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Best time to send emails to get positive responses (2024)

20 min read
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You know the effort it takes to craft the perfect outreach email. You invest hours in research and carefully tailor personalized messages. But what happens if that email lands in your prospect’s inbox at the wrong time?

It might get lost among the hundreds of others, and all your hard work goes to waste. 

We understand the frustration of pouring your heart and soul into a compelling message only for it to go unnoticed due to poor timing.

Here’s the truth: timing is everything when it comes to cold emails. It’s just as crucial as the content itself. Understanding the importance of timing will help you optimize your cold email timing.

Let’s talk about why timing holds immense significance while sending outreach emails.

Why is timing important while sending cold emails?

The success of a cold email campaign often hinges on more than just the content and strategy employed. But if you want your outreach efforts to be effective, your email must be delivered at the right time and on the right day. If you send your emails at the wrong time, you’re less likely to get a response. 

Here is why timing matters so much :

  • People are more likely to be checking their email during certain times of the day– By sending your cold email at a time when recipients are actively engaged with their inbox, you increase the chances of them noticing and opening your message.
  • People are more likely to be receptive to your message during certain times of the day– Timing also influences the recipient’s receptiveness to your message. While email engagement can be high during specific hours, people may not be equally receptive to business-related emails throughout the day.  By considering the recipient’s mindset and scheduling your cold emails accordingly, you can increase the chances of a positive response.
  • Your email may get lost in the shuffle if you send it at the wrong time– If you send your cold email at the wrong time, it may get lost in the shuffle and go unnoticed or buried beneath a flood of other messages. This means that your email is less likely to be seen, and you’re less likely to get a response. By carefully timing your cold emails, you can avoid the risk of your message being overlooked and increase the probability of it standing out in the recipient’s inbox.

These are the three reasons why you must consider the best time to send outreach emails. 

Now, did you know there are certain factors to consider that can affect the ideal time to send those cold emails? Considering those elements can influence your recipient’s response.

Let’s find out what they are. 

Which factors influence the optimal timing for sending cold emails?

You don’t want to send your well-crafted email into the void at the wrong moment only for it to be lost or ignored. That’s why you must consider some important factors for determining the optimal timing for sending cold emails. 

Here are the three important factors you must consider.

1) The recipient’s time zone

If you’re targeting recipients in different regions or countries, make sure you take into account the time difference. You want your email to pop up in their inbox when they’re wide awake and ready to tackle their day. That’s when they’re most likely to have the time and mental space to give your message the attention it deserves.

It’s no use sending an email at 3 a.m. in their local time when they’re fast asleep. Find the sweet spot where it’s daytime for them but not during their busiest working hours.

Let’s say your target audience is in the US, and you are from India and planning to send outreach emails for the services your offer. To find the optimal timing, you might consider sending your email at around 5 p.m. your time in India, which would be 7:30 a.m. in the Eastern Time zone. At this time, your recipients are likely starting their workday, going through their emails, and being more receptive to new messages. Your email would have a better chance of being noticed and considered among the morning influx of emails.

Now you know how to take time zones into consideration while sending cold emails, but will it be as effective if you don’t consider your prospect’s industry? No, right?

While timing is certainly crucial, it’s not the only factor at play. If you truly want to maximize the impact of your cold emails, you need to take into account your prospect’s industry as well.

2) The recipient’s industry

Some industries have different peak business hours than others. What might be an ideal time to send an email in one industry could be completely off the mark in another. Understanding your prospect’s industry helps you tailor your approach to align with their specific needs and preferences.

For the hospitality industry, Thursday between 8:00-10:00 AM is an ideal time to send your cold emails. It is because the hospitality industry tends to start their workday early. This is when they’re actively planning and organizing their operations. It’s a strategic time to grab their attention before their schedule becomes more demanding. 

When you tailor your timing to industry-specific work patterns, you increase the chances of your email being seen and engaged with at the right moment.

So, you have checked your prospect’s time zone and the industry they belong to. But is it enough? Considering their job profile is also an important factor in determining the best time to send outreach emails.

3) The recipient’s job

People in different job roles have different schedules. So always take your recipient’s job into account before hitting that send button. Tailoring your timing to their job-related factors demonstrates your understanding and consideration, making your email more relevant and effective.

