
Integrate Saleshandy with your tech stack

Sync data, automate tasks, and make smarter workflows by integrating Saleshandy with all your favorite tools.

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Integrate Saleshandy with your existing tools
  • pipedrive

    Integrate Pipedrive CRM with Saleshandy seamlessly. Create triggers and manage your leads, deals, and data without losing track.

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  • Hubspot

    Integrate HubSpot CRM bi-directionally with Saleshandy and sync your activities for better workflow and data management.

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  • zoho

    Integrate Zoho CRM with Saleshandy with one click and manage your prospects, data, and sync activities in Saleshandy.

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  • Zapier

    Connect Saleshandy with 6000+ apps over the web and make your lead generation workflow efficient and easy to manage.

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  • google

    You can connect with Google natively in one click and send emails to your prospects using Google as your email service provider.

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  • Microsoft

    Send emails from Outlook and Office 365 with Microsoft ESP in a single click native integration.

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  • Salesforce

    Integrate Salesforce CRM with Saleshandy with one click and manage your prospects, data, and sync activities.

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  • Weezly

    Create personalized videos with Weezly Integration.

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  • Sendler

    Create personalized videos with Sendler Integration.

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  • Sendspark

    Create personalized videos with Sendspark Integration.

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  • Pitchlane

    Create personalized videos with Pitchlane Integration.

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  • Persana

    Enrich your leads with Persana AI Integration.

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  • Trulyinbox

    Warm-up your email accounts with TrulyInbox integration.

    Connect Now Right Arrow

Do you need another tool for integration?

Suggest the tools you have in mind for Saleshandy, and we’ll help tailor your cold emailing experience.

    Are you looking for a way to automate your workflow with Saleshandy and integrations?

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    Most of the Saleshandy users book 3-10 meetings weekly – it’s your turn!

    • Masterclass

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    • Need help?

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    Plus Minus

    You must have an active subscription to the application you intend to integrate with Saleshandy.

    Plus Minus

    Yes, you can use integrations with a 7-day free trial period to test the features and functionalities before committing to a subscription.

    Plus Minus

    There is no limit on the number of integrations you can set up based on your chosen pricing plan. Users can integrate Saleshandy with multiple tools as needed.

    Plus Minus

    You can contact customer support if you need help connecting the integrations listed on Saleshandy or encounter technical issues from the Saleshandy side.

    Plus Minus

    Saleshandy offers native integration with popular CRMs such as Pipedrive, Zoho, and HubSpot, enabling users to manage leads, deals, and data effectively.

    Plus Minus

    Integrating Saleshandy with your CRM streamlines workflow, automates tasks, and ensures seamless synchronization of activities, leading to better data management and improved productivity.

    Plus Minus

    Yes, Saleshandy integrates with automation platforms like Zapier, enabling users to connect with over 6000 apps and streamline lead generation workflows.