Send always to reach the inboxes

Send always to reach the inboxes

Verify your contact list, warm up your email, personalize your templates & send with Saleshandy to get the maximum deliverability

send email to inboxes

Never miss inboxes with a safe  & repeatable  deliverability

Real-time Assistant to write spam free

Saleshandy’s Writing Assistant helps boost your personalization level and check for spammy words while you’re writing the templates.


Preview email content with the Preheader

Give a preview of the email body content with Saleshandy’s unique Email Preheader to improve both open and delivery rates.

Ramp up your email sending frequency

Increase your email sending limit frequently with Email Ramp up to improve delivery rates and prevent spam filters.

Email ramp up
Email warmup report

Warm up your email repo progressively

Saleshandy’s Email Warm-up improves your domain’s reputation gradually with a unique algorithm to reach better deliverability in a short time.

Start doubling your cold email outreach conversion rates now

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7-day free trial - No Credit-card required - Set up in minutes

Verify your contact list prior to sending

Even a single junk email can land your campaign into spam. Saleshandy lets you double-check the prospect’s email address prior to sending.

Check your Email Health score for fixes

Saleshandy helps you keep an eye on your Email Health and also highlights the required fixes to achieve the best results

Bounce Guard pauses the sequence on high bounces

Bounce Guard automatically pauses your sequences on the indication of bounces for you to check the reason and resume the sequence manually.

Set up custom domain tracking to skip spam

Saleshandy lets you set up your own custom link and use your own domain to track opens and clicks to prevent spam triggers.

No more spams! Enjoying High Deliverability, which helped me reaching more than 50% open rates!

Kim Kalman

Sales Representative, HiTech Air Solutions

Experience the joy of meeting your sales goals and beyond.

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7 days free trial - No Credit-card required - Set up in minutes