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How to Get Clients for Your Web Development Agency

31 min read
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If you own a B2B business like a web development agency, then you know how important it is to have a good inflow of clients.

With more clients coming in you can easily scale and grow your agency. But, getting new clients isn’t easy.

You cannot easily turn someone from being vaguely interested in your service to becoming a paying customer.

It requires carefully planning and executing well-thought-out strategies to find and close deals with prospective clients.

That’s exactly what you’ll find in this article.

Here you’ll discover 6 strategies specifically designed for web development agencies to generate more clients. You’ll learn how to reach out to prospects, nurture them, and ultimately convert them into clients.

Let’s get started!

Get Clients for Your Web Dev Agency – Table of Contents

Top 6 Strategies to Get More Clients for Web Development

Now that you know clients are the lifeblood of web development agencies, let’s take a look at the 6 tailored strategies that you can use to attract them consistently.

These proven methods will show how you can connect with prospects, demonstrate value, and ultimately convert them to happy customers.

From personalized cold emails to referral programs, these approaches will form a comprehensive client acquisition blueprint for your web development agency.

Let’s dive in and equip your business to magnetically draw more clients in!

6 strategies that can help you get more clients for your web development agency.

1. Cold Emailing

Cold email outreach is one of the most effective strategies that you can use to reach a large number of prospects and convert them into clients.

With cold emailing, you can send personalized messages to create a 1-to-1 connection with your prospects.

Moreover, it is a highly scalable way to introduce your web development services and generate new business opportunities.

When done right, it can be a time-efficient and cost-effective way to grow your business. 

Here are a few factors that you have to consider if you want to be successful with your cold email outreach.

  1. Identifying Ideal Customer Profile (ICP): The Ideal Customer Profile outlines the ideal target audience for your outreach. With a clearly defined ICP, you can tailor your messaging and strategies to effectively reach suitable prospects.

    You can identify your ICP by analyzing your existing client data to understand common characteristics, challenges, and needs. The ICP should have information about the industry, company size, and specific pain points that you’ll be targeting.
  1. Building a High-Quality Segmented List: The success of your campaign is heavily dependent on the quality of your email list. You can further personalize your messages by segmenting the prospects based on factors like industry, company size, or specific needs.
  2. Crafting a Compelling Subject Line: The first thing that your prospects notice when they see your cold email is the subject line. So, make sure it is compelling enough to prompt them to open your email.

    A compelling subject line grabs attention and sparks curiosity. It should be concise, clear, and relevant to the recipient’s interests or pain points.
  1. Personalizing Your Value Proposition: Your emails must showcase the value of your services in a way that resonates with the prospect. You can do this by tailoring your cold email to address their specific needs or interests.

    For instance, if reaching out to a retail business, highlight how your web development services can enhance their e-commerce platform.
  2. Optimizing Email Delivery and Timing: If you want your emails to reach the prospects’ inbox, then make sure to verify your sender domain and IP address. You can further improve your response rate by choosing an optimal time to send emails based on the prospects’ time zones.
  3. Technical Setup: If you want to avoid spam filters, then make sure your emails are primed for deliverability. This includes using professional email addresses and setting up domain authentication records like:
    1. Sender Policy Framework (SPF)
    2. Domain Keys Identified Mail (DKIM
    3. Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance (DMARC).
  4. Plan Your Follow-up Strategy: When your prospects don’t immediately respond to your initial email, you risk losing potential client engagement. This communication gap can lead to missed opportunities.

    You can overcome this gap by having a strategic follow-up email plan. You should also space your follow-ups – typically send an email every 2 to 3 days to maintain visibility without overwhelming your prospects.

    This approach keeps the conversation relevant and increases the chances of getting a response.
  5. Measuring Success and Analytics: It is important to track key success metrics such as open rates, response rates, etc. These metrics will help you understand the performance of your campaigns and give you insights on how to refine your approach.

These key factors will help you get started with cold email outreach.

Here’s a bonus for you – a sample cold email template that you can copy and tailor for your outreach campaigns.

Cold Email Template For Web Development Agencies

Let’s Give Your Website an Upgrade

Hey {{First Name}}, I recently came across your website and love what you guys do at {{Company Name}}! As the Founder of [Your Agency Name], we love building high-value sites for brands across {{industry}}. For your site, my team quickly brainstormed ideas that could help take your online presence to the next level. Most are simple tweaks like layout adjustments, extra info additions, or refreshed visual branding. If you'd like to discuss more, we can get on a quick call this [Add day] at [Add time]. Does that work for you? Cheers, [Your Name]

That said, it can be a bit daunting to manually manage everything from prospecting to making sure your emails are optimized to bring the best results.

