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What is B2B Lead Generation? Strategies & Tools To Enable Growth (2024)

27 min read
10137 reads

Are you struggling to generate high-quality B2B leads to sustain your business?

Well, we have good news and bad news for you! 

The bad news is, learning how to generate B2B leads is becoming increasingly difficult due to the rising competition in almost every industry. 

The good news is, there are now plenty of B2B lead generation strategies, tools, and channels you can leverage to achieve your desired results. 

In this blog, we’ve shared 13 PROVEN B2B lead generation strategies to generate high-quality leads at scale. Additionally, we’ve also provided a list of tools you can utilize to help automate your B2B lead generation campaign.

B2B Lead Generation – Table of Contents

What is B2B lead generation?

B2B lead generation is a process to identify and attract potential customers interested in your business’s products or services. 

The process involves deploying effective marketing and sales strategies that help identify, attract, and engage with potential business prospects. 

This, in turn, helps you to generate high-quality leads, increase your sales, and drive business growth.

Types of B2B leads

There are four main types of B2B leads that are categorized based on their level of engagement and readiness to move through the sales funnel:

1. Information Qualified Leads (IQLs)

These are leads whose basic contact information, like name and email address, has been procured, but the customer hasn’t shown any interest in the products and services. 

These leads may have derived from filled forms or online customer engagement with your brand. IQLs are at the early stage of the sales cycle. They need further nurturing and qualification to determine their potential as a sales opportunity.

2. Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) 

MQLs are leads that have showcased a higher level of engagement and interest in your offerings. These leads usually have downloaded specific content, engaged with your marketing campaigns, or subscribed to your newsletter.

MQLs meet certain criteria set by marketing campaigns but are still at a nascent stage in the marketing funnel.

3. Product Qualified Leads (PQLs) 

These B2B leads are the ones who previously interacted with your product or service. They may have signed up for your free trial or used a limited version of your platform. 

PQLs show a higher level of intent and are considered more qualified than MQLs. They have utilized your product extensively and are more likely to make a deal. 

4. Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs) 

SQLs are leads that have been thoroughly vetted and are ready for direct sales contact. These leads have gone through a qualification process, either by the marketing or sales team. 

Such leads meet your target-specific criteria and indicate the likeliness of converting leads into paying customers.

B2B lead generation process

B2B lead generation process is a systematic approach used by businesses to attract, identify, and cultivate potential leads for their business.

The process involves acquiring a consistent flow of qualified leads that can be converted into paid customers.

Here are a few steps that showcase how B2B lead generation works:

Step 1 – Define your business target audience

The first step of the B2B lead generation process is clearly defining your ideal customer profile and buyer personas. This involves listing down the characteristics, needs, pain points, and preferences of your ideal customers that your business wishes to attract.  

Step 2 – Create attractive offers and lead magnets

Next, you need to create compelling offers on your products and services to attract potential leads. Many organizations offer prospects free memberships, trials, ebooks, etc., in exchange for their contact information. 

Step 3 – Drive traffic to your landing pages

Leverage various B2B lead generation channels such as cold email marketing, content marketing, and more to drive traffic to specific landing pages where prospects can access the business’s lead magnets and offers.

Step 4 – Capture customer information

Once your prospect has reached your website landing page, entice them with offers and encourage them to fill out an informational form with their contact details to access the provided offer. 

Step 5 – Nurture your leads

After you have successfully captured the contact information of your prospect, you need to build an active relationship with the customer using personalized communication through various marketing channels and interest them in your latest product and service offerings.

Step 6 – Categorize your leads

Depending on the varying levels of interest and engagement of different customers, you may distinguish leads into IQL, MQL, PQL, and SQL based on their readiness to make a purchase.

Step 7 – Close a deal

After gathering qualified leads for your business, your sales team must engage with the leads to address their specific needs and concerns. Also, the sales team must offer viable solutions for the problems by selling their products and services.

Why does your business need an effective B2B lead generation strategy? 

There are several reasons to adopt an effective lead generation strategy for your business. 

An effective B2B lead generation strategy can help: 

Amplify the results of your targeted marketing 

A well-executed B2B lead generation strategy yields maximum results from your target marketing campaigns. This is because B2B lead generation strategies help to ensure that your brand reaches your potential prospects that fit your ideal customer profile. 

