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How to Find Email Addresses: The Right Way

10 min read
4928 reads

In this corporate world, Emails are the perfect way to communicate with colleagues, acquaintances or any business partner. We all have been a witness to how Email Marketing and Cold Emailing are an integral part of everyone’s marketing strategy even today.

But do we always have emails of the people we want to contact or people who could be our possible prospect? I can see you shaking your head and saying NO! We are always wondering How to find an email address of this or that person.

It’s an altogether a big task to find email addresses.

But there are so many ways and tools that are a lifesaver when it comes to finding an email.

Here are some of the Email Finding Tools that will help you find an email address of almost anyone:

  • Saleshandy Connect
  • AeroLeads
  • eMail-Prospector
  • Clearbit
  • Email Hunter
  • Voila Norbert
  • FindThatLead

Apart from these, there are many other email finding tools and we have jotted it down just for you with their pricing, integrations, usage in one place: Top 15 Email Finding and List Building Tools

What if these tools weren’t there to rescue you from this tedious, time consuming and mind scratching task? How will you survive?

Don’t worry, we have got you covered. Besides such tools, there are 5 unique ways which will help you find email addresses the right way.

1. LinkedIn Search

When it comes to finding someone on a professional level, LinkedIn is the best place to look. We all know how huge LinkedIn is. It has over 467 Million users with 71% from the US. I am sure if you will look for your possible prospect on LinkedIn, you are surely gonna find him/her profile there.

But you must be wondering that how is it gonna help you get their email Id. Don’t worry we are going to cover that too.

Just find your prospect in LinkedIn’s search bar and send them a connection request. After that, you can get their email address like this:

linkedin search

I know this doesn’t seem like an ideal way but everybody now-a-days actively use LinkedIn and you will be amazed at how quickly people respond on LinkedIn.

Pro Tip: When sending the connection to your prospect, send a note along with that. This makes them accept your request a lot quicker.

Linkedin Search 2

Now, this was the easiest way a person can find an email address but it takes a bit longer as the other person has to accept your connection request and it is a possibility that he might not add you to his/her connection.

If you are already connected with more than one prospects on LinkedIn and want their email addresses, LinkedIn gives an option to export your connection’s data and that will include email addresses as well.

Steps to do the same:

Step 1: In LinkedIn’s Homepage, Go to Me and then Go to Settings and Privacy.

Step 2: In settings, scroll down and select “Getting an archive of your date”

Step 3: When you will click on the option as mentioned above, it will look something like this:

request archive

Always use the default option of “Fast File only” and then select “Request archive” option. When you select that option, LinkedIn will ask for your account’s password.

Step 4: After typing in your password, You will just have to wait.

Step 5: Check after some time, it will be ready, and you just have to click on download button.

2. Google Search

Of course, you knew that. There is a basic way and then there is an advance way to do this. Here is the basic way:

[name] + email (or) email address

[name] + contact (or) contact information (or) contact me

And there are chances that this won’t work and if it doesn’t you can try running a website-wide search like this: + [name] + email + [name] + contact

You can try more google advance search options mentioned below:

Adding Personal Information to the Search

We generally type in the prospect’s name in Google to search for his/her email address and name if unique serves the better purpose most of the time. But for more common ones there will be a big list to tackle.

Say, if the name of your prospect is John Smith (we know how common this name is), then you will get a long, long list. In these cases, One can search more accurately by adding personal information to it. For example instead of giving just the name “John Smith,” add his hometown, company name, profession, etc while searching. This will help you to find the prospect’s email address faster and easier.

For instance search, [name] +hometown

[name] + profession

Remember!! These filters, if mixed and matched, serves the best.

How to find email addresses google search 1

Apart from these tricks for searching google you, you can also use the below mentioned method:

Add “LinkedIn” and “ZoomInfo” to your Search

Adding LinkedIn and ZoomInfo can also provide you with the required information. You will have to add either of these two with the name of the person, and the email address of the prospect can be fetched.

