Tracking
    Table Wrong
    Table tick
  • A-Z Testing (Multivariant)
    Table tick
    Table tick
  • Monthly Emails
  • Email Verification Credits
  • Sender Rotation
  • Unified Inbox
  • Hubspot Integration
    Table tick
    Table tick
  • Pipedrive Integration
    Table tick
    Table tick
  • Zoho Integration
    Table tick
    Table tick
  • Spintax
    Table tick
    Table tick
  • Advanced Warm-up Settings
    Table tick
    Table tick
  • Total Prospects
  • Advanced Reports
    Table tick
    Table tick
  • 1:1 User Success Call
    Table tick
    Table tick
  • Dedicated Success Manager
    Table tick
    Table tick
  • API
    Table tick
    Table tick
  • *Instantly and the Instantly logo are registered trademarks of Instantly. Saleshandy is not associated in any way with it and its trademarks are only used here for comparative purposes.

Platform with a wide range of Features


Cold Emailing

Find, Nurture and Prospect all your cold leads on one single platform.


Automated Follow-ups

Send automated and personalized follow-ups to soar up your open and reply rates.


Email Deliverability

Land in the right inbox with a warm-up, Email Health Score, custom domain tracking, and bounce guard.


LinkedIn Email Finder

Get instant access to accurate and relevant email addresses.


Email Tracking

Eliminate guesswork to track every activity of your lead and make performance-driven decision.

Still not convinced?

In addition to Advanced Features, Saleshandy offers

  • coin_hand Affordable Plans
  • headphones 24/7 Live Support
  • user_dly 10X User-Friendly
  • all_in All-in-one Prospecting
  • data_unlimit Unlimited Sequences

Why settle for average when you can have the best?

Based on data gathered from reviews and online sources, Saleshandy has better features and a  better user experience than Instantly.

comparision instantly vs saleshandy

Used by 10,000 businesses to generate $15M in revenue

"The future of Cold email tools has arrived. The simplicity and straightforwardness of the product are great."

Thomas Foley HighTouch, Founder
High Touch

"One of the simplest cold email automation platforms with good pricing. Customer support is highly helpful."

Cong Nguyen Founder & CEO, Synodus

"A must-have in your outreach arsenal. It has everything that you're looking for your business growth."

Joshua Lim Managing Director, Social Hackrs
Joshua Lim

"The perfect outreach platform for our business. You can add unlimited email accounts to increase volume at any scale."

Gino Taka Founder, Skyrocket

"Success on rails. Saleshandy really helps to guide and it creates a sense of trust in the tool."

Gareth Hayter Founder & CEO, Slyce Software Ltd
Slyce Software Ltd

Invest less on Cold Emailing with Saleshandy and get more value than Instantly

Trusted by users as a top market leader

G2 Star Group4.6 out of 5 on G2
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