Increase sales opportunities 

B2B lead generation is a great way to build a pipeline of qualified leads for your sales executives. The more customers the sales reps engage with, the higher the probability of closing deals and acquiring new customers. 

Higher business stability 

Lead generation can significantly improve business stability in a competitive business environment. B2B lead generation offers several business advantages such as: 

  • Better long-term relationships with customers 
  • Consistent revenue stream
  • Adaptability to market changes
  • Reduced customer acquisition costs
  • Brand authority and reputation

Availing these perks from effective lead generation techniques can provide substantial stability to businesses and help in consistent organizational growth.

Better market insights 

In addition to identifying potential customers, B2B lead generation also provides valuable market insights through data capturing. It gathers and analyzes accumulated data to determine your leads’ characteristics, preferences, and behaviors.

This helps you better understand your market and refine your offerings for optimal business growth. 

Enhanced business growth

Quality lead generation is non-negotiable for any business to grow. When you continuously attract quality leads to your business, the chances of converting leads to customers increase.

This invariably results in increased sales, boosted revenue, and overall business growth.

13 Proven B2B lead generation strategies 

  1. Cold emailing
  2. Content marketing
  3. Social media marketing
  4. Data-driven marketing
  5. Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising
  6. Referral programs
  7. Account-based marketing (ABM) 
  8. Chatbots and AI-powered assistants
  9. Influencer marketing
  10. SEO-optimize your website
  11. Direct outreach
  12. Video marketing
  13. Multi-channel marketing

1. Cold emailing

Cold email is one of the most used strategies to generate high-quality B2B leads. It allows you to directly target the decision-makers by delivering them your business offerings through the mail. 

To succeed at cold emailing, we recommend sending hyper-personalized messages to your prospects that instantly grab their attention, and entice them to try your products and/or services. 

When you write cold emails, be sure to keep the following three factors in mind:

  • Focus on creating compelling subject lines to increase your open rate.
  • Highlight the value you offer to pique prospects’ interest.
  • Provide a clear call-to-action button that compels prospects to take the desired action.

Using these best cold email practices, you can boost the probability of converting prospects into leads and drive more sales.

2. Content marketing

Content marketing focuses on building valuable and relevant content to attract and engage your target audience. 

With content marketing, businesses can establish themselves as an authority by generating informative articles, blog posts, and videos. 

This, in turn, can help to increase your brand visibility, leading to increased conversions and long-term customer relationships.

3. Social media marketing

Social media platforms provide the best medium to connect with your business’s target audience. You can leverage social media to create a strong presence on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram and engage with your potential leads. 

To generate B2B leads through social media marketing, we recommend you to:

  • Share valuable content consistently 
  • Participate in industry-specific polls and discussions. 
  • Provide valuable insights about your products and services to the consumers. 

As a result, social media marketing can significantly increase your brand visibility and website traffic, and generate effective B2B leads. 

4. Data-driven marketing 

Data analytics can play a crucial role in generating leads for your business.

Using data analytic tools, you can gain insights into the behavior, needs, and preferences of your customers. This helps you identify and understand your ideal target audience more precisely. 

In turn, you can create effective targeted campaigns using personalized marketing to generate more qualified leads for your business. 

5. Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising 

PPC ads are paid ads on search engines or social media platforms to promote a business. In this form of advertising, you need to pay a certain amount when a viewer clicks on your advertisement. 

PPC advertising includes conducting keyword research and building compelling ad copy to reach potential leads actively searching for products and services like yours. It enables a business for instant visibility and precise targeting by driving traffic to landing pages and capturing leads that have high chances of conversions. 

6. Referral programs

Referral programs offer a great way to incentivize existing customers to refer your business to their network. It involves providing offers and rewards to your existing customers for referring your product or services to potential customers in their network.

Referral programs are a highly-reliable for generating high-quality B2B leads. This is because a positive recommendation from a trustworthy source can add credibility to your brand and substantially increase the chance of converting a prospect into a paying customer.

7. Account-based marketing (ABM) 

ABM is a great B2B lead generation strategy that focuses on targeting specific high-value accounts that have the highest potential of turning into customers. ABM involves devising marketing strategies and messages to meet key customers’ pain points and specific needs. 