[name] +LinkedIn

[name] +ZoomInfo

How to find email addresses google search 2

3. WhoIs search is a search engine for domains. This method of finding email addresses can come in handy if you want to contact the makers or owners or CEOs of a company. This lookup method will help you to contact the top tier management people who are the decision makers.

Here’s a gif to guide you through the process:

whois lookup

This was is extremely helpful but this is a drawback to this method too. While registering for domain, many people might opt for a safer option and make their public information limited.

4. Email Permutator+

If you have your recipient’s/prospect’s email address and their domain, you can use the email permutator to find their email address and here’s how:

Email Permutator+

This works in unification with Rapportive the best. After copying these permuted email addressed, paste them into the recipient line of a vacant email in Rapportive. After doing so, float your cursor over each email address in the list. The right email address will show the social profiles that match the person you are looking for.

Pro Tip: You can also use tools like Email Hunter which provides bulk email verifying. It can help you pick out the right email from the permutated ones.

5. Advance Twitter Search

Twitter is one of the most engaging platform. People on twitter love to interact, share and socialize and while doing so many a times they share their contact details on twitter like their email addresses. Of course, you won’t scroll through their twitter feed to see if they have shared their email address or not. This can be easily done using Twitter’s Advanced Search.

Advanced search

Why didn’t we use the word email to search the email addresses? Well, if we would have used the word email, twitter would have fetched a lot many tweets with email word in it as well and that would make the things messy.

Some of them might work, and some of them might not. And when you have no other option or can’t figure out where to go from there, you can always try the below-mentioned ways:

A. Use 123 People â€“ This is a wonderful site, which helps to find out email address, phone number, etc. of the prospects. But it is limited to people in the United States of America only.

B. No rules no regulations â€“ When all the above tactics fail to provide you the email address of your prospect, use “no rules no regulations” tactic. Shamelessly contact them in a nontraditional way and see how it pays off. Send that cold email pitch on:

  • LinkedIn DM
  • Tweet it
  • Facebook DM

Besides all these unconventional, unique and out of the box ways to find an email address, there are many companies and firms out there who do this for living. They help people and business with their prospect’s list building and also help them with generating leads for there business. Here’s a list to get you started with the same.

Bonus: “Top List Building and Lead Generation Services and Tricks”

A. Saleshandy Connect

Saleshandy Connect is a free Email Finder tool that serves quality leads within seconds. You can now grow your connections and business with the most reliable and verified source of data.

In addition to finding email, this tool verifies the email address of the lead with 99.99% accurate data, which helps improve deliverability. Except for email addresses, Saleshandy Connect is designed to provide accurate data to meet any Finder’s requirements.

It provides:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Designation

The plugin works best for Sales Representatives looking for leads, Outreach Specialists, Recruiters, etc. The best part about this tool is there is no daily, monthly, or yearly limit. You can search data for hundreds of leads through this tool.

Designed with the user in mind, Saleshandy Connect is an easy-to-use plugin.

B. eMail-Prospector

If your prospects are in a professional network Group, and you aren’t getting permission from the Group owner to join, then this software helps. With one click, you will be able to see a list of the group members, and with another click, it will give you the members’ verified business email address and phone#.

Emailprospect-find email

C. LeadGenius

Lead genius not only helps you with list building but it does a lot more than it. It will help you create a sales funnel for your company and also help you to reach the audience or prospects you never thought of reaching.

Dont buy

D. Interact

Interact helps you to engage with your more and which results in lead generation. It can also help you acquire more email addresses for your prospecting lists. It not only helps you build quizzes but you can interact with your customers using Polls and giveaways too. This will make your website more lively and engaging.

Grow business using quizzes


If you are too busy to curate a prospect list, then they will do it for you. They research and build hand curated ‘sold once-only’ prospect lists, targeted for your customer profiles. It is perfect for the ambitious Freelancer, SEO Company, Marketing Company and Web Designers.

And once you are done with finding an email address, you can easily send your prospects cold emails, sales pitch or anything you wish using SalesHandy.

Do let us know what tools, trick and tactics you use to find email addresses. If they seem good to us, we will add it to the list.

Skyrocket your conversion rates with cold emailing

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