So you have to take a moment and understand the nature of the recipient’s job; you can then determine when they are likely to be more available and receptive to emails. 

Let’s say you’re targeting executives or professionals who work in a corporation. It’s not a good idea to send your cold email during the middle of their hectic workday. It is because their weekdays are usually filled with meetings and deadlines. Sending your email at that time might mean it gets lost in the shuffle or overlooked amidst their busy schedule.

Instead, choose a time when they are likely to have fewer distractions and more availability to pay attention to your message. For example, early morning or late afternoon might be better options. These are times when they might be checking their inbox, catching up on emails, or taking a short break.

So now you know what factors you must take into account while determining the best time to send an outreach email. 

Each factor determines the optimal timing for sending cold emails. By considering the recipient’s schedule, time zones, industry norms, holidays, and personal preferences, you can create a comprehensive timing strategy that increases the likelihood of your email being noticed, opened, and engaged with. 

Now that we know the factors that play a major role while determining the timing of your cold email, you might wonder, but what’s the right time to send them? Let’s find out.

The Best Time of the Day to Send Cold Emails

Did you know that 23% of email opens happen within the first hour after it’s delivered? That’s a significant chunk of attention right off the bat! But here’s something eye-opening: once a whole 24 hours pass, the chances of that email being opened drop to less than 1%. 

You don’t want that, right? So you have to find the “right time” to send your outreach emails.

According to a recent report, the optimal time to send a cold email is between 9:00 am and 11:00 am. During this time, officials and professionals are starting their workday, and it’s when people tend to check their inboxes. 

By strategically timing your cold emails within these timeframes, you increase the likelihood of your audience noticing and engaging with your messages. But here’s something you should know – not all your prospects will be receptive to your emails as there is no one-size-fits-it-all approach here.

So, let’s find out how to choose the best time to send your cold emails.

How do you choose the best time to send cold emails to your target audience? 

Getting the timing right is really important for successful email outreach, but how do you determine which is the “right” time to hit the send button? You can always rely on data. A data-driven approach holds the key to determine the right time.

Let us learn about these data-driven approaches briefly.

1) Start by sending emails at different times of day– When determining the best time to send cold emails, it’s essential to conduct experiments by sending emails at different time slots throughout the day. This data provides insights into when your audience is most likely to engage with your emails. For example, you may find that your recipients tend to be more active and receptive in the morning, during lunchtime, or in the evening. This data-driven approach enables you to make informed decisions about the ideal send time for your cold emails.

2) Segment your audience by time zone- Segmentation by time zone allows you to take into account the geographical diversity of your audience. When you identify the time zones in which your recipients reside, you can strategically schedule your email sends to match their local working hours or periods of high activity. This approach increases the chances of your emails being seen and opened promptly.

3) A/B test different send time- A/B testing involves splitting your audience into groups and sending emails at different times. This allows you to isolate the impact of timing on email performance. By analyzing open rates and response rates, you can gather data on which time slots generate higher engagement. This empirical data guides your decision-making process and helps determine the optimal send times for different segments of your audience.

4) Keep track of your results- Consistently monitoring and analyzing the data helps you pinpoint the most successful send times for your target audience. You may discover that certain days of the week, specific time slots during the day, or even seasonal factors have a significant impact on open rates, click-through rates, and conversions. This information helps you anticipate and plan for future campaigns, ensuring that you capitalize on successful send times. Moreover, this will also help improve your email outreach efforts.

If you want to determine the best time to send cold emails, you must combine all the approaches mentioned above – experimentation, segmentation, A/B testing, and diligent tracking of results. Only then can you make an impact with your cold email campaigns.

But wait! When it comes to email outreach, timing encompasses not only the specific time of day but also the day of the week. The day on which you send your cold emails can significantly impact their effectiveness. So let us see how to determine the best day of the week to send cold emails. 

The Best Day of the Week to Send Cold Emails

Finding the perfect day to send an email is not an exact science. That being said, there are some common patterns that can give you a good starting point. There are certain times and days that generally tend to work better than others when it comes to email outreach.

Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays are considered the top choices for sending out emails. These days tend to yield better open rates and engagement.