Using ABM, marketers can research and understand target accounts more explicitly to create personalized campaigns that resonate with the values of decision-makers. 

By implementing ABM into your marketing strategy, you can 

  • Build meaningful relationships with the customers.
  • Nurture leads within key accounts 
  • Increase the chances of closing high-value deals. 

8. Chatbots and AI-powered assistants 

AI-powered assistants and chatbots are the latest additions in most B2B lead generation channels. They provide automated, real-time, and personalized support to website visitors. 

The chatbots answer the most common queries of leads and engage them in conversations. Also, they provide recommendations of products to users to gather more customer information. 

Chatbots provide an enhanced customer experience by offering instant assistance to users. Apart from that, chatbots can even be used to analyze data, identify patterns, and personally interact with customers. They allow businesses to proactively engage with leads and provide timely & relevant information.   

9. Influencer marketing 

One of the most effective ways of promoting a brand and generating quality B2B leads is influencer marketing. With Youtube gaining tremendous traction globally, influencers have become the trending digital media elements, with millions of people following them. 

As a business, you can consider leveraging the trust and credibility of influencers in your industry and reach a wider network of potential leads. 

You can partner with influencers to:

  • Create sponsored content. 
  • Endorse your products and services.
  • Participate in collaborations.
  • Acquire more leads for your business. 

This can significantly expand your brand’s reach, build brand awareness, and generate more quality leads from their followers.

10. SEO-optimize your website

Optimizing your website with the right SEO parameters is directly linked to the growth of your organization. An SEO-optimized website has a better chance of being discovered by potential leads searching for your business-like products and services. 

That is why you must conduct keyword research, build high-quality content, optimize your website structure, and improve your website visibility to attract more organic traffic. 

In addition, ensure that your website consists of valuable information and offers a user-friendly experience with clear call-to-action buttons, so more visitors can be converted into customers.

11. Direct outreach 

It is a proactive marketing and sales strategy to reach out directly to potential leads and customers for lead generation. In a direct outreach strategy, businesses initiate direct communication with prospects through channels like not just email but also phone calls, social media messaging, or in-person meetings. 

The goal is to engage personally with the leads to address their needs. This improves the brand-customer relationship and ultimately leads to increased sales and customer acquisition opportunities.

12. Video marketing 

This form of marketing involves creating highly engaging videos about business products and services to attract and engage your target audience. 

Videos can be used to showcase: 

  • The products or services.
  • Provide educational and informational content.
  • Narrate compelling stories promoting business products. 

Leveraging the power of strong visuals, and effective storytelling, video marketing leaves a lasting impression. 

Therefore, you must leverage this medium to encourage brand awareness, communicate messages, and generate quality leads for business.

13. Multi-channel marketing

It is a marketing strategy in which multiple platforms and channels are utilized to reach and engage your target audience. 

This lead generation strategy combines various marketing approaches, such as email marketing, content marketing, and social media platform marketing to create a cohesive and integrated marketing approach.

Apart from it, businesses can also use attribution models to track and analyze the impact of each marketing channel on lead generation and conversions.

These models help allocate resources effectively, identify the most successful channels, and optimize your marketing campaign for maximum lead generation impact.

Best B2B lead generation tools and platforms

There are various B2B lead generation software and tools that can streamline your marketing efforts and result in swift success and growth.

Here are the best of them:


Saleshandy is a comprehensive and effective B2B lead generation platform that streamlines email outreach and lead nurturing.

Saleshandy offers multiple practical features like email tracking, document tracking, mail merge, and automated follow-ups. 

These features allow sales teams to manage communication effectively and improve prospect engagement. A tool like Saleshandy significantly improves B2B lead generation efforts and helps you acquire the most qualified lead for your business. 

Key Features:

  • Email Outreach Automation: You can create personalized email campaigns using Saleshandy’s auto follow-up emails feature and streamline your outreach efforts. This helps you achieve better customer response rates and acquire more quality B2B leads.
  • Sender Rotation: The Sender rotation splits your email sending volume amongst multiple email accounts. You can connect up to 50 email accounts and use them to generate multiple emails. This improves the chances of your email landing in the primary inbox of your recipients. 
  • Sequence Score: The Sequence Score tool provides insights on essential metrics of your emails, like the open rates, reply rates, click-through rates, etc. Using this feature, you can optimize your emails and create more efficient emails to attract valuable leads. 
  • Spintax: Spintax spins the content of your emails to give it a unique shape and form. This enables you to send more personalized emails with different values and offerings.   
  • Email Tracker: The real-time email tracking feature of the Saleshandy software notifies users when recipients open their emails or click on the links provided. This helps sales professionals to identify and procure leads who show interest in their business. 

