Put your recruitment outreach on autopilot

& hire the best talent faster

Put your recruitment outreach on autopilot & cold emailing

Saleshandy’s personalized outreach and follow-ups help you recruit candidates at scale

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Hire the best talent from cold emailing and fast your outreach

Trusted by 10,000+ companies of all sizes

Source, outreach, hire & exceed your recruitment goals 

Source more candidates on time

Keep your client’s pipeline filled with targeted leads or potential candidates and build your list full of high-quality candidates. Sync your sourcing directly with Saleshandy and deliver automatically with personalized email campaigns.

Reach out and gain candidate’s interest

Reach out to large candidates at once and pick their interest by sending them personalized subject lines and templates. Scale your reach out with Saleshandy for making your candidates open your emails taking critical career moves.

Keep in touch until they change their minds

Most of the top talents are passive and wait longer to respond. Saleshandy lets you send 1-to-1 personalized sequences of follow-ups to convince your top cream candidates of a good job offer and make them think about switching their jobs.

Engage more clients in different industries

Reach different prospects in different industries and develop your network with personalized email sequences. Automated follow-up steps help your prospects know the industry needs and new possible candidates, reaching out to you.

Do collaborative hiring and reporting

Easy team collaboration helps to do collaborative hiring with Saleshandy. Involve your team at every interview stage while sharing real-time reports with your managers to find better candidates.

Willem Rowies
Founder, Humans.id

Hit your recruitment goals with joy and hire best talents for your clients

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7-day free trial – No Credit-card required – Set up in minutes

7 day free trial – No Credit-card required