But what about the other days of the week? Should you hold off on sending emails during those times?

Well, Mondays can be a bit hectic for most people as they dive into their workload and catch up after the weekend. It might not be the ideal day to send a first email, but it can still be suitable for a gentle follow-up.

As for Fridays, people are already in the weekend mindset and focusing on tying up loose ends before wrapping up their week. While it’s generally recommended to avoid initial outreach on Fridays, a softer follow-up message might work well.

Now, when it comes to Saturdays and Sundays, people are usually taking a break from work and enjoying their personal time. They may not be actively checking their inboxes, so the chances of your emails being opened and engaged are relatively low.

The day of the week does play a role in email effectiveness, but just like with timing, the data can vary depending on the specific circumstances. So, it’s important to know how to choose the best day to send your emails. Let’s discuss 

How to choose the best day of the week to send cold emails to your specific audience?

Just as we’ve pinpointed specific days where email engagement tends to surge statistically, it’s important to recognize that these trends may not hold true across all industries. Understanding the unique behavior and patterns of your specific industry and target audience can greatly enhance your email marketing efforts. Let’s see how you can do it.

  • Understand your target audience: No two industries are alike. What works in the tech world might not necessarily hold true for the healthcare sector. It is important to understand your audience really well. Get to know their characteristics, preferences, and behaviors. Learn about their industry, job roles, and where they are located. This information will help you time your email better.
  • Research industry norms: The next step is to conduct thorough research into industry norms. This involves delving into industry-specific trends and practices related to email communication. By exploring this information, you can find valuable patterns and insights that will guide you in choosing the most effective days to reach your audience.
  • Analyze past data: Take a close look at the results and analyze any patterns or trends that emerge regarding the days that yielded higher open rates, click-through rates, and responses. By examining the data, you can identify correlations between specific days of the week and audience engagement. 
  • Consider workweek dynamics: Understanding how their week unfolds can help you determine when they are most likely to have the time and focus to engage with your emails. By selecting days when your target audience is more likely to have the time and focus on engaging with your cold emails, you increase the chances of capturing their attention and eliciting a positive response
  • Avoid holidays and special occasions: Sending cold emails on days when people are likely to be away from work can significantly reduce your chances of receiving a response. Keep a calendar of holidays and significant events that are relevant to your target audience. Avoid sending cold emails on these days when people are more likely to be taking time off or focused on non-work-related activities.

These are some of the things you can pay attention to while deciding on which day you should send your cold email for outreach. 

Now we know that the timing of your cold email plays a crucial role in its effectiveness. But did you know for maximum engagement and effectiveness, there are other factors you must considering? 

Let’s explore them (beyond the right timing).

Other factors to consider to get positive responses

Your outreach success isn’t solely determined by the time you have sent it. There are other crucial factors at play, hidden beneath the surface, that can make or break your outreach success. 

Let’s discuss some other important factors that truly make a difference in connecting with others.

1) Personalization

Taking the time to personalize your emails can make a world of difference. It shows that you’ve put effort into understanding the recipient and their unique situation.

Addressing them by their name and tailoring your message to their needs or interests creates a stronger connection. People appreciate that personal touch and are more likely to respond positively when they feel valued as an individual.

But, when you personalize your outreach message, you must also consider your prospect’s needs and interests. 

2) Recipient’s needs and interests

When you receive an email that speaks directly to your interests or addresses a specific problem you’re facing, doesn’t it grab your attention? The same applies to your recipients. By sending targeted emails that resonate with their individual needs, you significantly increase the likelihood of receiving a positive response. 

You can address their pain points, highlight relevant solutions, or even share exclusive offers that align with their interests. By doing so, you demonstrate that you understand their unique circumstances and are genuinely invested in providing value.

Now that you have sent a personalized and targeted email to your recipients, some may respond immediately, while others may need a gentle nudge or a reminder. A well-crafted follow-up email can remind them of the value you offer and reinforces the relevance of your initial message.

3) Follow-ups

It’s not uncommon for people to have busy schedules and overflowing inboxes. As a result, it’s possible that your carefully crafted initial email may have been inadvertently overlooked by some recipients. This is where the power of a well-executed follow-up email comes into play.