Pros and Cons of Saleshandy:


  • The email deliverability toolkit enables you to send cold emails to the inboxes of your recipients. 
  • You get to connect with unlimited email accounts at no extra cost.
  • Features like email spinning, sender rotation, and email warm-up increase the deliverability of your emails.  
  • The email health assessment feature helps you assess and optimize your emails for optimal results.
  • Support for all leading email service providers. 
  • You can verify the validity and deliverability of your recipient’s email addresses using email verification functionality. 
  • Real-time email tracking feature helps reach out to users more frequently.


  • No free plans (Free trial available)
  • The software is limited to email communication. 


Below are the pricing details for Saleshandy’s annual plan:

Outreach Starter

$25 /Month
Start free trial

30% Annual Savings

  • Unlimited Email Accounts
  • Unlimited Email Warm-up
  • Sender Rotation Basic
  • Unified Inbox Basic
  • 2,000 Total Prospects
  • 10,000 Monthly Emails
  • 2,500 Email Verification Credits

Outreach Pro

$74 /Month
Start free trial

25% Annual Savings

  • Everything in Outreach Starter
  • Unlimited Teammates
  • Sender Rotation Pro
  • Unified Inbox Pro
  • 30,000 Total Prospects
  • 125,000 Monthly Emails
  • 10,000 Email Verification Credits

Outreach Scale

$149 /Month
Start free trial

25% Annual Savings

  • Everything in Outreach Pro
  • Sender Rotation Scale
  • 60,000 Total Prospects
  • 250,000 Monthly Emails
  • 25,000 Email Verification Credits

Customer Ratings ⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐

  • G2 – 4.7⭐/5 based on 500+ reviews
  • Capterra – 4.5⭐/5 based on 100+ reviews


HubSpot is another B2B marketing platform that offers features like lead management, marketing automation, and data analytics.

The platform provides a centralized system to automate marketing campaigns, track and manage leads, and gain valuable insights into lead generation approaches. 

Key Features:

  • CRM (Customer Relationship Management): HubSpot offers a centralized database management system that helps manage customer interactions and track leads.
  • Personalized Email Marketing: The email marketing feature helps you send personalized emails to engage with customers and nurture leads.
  • Content Management System (CMS): HubSpot consists of a flexible CMS that enables you to create and manage your website content, blogs, and landing pages with ease.
  • Sales Automation: You can automate several sales process tasks through the sales automation features of HubSpot. It helps track interactions with leads and customers.
  • Marketing Analytics: HubSpot allows you the measure the performance of your marketing campaigns using data analytic tools that help you make data-driven decisions. 

Pros and Cons of HubSpot:


  • The software has a user-friendly interface, making it easy to navigate for users of all skill levels. 
  • HubSpot offers tools for marketing automation that streamline repetitive tasks and help improve campaign efficiency. 
  • The built-in CRM integration feature of the software improves communication between marketing and sales teams, resulting in increased sales opportunities..
  • HubSpot offers excellent customer support and has responsive support teams ready to assist their users with all issues.
  • The software offers various lead generation tools, like forms, live chat, and pop-ups, to capture and convert leads.


  • HubSpot is a highly expensive software. 
  • The software offers a feature overload, making the software too complicated for some users. 
  • You get limited features in the basic plans. 


  • Professional – $800/month
    • Social media
    • Campaign reporting
    • Omni-channel marketing automation
    • Custom reporting
    • Teams
  • Enterprise – $3,600/month
    • Multi-touch revenue attribution
    • Limit access to content and data
    • Custom objects
    • Organize teams
    • Custom behavioral events

Customer Ratings ⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐

  • G2 – 4.4⭐/5 based on 9500+ reviews
  • Capterra – 4.5⭐/5 based on 5500+ reviews


Outreach is a sales engagement platform for enterprises to facilitate personalized and automated outreach across multiple brand channels.

