


Omni Online Strategies scaled their outreach switching to Saleshandy

About Company

Omni Online is a cold emial agency helping businesses reach new heights through innovative and strategic outreach tactics.


  1. Deliverability Concerns and Zoho Mail Restrictions
  2. Scaling Email Outreach Efficiently
  3. Managing Post-Gmail API Policy Change


  1. Cold email automation
  2. Unified Inbox
  3. Deliverability Suite

About Company

Sedin is an IT Solutions & Consulting company that provides services and solutions to both startups and big businesses. They offer a wide range of services, from developing software to analyzing data.


  1. Ineffective traditional outbound methods.
  2. Poor output due to manual outreach.
  3. No framework to implement outreach strategy.


  1. Deliverability suite and personalized sequences.
  2. Strategic cold emailing framework.
  3. Cold email automation.

Navigating constant changes in the cold email landscape while efficiently scaling campaigns poses big challenges for agencies. The right approach is key to quickly adapting when email providers impose new policies.

There are cold email agencies like Omni Online Strategies that overcome obstacles with new changes in the cold emailing game and ensure client success despite challenging conditions.

Let’s read how Omni Online leveraged Saleshandy to smoothly transition from Zoho Mail’s restrictions to turn their industry challenges into opportunities.

Challenges that Omni Online faced

Omni Online, like many other agencies, faced a setback when Zoho Mail suddenly restricted cold email activities. They relied on Zoho Mail for their outreach mailboxes. This abrupt change required them to quickly adapt and find new solutions to maintain effective email campaigns.

They faced another hurdle in efficiently scaling email volume across client accounts with varied lead requirements. Managing multiple mailboxes without compromising deliverability or performance was challenging. A lot was going on.

Omni Online faced another curveball when Gmail’s warmup policy changed. Because IMAP warmup was limited, they needed new methods of ensuring that emails arrived at the targeted inboxes.

Rapid changes in the mailbox and ESP policies created frustrations, and managing this and ongoing processes was difficult for Joshua.

Solutions to Omni Online problems

Many of Joshua’s clients were already using Saleshandy. Still, to ensure that continuous changes from ESP don’t jeopardize the client’s campaign, he decided to go with a Saleshandy agency account.

Saleshandy proved to be one of the tools that adapted to fast to all the changes that different ESPs brought in with its wide range of features and flexibility:

Seamless Transition from Zoho Mail Restrictions

When Zoho Mail tightened restrictions, Omni Online knew they needed to adapt to protect their client campaigns quickly.

They decided to transition to Saleshandy’s agency account for the flexibility to adjust to changes. Saleshandy’s diverse features, like mailbox warmups and multi-mailbox support, enabled a smooth transition from Zoho Mail.

Connecting numerous mailboxes and rotating IPs proved crucial for Omni Online to maintain deliverability after the Zoho Mail limitations.

Efficiently Scaling Email Outreach

Omni Online significantly enhanced its efficiency by leveraging Saleshandy’s unlimited email account feature.

This capability and volume-based pricing empowered them to scale their operations seamlessly.

The flexibility to connect unlimited email accounts without incurring additional charges per seat proved key in meeting their client’s rapidly changing needs.

By combining outreach strategies and Saleshandy’s scalable solutions, Omni was able to provide both tailored and cost-efficient strategies to their clients.

Strategic cold emailing helped overcome Gmail’s policies

When Gmail changed its emailing policies, Saleshandy swiftly implemented and adopted changes in the platform to ensure the best deliverability methods.

Adapting Omni Online to Saleshandy’s strategic emailing helped overcome the obstacle posed by Google’s policy change and keep client campaigns thriving.

Results so far

Omni Online and Saleshandy sure make a strong team!

Saleshandy’s features helped Omni Online adapt quickly when circumstances unexpectedly change. And their stellar support ensures that Omni Online doesn’t miss a beat when running successful campaigns.

This case shows the power of pairing strategic outreach with a partner ready to tackle new challenges. Together, Omni Online and Saleshandy turn obstacles into opportunities and prioritize their clients’ needs.

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