By bringing your initial message back to their attention, you increase the likelihood of receiving a response. However, it’s crucial to approach follow-ups with care. 

You don’t want to come across as pushy, desperate, or annoying. The key is to be polite and considerate in your follow-up communication.

So now you have a perfectly-written outreach message and have also sent follow-ups. What now? You must also track and analyze your outreach emails to determine their performance. 

4) Tracking and Analyzing

Tracking and analyzing metrics like deliverability rate, open rate, click-through rate, and response rate are key to understanding the success of your cold email campaigns. When you keep an eye on these numbers, you can fine-tune your approach, optimize your content, and ultimately boost the effectiveness of your outreach efforts.

a) Deliverability rate First things first – deliverability rate. It’s all about making sure your emails actually reach your recipients’ inboxes without bouncing back. By keeping an eye on your deliverability rate, you can ensure that your emails are successfully landing in the right place. If your deliverability rate is low, investigate possible issues like spam filters or the quality of your email list.

b) Open rate- The open rate tells you the percentage of people who actually open your emails. A higher open rate means more people are intrigued by your email, which is a great sign for your outreach efforts.

c) Click-through rate- They are also crucial as they indicate whether your recipients are taking the desired action. It measures the percentage of recipients who not only open your email but also click on the links within it. To boost your CTR, you can experiment with clear call-to-action buttons, valuable content that piques interest, and strategic placement of hyperlinks. 

d) Response rate- Of course, the ultimate goal of your cold email is to get a response. The response rate measures how many recipients actually respond to your email. When someone takes the time to reply, it means you’ve successfully captured their attention and sparked their interest.

Analyzing these metrics helps you identify patterns and trends in the performance of your email campaigns.

These are some of the important factors to look out for while sending your cold emails. But doing all of these things manually will not take up your time and energy, which you could otherwise use for better things.

Worry not! An email outreach tool is all you need. Let’s see how Saleshandy can help you with that.

How can Saleshandy help you to boost your positive responses?

Saleshandy is an excellent tool for automating your cold email outreach that allows you to send personalized emails to multiple recipients at once while ensuring that your emails reach their intended recipients.


One of the great things about Saleshandy is that it sends out your cold emails individually, making them look like they were sent manually by a person. This helps to make your emails feel more personal and increases the chances of getting a response.

Here are some other features which makes it an ideal email outreach tool for a majority of businesses:

1) Personalization – Saleshandy comes packed with some really amazing features that take email personalization to a whole new level. With the spintax feature, you can generate multiple versions of your message, adding a touch of individuality to each one. The tool also offers merge tags, which let you insert personalized information, like the recipient’s name or company, dynamically. 


2) Scheduling – You can compose your email, select the desired date and time, and let Saleshandy take care of the rest. It ensures that your emails are delivered precisely when you want them to be, increasing the chances of getting noticed and improving your overall email outreach strategy.


3) Automated follow-ups -This feature takes the hassle out of manually tracking and sending follow-up emails by automating the entire process. You can easily set up customized follow-up sequences that are tailored to your specific needs. Once you’ve crafted your follow-up sequence, Saleshandy will automatically send out the designated emails at predefined intervals.


4) Sequence report – With the sequence report feature, you can track crucial metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, reply rates, and conversion rates for each step of your email sequence. This allows you to gauge the effectiveness of your emails and identify areas for improvement.

Sequence report

5) Cost-effective and scalable – Saleshandy offers the flexibility to choose the plan that suits your budget and business goals. This way, you can get the freedom to adapt and grow at your own pace. Whether you’re a small startup just off the ground or a large enterprise with a growing customer base, the pricing plan covers everything.

Get your cold emails delivered at the right time

Now that you have discovered the best time to send an outreach email, you can devise a winning outreach email strategy for remarkable success. However, always remember that successful outreach is not only about timing but also about crafting compelling content, personalization, and building relationships with your recipients. By combining these elements with the right timing, you can significantly improve your chances of achieving remarkable success with your outreach emails.

To maximize your outreach efforts, use Saleshandy, a powerful cold email tool that can help you determine the optimal time for sending emails based on your target persona. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to enhance your email outreach strategy. Try Saleshandy today and take your outreach efforts to new heights!

Skyrocket your conversion rates with cold emailing

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