Outreach empowers sales teams with features like sequencing, templates, and analytics to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of B2B lead generation activities. 

Key Features:

  • Sales Intelligence: The software offers data insights and data-driven recommendations that help prioritize leads and improve outreach strategies.
  • Sequences: Outreach allows users to build and automate personalized sales sequences using email and calls.
  • Pipeline Management: This valuable feature help enterprises control their marketing pipeline and maximize the results from their campaigns. 
  • Templates: Choose from a wide range of customizable email templates to quickly frame your emails and keep outreach consistent.
  • Follow-Up Management: With Outreach, you can streamline the follow-up process of your emails, resulting in better sales.

Pros and Cons of Outreach:


  • The automation feature that schedules emails for multiple addresses works seamlessly. 
  • The task monitor helps you stay notified of your task progress. 
  • Outreach helps keep track of every prospect effectively. 
  • The sequencing feature automatically adds the name, company, and other details of users to the emails, eliminating tedious tasks.
  • Outreach has some great integrations with partners like Salesforce that offer tools for reporting and monitoring data.  


  • The software is not suitable for small team members. 
  • The platform offers limited customization options as opposed to its alternatives. 


  • Standard – Price available on request
    • Full workflows for frontline teams
    • Manager visibility into sales activity, deals, pipeline, and forecast
    • Platform Integrations, API access, and premium support
  • Professional – Price available on request
    • Spot risky deals early with AI-powered deal scoring
    • Scale sales coaching with AI-triggered live content cards
    • Deeply understand buyer interactions with AI-identified call topics and reactions
    • Scale sales methodologies using templates
    • Improve forecast accuracy via pipeline analytics and simulations

Customer Ratings ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 

  • G2 – 4.3⭐/5 based on 3000+ reviews
  • Capterra – 4.5⭐/5 based on 5000+ reviews


Yesware is yet another email productivity tool that is designed for email tracking, templating, and scheduling to streamline email communication.

Yesware helps sales professionals stay organized and productive and enhances B2B lead generation efforts by encouraging email communication. 

Key Features:

  • Multi-Channel Campaigns: Yesware allows you to build multi-channel campaigns using emails, calls, and social marketing and attract maximum business leads.
  • Email Templating: Yesware provides many customizable email templates you can use to design and create your emails and their content. 
  • Attachment Tracking: Get alarmed when your recipient views your attachment. This helps you to take the right action to nurture the lead and turn them into your customer.  
  • Report and Analytics: Measure engagement and effectiveness of your email campaigns with Yesware’s reporting feature and optimize them for better results. 
  • Mail Merging: Yesware’s mail merge feature allows you to send personalized bulk emails to multiple recipients, increasing your chances of reaching out to more leads.

Pros and Cons of Yesware:


  • The software is easy to set up and use and offers a user-friendly interface. 
  • There is a wide range of email templates available in different tones, designs, and variants. 
  • The mail merge feature is highly useful in generating quality business leads. 
  • The sales automation feature improves productivity by streamlining repetitive sales tasks.
  • The email tracking feature works seamlessly by helping the sales team to offer timely pitches to nurture leads for acquisition. 


  • Only limited integrations are available with the software. 
  • The tracking tool needs improvement and up-gradations.


  • Free Plan – $0/month
    • Basic email open tracking
    • Basic attachment tracking
    • 10 Campaign recipients/month
    • Meeting Scheduler
    • Weekly webinar training
    • Email support
  • Pro – $15/month
    • Unlimited email open tracking
    • Unlimited email link tracking
    • Unlimited attachment tracking
    • 20 Campaign recipients/month
    • Personal Activity Report
    • Recipient Engagement Report
    • Email and phone support
  • Premium – $35/month
    • Remove Yesware branding
    • Unlimited Campaigns
    • Unlimited teams
    • Shared Templates & Campaigns
    • Team reporting
    • Centralized Team Billing
    • Customer Success On-Demand
  • Enterprise – $65/month
    • Salesforce Inbox Sidebar
    • Salesforce Email Sent Sync
    • Salesforce Email Reply Sync
    • Salesforce Calendar Sync
    • Salesforce Background Sync
    • Bi-Directional Activity Sync
    • Add Contacts to Campaigns
    • Import List Views to Campaigns
    • Salesforce Single Sign-On
    • Trusted IP Ranges
    • Customized Training
    • Dedicated Customer Success Manager
  • Custom Plan – Price on Request
    • Security review
    • Legal review
    • Salesforce Force Sync On
    • Managed package reporting
    • Salesforce Customizations
    • Salesforce Event Type / Calendar Sync
    • Prefer Salesforce Contacts over Leads
    • Scan Salesforce alternative email field
    • RingCentral Telephony Integration
    • Pay by invoice
    • Dedicated Customer Success Manager