So, is there an easier and more efficient way to make sure you’re following cold emailing best practices? 

Well, there is — you can do this by getting the right cold emailing software for your agency’s outreach needs.

The right software will help you:

  • Create personalized cold email copies and subject lines.
  • Schedule timely follow-ups.
  • Make sure that your email accounts and domains are authenticated
  • Set up your email campaigns for maximum deliverability.

Get More Web Development Clients With the Best Cold Emailing Software

You now know that an ideal cold emailing software can effortlessly help you craft personalized emails and automated follow-ups, all while making sure you reach high deliverability.

This is exactly what Saleshandy brings to your cold email outreach strategy.

With Saleshandy, you can focus on crafting tailored and engaging cold emails and follow-ups that show how your web development services can bring value to your prospects.

Here’s a closer look at some of the features that can help your agency reach and convert more web development clients:

  • Merge Tag: If you want to easily stand out from the hundreds of emails that your prospects get, then you should consider personalizing your cold emails. 

    This is exactly what you can do with the Merge Tag feature in Saleshandy.

    When you use this feature, you can include the prospect’s first name, company name, or primary pain points in your emails. This makes your messaging seem like it is directly written for them and can significantly increase your open rates.
The Merge Tag feature in Saleshandy allows you to personalize your cold emails.
  • Spintax: If you want to create unique variations of words and sentences with your cold email, then you can use the Spintax feature. This reduces the need to re-write email copies repeatedly and scales your efforts in no time.

    Here’s how you can use this feature:

    Type variations of similar phrases between {spin} and {end spin}, separated by a vertical line | (pipe).

    For example, {spin} Hey there | Hello | Hi {endspin}
The Spintax feature in Saleshandy allows you to create variations of words and sentences within your cold email.
  • Auto Follow-Up: If you want to increase the chances of your prospects responding to your cold emails, then you should consistently send them follow-up emails.

    Saleshandy’s Auto Follow-Up feature allows you to automate this process thereby saving you a lot of time and effort compared to sending manual follow-up emails. This way, you can engage your recipients without putting in extra time and effort.
  • Sequence Score: An email sequence consists of your initial cold email along with follow-up emails and their variations. It can be quite challenging to create a sequence that is optimized for the best results.

    Saleshandy’s Sequence Score offers a comprehensive evaluation of your sequence’s effectiveness. It assesses and scores your overall sequence, considering factors like the email setup, the sequence’s structure, and the copy. It also shows you areas of improvement to improve your overall score.
  • Advanced Team Management: The Advanced Team Management feature is designed specifically for team collaboration. When you have multiple people managing email campaigns, you want to make sure that they have access to all the features they need.

    At the same time, you don’t want everyone to be able to access sensitive data.

    Using the Advanced Team Management option, you can create roles like owner, manager, member, and admin for your campaigns. Based on their role, you can assign them access to specific data.

    Additionally, you can also take a look at how your teams have performed based on the prospects they have reached or emails they have sent.
  • Unified Inbox: When agencies use multiple email accounts for their outreach, it can get hard to manage various inboxes. This is where the Unified Inbox feature can come in handy.

    It brings all the responses from your various email accounts under one roof. This will save you a lot of time and help you respond faster.
  • Sender Rotation: If you want to improve the deliverability of your cold emails and scale them efficiently, then Saleshandy’s Sender Rotation feature can help you achieve it with ease.

    When you start your cold email campaign with Sender Rotation enabled, Saleshandy will rotate between different accounts to send your cold emails. This smart approach effectively reduces the risk of exceeding the daily email limit from a single account.

    As a result, you can improve your email deliverability and reduce the chances of your emails being flagged as spam.
  • CRM Integrations: You can now easily integrate customer data straight into your CRM platforms such as Zoho and Pipedrive.This will make sure that all your interactions with prospects are smoothly transferred and accessible within your CRM system.

All these features are tailored to help your agency reach more prospects, nurture them, and convert them into clients.

Here’s the best part, Saleshandy comes with extremely affordable pricing plans to fit the budget of agencies of any size.

