


Altum Strategy's Lead Generation Success with Saleshandy

About Company

Altum Strategy, a dynamic and agile consulting firm, has made significant strides in the realm of advisory services. With a diverse portfolio spanning industries such as manufacturing, life sciences, private equity, restaurants, technology, venture capital, and financial services, Altum Strategy offers tailored solutions to its clients.


  1. Sending mass outreaches to save time
  2. Tracking efforts in automating the workflow
  3. Overview of the outreach performance


  1. Quick and easy UI to launch campaigns
  2. Dashboard view for performance tracking

About Company

Sedin is an IT Solutions & Consulting company that provides services and solutions to both startups and big businesses. They offer a wide range of services, from developing software to analyzing data.


  1. Ineffective traditional outbound methods.
  2. Poor output due to manual outreach.
  3. No framework to implement outreach strategy.


  1. Deliverability suite and personalized sequences.
  2. Strategic cold emailing framework.
  3. Cold email automation.

About Company

Scando is a construction company based in Sweden that is focused on manufacturing and distributing high-quality ladders, scaffolding, roof security, coarse vacuum cleaners, and more to retail clients.

Altum Strategy, a dynamic and agile consulting firm, has made significant strides in the realm of advisory services. With a diverse portfolio spanning industries such as manufacturing, life sciences, private equity, restaurants, technology, venture capital, and financial services, Altum Strategy offers tailored solutions to its clients. Their services encompass:

  1. Operational Excellence: Streamlining processes for peak performance.
  2. Intelligence and Data Technology: Utilizing data-driven insights for strategic decision-making.
  3. Resilience, Risk, and Governance: Mitigating risks and establishing robust governance structures.
  4. Growth and Digital Transformation: Guiding clients through growth initiatives and digital transitions.

Brian’s Role in Lead Generation:

Brian Antell, the Communications and Marketing Manager at Altum Strategy, is at the forefront of driving sales initiations and outreach efforts. His aim is to engage prospects and stimulate heightened interest in the firm’s offerings.

He is a firm advocate of Saleshandy, praising its exceptional user-friendliness and efficiency in managing multiple sequences that target diverse service cohorts.


Challenge that Altum was facing

Reaching out to more customers:

One of the challenges Altum Strategy is encountering is the desire to send a large number of cold emails in order to reach a broader audience within a shorter timeframe. While this approach can be beneficial in terms of exposure, it also presents certain hurdles. Maintaining a balance between quantity and quality is essential. Mass outreaches may lead to a lack of personalization in the emails, resulting in lower response rates and potential damage to the brand’s reputation.

In order to cope with the volume of cold emails being sent, Altum Strategy is likely considering automation of their outreach workflow. Having a smaller team size made this one of the key challenges for the firm. 


Altum Strategy is also dealing with the need to evaluate and track the performance of their outreach efforts. This involves analyzing metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, response rates, and conversion rates. By assessing these metrics, the company can gain insights into the effectiveness of their cold email campaigns and make data-driven decisions for optimization. However, interpreting these metrics accurately and making necessary adjustments can be complex.

Solutions to Altum problems

Lead Generation Strategy with Saleshandy:

Altum Strategy employs a highly refined Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) to craft a laser-focused prospect list for their campaigns. Each list is meticulously scrutinized to ensure precision targeting and to reach the most relevant audience.

Their lead generation process involves:

  1. List Synthesis: Altum Strategy curates their narrowed ICP lists and uploads them into the Saleshandy platform.

  2. Outreach Campaigns: Utilizing Saleshandy’s capabilities, the firm executes compelling outreach campaigns that yield impressive outcomes.

  3. Successful Outcomes: The meticulously crafted campaigns result in healthy open rates, robust click-through rates, and substantial reply rates.

Measuring Success and Objectives

Altum Strategy’s primary objective is to engage their Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) and foster interest in their array of services. The campaigns aim to prompt ICPs to schedule sales or demo calls with the firm, saving time that would otherwise be spent on manual outreach.

Success Metrics and Future Goals

Altum Strategy’s campaigns have consistently yielded remarkable results:

– Open Rates: Up to 30%
– Click-through and Reply Rates: Strong and healthy

Brian's Insights on Saleshandy

Brian Antell highlights his reliance on Saleshandy’s dashboard, which serves as a central hub for his interactions with the platform. The comprehensive dashboard provides intricate insights into campaign performance, aiding strategic decision-making.

The dashboard reveals:

– Who opened the email
– Who booked a meeting
– Who clicked on relevant links

This data-rich dashboard enables Altum Strategy to gain a comprehensive view of their campaigns’ impact and informs their ongoing optimization efforts.

Conclusion: A New Dawn in Lead Generation with Saleshandy

Altum Strategy’s partnership with Saleshandy has significantly transformed their lead generation efforts. By integrating Saleshandy’s features into their strategy, Brian Antell and his team have tapped into the power of precision targeting, efficient campaign management, and insightful analytics. The successful collaboration illustrates how a strategic approach, combined with innovative tools, can yield impressive outcomes in lead generation.

Altum Strategy’s journey exemplifies the fusion of data-driven decision-making and cutting-edge technology to drive engagement, optimize outreach, and cultivate valuable leads.

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