Customer Ratings ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 

  • G2 – 4.4⭐/5 based on 700+ reviews
  • Capterra – 4.3⭐/5 based on 150+ reviews


SalesLoft is a sales platform that allows for personalized communication with prospects through calls, email campaigns, and social selling services.

SalesLoft offers features such as analytics, collaborative workspace, cadence management, etc., for sales teams to effectively engage with leads, track engagement, and drive B2B lead generation success.

Key Features:

  • Cadence Management: The cadence management feature of SalesLoft enables you to design and automate personalized sales cadences with calls, emails, and social channels.
  • Email Tracking: You can monitor your prospect interactions more effectively with the email tracking feature of this software. The tools notify you when a recipient opens your links or email attachments.
  • LinkedIn Integration: Contact and engage with your customers directly from LinkedIn with the SalesLoft LinkedIn integration tool and nurture more qualified leads.
  • Team Collaboration: Streamline your marketing approach and progress with the SalesLoft team collaboration tool that provides seamless communication between the marketing and sales team. 
  • Sales Automation: Save time and increase the productivity of your sales team by automating repetitive tasks and improving the results of your campaigns. 

Pros and Cons of SalesLoft:


  • Easy to set up cadence and email templates. 
  • There are various lead outreach options available in the software.
  • SalesLoft can automate daily tasks effortlessly.
  • The software provides accurate statistics on the marketing campaigns that help in better optimization of strategies. 
  • SalesLoft has a cohesive dashboard that is simple to use and monitors multiple activities. 


  • The customer support channel is weak.
  • Spam filtration can be improved. 
  • Multi-select option is not available.
  • No reminders for missed campaigning steps.


  • Essentials – Price on Request
    • Pipeline Generation
    • Rep Coaching
  • Advanced – Price on Request
    • Pipeline Generation
    • Rep Coaching
    • Conversation Intelligence
    • Full Customer Lifecycle Workflows
    • Opportunity Management
  • Premier – Price on Request
    • Pipeline Generation
    • Rep Coaching
    • Conversation Intelligence
    • Full Customer Lifecycle Workflows
    • Opportunity Management
    • Forecasting & Revenue Management

Customer Ratings ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 

  • G2 – 4.5⭐/5 based on 3000+ reviews
  • Capterra – 4.3⭐/5 based on 200+ reviews is an outbound sales automation platform that facilitates simplified lead generation through automated email sequencing.

The tool is potent and can be used for creating personalized email campaigns, tracking responses, and automating follow-ups to attract higher leads for the business. 

Key Features:

  • Email Platform Integration: Integrate with your enterprise’s most used and crucial business tools seamlessly and generate high-quality results. 
  • Email Scheduling: Schedule your emails to be sent at specific times for optimal delivery and reach out to leads with better precision.
  • Lead Qualification: helps you score leads based on their engagement and behavior with the product parameters. This helps you acquire better leads for your business. 
  • A/B Testing: You can optimize the subject lines and content of your emails using the A/B testing tool and create optimal lead generation results.
  • Email Validation: Validate your emails in real-time and reach out to your leads more efficiently with optimized strategies.

Pros and Cons of


  • offers competitive pricing. 
  • The platform has an excellent customer support channel.
  • You can send bulk emails to multiple recipients with ease. 
  • The software is regularly updated with the latest features and additions. 
  • The software offers an intuitive user interface that sometimes makes tasks easier.


  • CRM Integrations are tough to manage and access.
  • Setting up the software takes time and is a complicated process. 
  • The interface can be hard to use for non-tech users.


