LinkedIn Email Finder

Find verified email address of any professional within a second

*Available on Chrome web store only

Linkedin Email Finder

Feed your business team with quality leads

Saleshandy Linkedin email finder provides everything that needs to make strong connections and grow business faster






Illustration of a rocket, get verified email address at a rocket speed

Get the verified email address in a snap!

Saleshandy Linkedin email finder works at rocket speed and comes up with verified email address within a second.



Go beyond the assumption match

Unlike other email finders, Saleshandy Linkedin email finder provides 99.99% accurate email data with real-time verification that helps get better deliverability.


an Illustration showing salesHandy tool ensures 99.99% accurate email data

The right set of data that meets your need

Get the crucial data set that helps you generate more leads. Saleshandy Linkedin email finder provides first name, last name, email address, and job title for any searched profile.

Illustration of user adding extension with 'Add to Chrome' button click.

Available in Chrome Web Store

Find any professional’s verified email address in a matter of seconds for any profile you’re looking for

Over 20,000+ users trust Saleshandy

  • Lisandra

    Lisandra Coppens

    Recruiter at Randstad

    This extension is awesome. I love using this extension to get the verified email addresses easily and it's a way to avoid all the hassles to search and find the right person

  • Lisandra

    Lisandra Coppens

    Recruiter at Randstad

    This extension is awesome. I love using this extension to get the verified email addresses easily and it's a way to avoid all the hassles to search and find the right person

FAQs for LinkedIn Email Finder

1. Install Saleshandy Chrome extension in your browser

2. Go to a LinkedIn Profile

3. Click on the extension to activate it

4. Et Voila

Yes, It works with LinkedIn only as of now.

Yes, Saleshandy Linkedin email finder works with all the LinkedIn versions. It is compatible with Free LinkedIn, LinkedIn Business Premium , LinkedIn Recruiter Lite and LinkedIn Sales Navigator