  1. Cold Emailing
  • Outreach Starter â€“ $25/Month
    • 2,000 Total Prospects
    • 10K Emails per Month
  • Outreach Pro â€“ $74/Month
    • 30K Total Prospects
    • 125K Emails per Month
  • Outreach Scale â€“ $149/Month
    • 60K Total Prospects
    • 250K Emails per Month
  • Outreach Scale Plus â€“ $219/Month
    • 100K Total Prospects
    • 350K Emails per Month
  1. B2B Lead Finder
    (Only Email)
  • Lead Starter â€“ $39/Month (1,000 Credits)
  • Lead Pro â€“ $79/Month (2,500 Credits)
  • Lead Scale â€“ $159/Month (5,000 Credits)
  • Lead Scale Plus â€“ $249/Month (10,000 Credits)

    (Email + Phone Number)
  • Lead Starter â€“ $66/Month (1,000 Credits)
  • Lead Pro â€“ $144/Month (2,500 Credits)
  • Lead Scale â€“ $269/Month (5,000 Credits)
  • Lead Scale Plus â€“ $509/Month (10,000 Credits)

Saleshandy is one of the most cost-effective cold email outreach tools in the market. At just $25/month, you can connect unlimited email accounts, warm them, and start your outreach to 2,000 prospects.

2. Cold Calling

Another direct strategy that you can use to get more clients for your web development agency is cold calling.

Surveys have shown that almost 70% of sellers have been able to book meetings through cold calls (This is second to emails!).

Read More: Cold Email vs Cold Call: Which is More Effective in 2023?

That said, cold calling is a game of patience — you have to continuously optimize your opening script and pitch to get your prospects interested.

Once you find the ideal script and pitch, you will be able to engage and build a rapport with your prospects.

One of the unique advantages that cold calling offers agencies is that you can quickly qualify leads. This will save you time that you can spend to focus on those leads that are most likely to convert.

You can directly ask questions to gauge a prospect’s interest level and project requirements, quickly identifying those with genuine potential for conversion.

For example, by inquiring about a prospect’s current web development challenges or future goals, an agency can assess whether its services align with the prospect’s needs.

Remember, active listening is crucial in cold calling; customers will highly value it if you listen and respond thoughtfully.

If you want to use cold calling as an outreach strategy in your web dev agency, here are a few things you should keep in mind:

  1. Team Training and Script Development: The first and foremost thing you need to do is to train your team on cold-calling techniques. You should also consider developing standardized scripts that can be customized for each prospect. This will make sure that your team is consistent and professional.
  2. Set Clear Goals and KPIs: You must establish specific goals for your cold calling campaigns, such as the number of calls made, meetings booked, close rate, etc. These metrics will give you insights into your team’s performance and help you find areas of improvement.
  3. Update Your CRM After Every Call: Every call that your team makes with a prospect should be updated in your CRM. This ensures that all your interactions are tracked, providing valuable insights for future follow-ups and strategy adjustments.
  4. Regular Review and Iteration: For the best outcomes, you should regularly review your team’s call and provide feedback on how they can improve. Based on your review and call outcomes, you can refine your approach, scripts, and target lists.
  5. Integrate with Other Marketing Efforts: The best way to get the most out of your cold calling efforts is to combine them with your other marketing strategies. These can include email campaigns or social media, for a more cohesive approach.
  6. Focus on Quality over Quantity: If you want to get clients faster, then prioritize making calls to a few well-researched prospects over a high volume of less targeted calls. This increases the chances of them engaging with you. 

Cold calling allows you to directly contact targeted prospects, qualify them, and build positive relationships through further engagement.

To effectively implement cold calling in your web development agency:

  • Train your team on best practices
  • Set clear call goals and qualification criteria
  • Regularly log interactions in your CRM system
  • Integrate with other strategies like email outreach for a cohesive approach
  • Prioritize call quality through careful targeting rather than maximizing the raw number of calls.

The key is to focus on ideal prospects that match your ICP. If you want to achieve results, consider tailoring conversations rather than using generic pitches.

When done right, cold calling provides vital human engagement to significantly advance the most qualified opportunities already within your pipeline. This blend of meaningful reach and personalization helps close more clients.

3. Social Selling

If you are looking for an effective inbound sales strategy that lets you interact with customers on a human level, then you should try social selling.

With social selling, you use social media networks like LinkedIn, Facebook, etc to connect, engage, and understand your prospects. 

Through active engagement on these platforms, you can observe and interact with prospects, gaining insights into their business challenges, industry trends, and specific needs.

For instance, by participating in discussions relevant to web development in LinkedIn groups or commenting on a prospect’s post, you can discern their priorities and tailor your approach to address those specific concerns or objectives.

For a B2B company like a web development agency, this direct interaction will provide you with deeper insights into potential clients’ wishes and needs.

