Find potential customers and their contact details

Target your prospects by getting their email address and phone number with the Saleshandy B2B Lead Finder.

From prospecting to outreach on a single platform

No more switching between the tools and spending hours sorting and managing data before running your campaign

An infographic detailing a seamless workflow transition from prospecting to outreach within a single software platform
Saleshandy Lead Finder

Find leads in the largest, most up-to-date B2B database out there

700 +

Million Profiles


Million Companies

Find the Right Customer, Fast! Filter, Target, Connect

Company Name
Company Location
Role & Department
Contact Info
Employee Count
Years of Experience
Speedily finding the ideal customer using filter and connect features

Discover prospect data that matches your expectation

Uncover a range of contact details and precise information about your prospects to drive results for your business

personal contact
Stay informed about the verification status of your leads and ensure you're reaching out only to verified prospects.
A graphic representation of a feature within saleshandy tool to import to your sequence



Personal Contact

More than just business emails and phone numbers. Uncover personal contact details for deeper connections with your prospects.



Up-to-date data

Stay informed about the verification status of your leads and ensure you're reaching out only to verified prospects.



Import to your sequence

Extract unlimited number of leads and add them directly to your outreach sequence.

Target, find and make cold outreach to prospects with Saleshandy

reporting of prospects in saleshandy