  • Free – $0/Month
    • 200 data credits/month
    • AI sequence generator
    • Chrome extension
    • Data storage
  • Starter – $60/month
    • 1 mailbox
    • 1K data credits/month
    • Jason AI
    • Email sequences
    • Basic reports
    • Pipedrive and Hubspot integrations
    • Chrome extension
    • Email open, click and reply tracking
    • Advanced data search
  • Professional – $90/month
    • 2 mailboxes
    • 1K data credits/month
    • Jason AI
    • Warm-up in Mailtoaster
    • Multichannel sequences
    • Advanced reports
    • Salesforce integration
    • Calls & SMS
    • Meetings booking
    • Triggers (automation)
    • Roles & permissions
  • Custom – Price on Request
    • 4 mailboxes
    • Unlimited contacts
    • Unlimited email search credits
    • Professional network automation included
    • Advanced API access
    • SSO
    • CSM
    • Premium support

Customer Ratings ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 

  • G2 – 4.6⭐/5 based on 1000+ reviews
  • Capterra – 4.6⭐/5 based on 90+ reviews


Mixmax is an email productivity tool to enhance email communication and streamline brand outreach.

The tool includes email tracking, scheduling, templates, and surveys. Using these features, you can improve efficiency in lead generation campaigns and augment your business growth. 

Key Features:

  • Mixmax AI: This is the latest feature of Mixmax that leverages AI to create content and generate quality emails and subject lines in seconds.
  • Sequences and Engagement: Reach prospects and customers with personalized messages via email, calls, and other social engagement channels through a defined pipeline structure.
  • Reporting and Insights: Track your sales engagement and marketing channels’ progress through analytical tools and form strategized plans for your campaigns. 
  • Document and Attachment Tracking: Tracks when your recipients open their email documents and attachments and create proactive marketing strategies.
  • Meeting Scheduler: This advanced feature of Mixmax allows you to schedule your meetings and set a time for them directly from the email.

Pros and Cons of Mixmax:


  • The software allows you to synchronize with the Google Calendar and schedule meetings and reminders.
  • The interface is simple and easy to use and navigate. 
  • It offers an advanced AI tool that produces high-quality lead-generation results. 
  • You can save your specific signature for different email accounts on a single platform. 
  • You can use multiple templates to create, write, and design your emails. 


  • Customer service is hard to access. 
  • Additional features are priced fairly high. 
  • The software frequently faces glitches and errors. 


  • Free Plan – $0/Month
    • Instant scheduling
    • Unlimited event types
    • Email tracking
    • Email templates
    • Email polls & surveys
    • Industry-leading security
  • SMB – $29/month
    • Mail merge
    • Scheduling on shared calendars 
    • Shared email templates
    • CRM auto-BCC
    • No “Sent with Mixmax” signature
    • Sidechat
  • Growth – $49/month
    • Email Sequences
    • Sequence personalization
    • Round-robin calendaring
    • Custom branding
    • Reporting & analytics
    • Basic Rules
  • Growth + Salesforce – $69/month
    • Salesforce integration
    • Email Sequences
    • Sequence personalization
    • Round-robin calendaring
    • Custom branding
    • Reporting & analytics
    • Basic Rules
  • Enterprise – Price on Request
    • Multi-channel Sequences
    • Tasks & automation
    • Advanced Rules
    • Delegated sending
    • Dialer
    • LinkedIn Sales Navigator integration
    • Admin controls

Customer Ratings ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 

  • G2 – 4.6⭐/5 based on 1000+ reviews
  • Capterra – 4.6⭐/5 based on 200+ reviews

Supercharge your business with Saleshandy!

Implementing effective B2B lead generation strategies is vital for finding and attracting new leads for sales. 

By adopting proven strategies, utilizing the required tools, and leveraging the right B2B lead generation agency, you can generate a steady flow of high-quality leads for higher sales opportunities, enterprise growth, and business success.


1. What is B2B lead generation?

B2B lead generation is finding and attracting new leads for your business through marketing campaigns. The process involves capturing customer information and offering them useful products and services through targeted marketing and other ways. 

2. How is B2B lead generation done?

B2B lead generation is implemented using a series of strategic steps in a brand’s marketing campaign that are aimed to identify, engage, and nurture potential business customers. 

3. How to increase lead generation B2B?

There are several ways through which B2B lead generation can be successfully implemented. Some ways include cold email marketing, content marketing, social media marketing, paid advertising, etc. You can find more B2B lead generation ways in the blog above.

Skyrocket your conversion rates with cold emailing

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