It also allows you to build a strong customer relationship with your prospects while also strengthening your online presence and credibility, significantly impacting sales.

Furthermore, social selling isn’t just about acquiring new clients and retaining them. With continuous engagement through social media, you can stay in touch with your current customers and keep them informed about any new offers coming up.

Now that you’re aware of how beneficial social selling can be for your web development agency, let’s explore further. Here are a few tips to effectively implement social selling within your agency:

  1. Develop a Robust Online Presence: You can use professional platforms like LinkedIn to build a strong presence for your agency and connect with potential clients. and establish industry authority.

    Additionally, you can share valuable insights, trends, and best practices around web development to highlight your expertise and build trust.
  2. Engage in Meaningful Conversations: If you want to build your network and credibility, you should engage in conversations relevant to your industry. You can do this by commenting on posts, sharing insights, and starting discussions to build a robust relationship with your prospects.
  3. Personalize Your Outreach: When reaching out to prospects, you should personalize your messages based on their interests and needs. This will bring more value to them and get them interested in your offering.
  4. Educate and Add Value: You should focus on bringing more value to your prospects and positioning your agency as a knowledgeable leader in the field. You can easily do this by sharing valuable content that addresses common challenges or questions in the web development niche.
  5. Measure and Adapt: If you want to know if your social selling efforts are paying off, then track and measure engagement metrics. This will help you adapt your strategy accordingly to ensure you get the best results.

With social selling, you can build stronger relationships with prospects and enhance the visibility of your web development agency. This will help you get more qualified leads ready to convert into paying clients and ultimately drive more business.

Paid advertising is a great way to quickly increase your web development agency’s visibility and reach a broad target audience.

When compared with organic strategies like SEO or content marketing, paid advertising can deliver results much faster. Moreover, the precision targeting options that are available in paid advertising will allow you to reach specific audiences.

As a result, you get both — relevant visibility and maximum return on investment.

Paid advertising can be done in two ways:

  • Social Media Platforms: You can advertise on platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram to reach diverse audiences.
  • Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Campaigns: If you want visibility on search engines, then you can consider advertising on Google.
Market share of leading search engines worldwide.

When executed effectively, paid advertising delivers powerful outcomes. When combined with organic strategies like SEO and content marketing it can improve engagement and drive more traffic to your agency’s website.

Here are a few key points you should know if you’re planning to use paid advertising to acquire more clients:

  1. Define Clear Objectives: Success in paid advertising is based on how well you define your objectives and expected results. You should know what you want for your agency — whether it is brand awareness, lead generation, or direct sales.
  2. Audience Segmentation: You can tailor your ads more effectively by segmenting your target audience. This will make sure your messages resonate with your prospects.

    For instance, if you run ads for e-commerce and healthcare web development, segmenting the two groups will ensure your ads are running efficiently.
  1. Budget Management: When you are running multiple campaigns on various platforms, budget management becomes a critical aspect. By distributing your budget wisely across various campaigns and platforms, you can maximize your ROI.

    You can do this by allocating more resources to campaigns that consistently yield the best results, ensuring a more efficient and profitable advertising strategy.
  1. Creative and Engaging Content: You can stand out in front of your prospects by developing compelling ad content that is tailored to their needs and resonates with them. This will help your brand gain visibility and engagement easily.
  2. Leverage Analytics and Metrics: If you want the best results from your paid campaigns, use analytics tools to track their performance. By analyzing metrics like click-through rates, conversion rates, and ROI, you’ll know how successful your campaigns are.
  3. Test and Optimize: Always look for ways to enhance your campaigns’ performance. You can do this by continuously testing different elements of your ads, such as visuals, copy, and targeting criteria, and optimizing them based on performance data.

Paid advertising is a strategic way to enhance your web dev agency’s market reach, complement organic efforts, and attract more clients effectively. 

5. SEO and Content Marketing

If you have an online presence, you can drive potential clients through your website.

That’s where SEO and content marketing come in.

When your content ranks well on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP), your prospects can discover your content and learn more about your business. Eventually, they could turn into paying customers.

Well-written content in your niche can also help you establish your agency as an authority.

When we talk about SEO and content marketing, it is important to know that both are inseparable.

Effective content marketing requires an understanding of SEO best practices to maximize reach and improve rankings. The content that is created must not only provide value to readers but also utilize strategic keyword optimization and formatting that caters to search engines. 

This includes aspects like meta descriptions, header tags, alt text, site architecture that facilitates crawling, internal linking structures, and more. 

Content is increasingly a vital ranking factor today, but that content must follow SEO principles to truly drive traffic and discovery.

Likewise, a solid technical SEO strategy means little without high-quality content to optimize. Factors like backlinks, site speed, structured data markup, and other technical factors are invaluable. 

However, search engines still base rankings primarily on content and how well it answers search queries and meets user intent.

Content gives search engines something to index while also attracting external links and social shares. As a result, engaging, valuable written content and rankings success become inseparable.

That’s why you should invest in creating high-quality content that educates your prospects and answers their queries.

Such content can help you build your web dev agency’s brand and trust with potential clients.

There are various types of content that you can use to educate your online visitors. The most effective way is to use a mix of various types of content to make a greater impact. Implementing these strategies effectively can be seamlessly achieved when you build on WordPress, a platform that not only supports but improves your SEO and content marketing efforts through its extensive features and plugins designed for optimization.

Types of content that can be used in content marketing to educate website visitors on your product or services.
  • Blog Posts: With blog posts, you can share insights, tips, and industry updates to engage and inform your audience.
  • Case Studies: Case studies are a powerful way to showcase your successes and how you’ve solved your previous client challenges.
  • Testimonials: Similar to case studies, you can make use of testimonials to build trust and credibility with your potential clients.
  • Video Content: The best way to explain complex concepts is through engaging videos. You can also share a behind-the-scenes look at your agency’s previous projects.
  • Visual Portfolio: A visual portfolio is a great way to highlight the skills and expertise of your agency.
  • Infographics: When you want to simplify complex data or processes related to web development into easy-to-understand visuals, infographics can come in handy. They are easy to share on social media channels as well, so they can drive brand awareness and engagement.
  • Industry-Specific Posts: Industry-specific posts are really helpful when you want to target specific segments of your audience effectively.

For instance, those seeking e-commerce web development will want tailored content that addresses their unique needs. This approach will help them resonate more with your agency. 

Each form of content serves a unique purpose in attracting and retaining your target audience. By using a comprehensive mix of various content pieces, you can educate and highlight your agency’s skills and knowledge in web development.

Now, if you want to be successful in your online visibility game, then here are a few points you should know:

  1. Keyword Research: Keyword research is the foundation of SEO and content marketing. You must identify the keywords that your target audience is looking for.

    By basing your content around those keyword queries, you can create content that your target audience wants to read. At the same time, it has a better chance of ranking higher in the SERPs.
  1. Quality Content: Your content must resonate and satisfy the needs of your online visitors. You can achieve this by producing high-quality, informative content that addresses your audience’s needs and questions.
  2. Consistent Publishing: The best way to keep your prospects engaged and improve search rankings is by regularly publishing content. By being consistent in content creation, you can establish your agency as a reliable source of information. 

    This ongoing stream of fresh content helps maintain reader interest and can lead to higher website traffic and improved search engine visibility.
  1. User Experience: Another important factor you should keep an eye on is load time and ease of navigation around your agency’s website. You should make sure your website offers an excellent user experience at all times.

    This is because an excellent user experience directly influences visitor satisfaction and retention, impacting conversions and search rankings.
  1. Analytics and Adaptation: SEO and content marketing are not one-time processes. You should continuously monitor the performance of your website and content to adapt your strategy for improvement.

SEO and content marketing can significantly increase your web development agency’s online presence and credibility.

The key to winning in SEO and content marketing is being consistent in publishing high-quality content. You can use this strategy to effectively draw in more potential clients organically and foster long-term growth.

6. Referral Marketing

When a client is satisfied with your work, they turn into vocal advocates for your services. Personal recommendations from someone you know carry more weight.

This is the essence of referral marketing.

This is why you should always focus on exceeding your current clients’ expectations, and then encourage them to share their positive experiences with their network. Exceptional service leads to enthusiastic word-of-mouth, creating a buzz that quickly spreads.

This way, the praise from your existing clients becomes a magnet for new high-quality leads, who can be easily converted into paying clients.

It’s quite easy to make use of referral marketing, you just need to:

  1. Identify Potential Referrers: Your best referrers are satisfied clients, partners, and even your professional network. They understand what you have to offer and are likely to recommend your services to others in their network.
  2. Ask for Referrals: Be direct but courteous when asking for referrals. After completing a project, you can ask clients if they know anyone who might benefit from your services. You can also consider offering a referral incentive to encourage clients to make referrals.

It’s as easy as that.

If you maintain excellent client relationships and ensure high-quality service delivery, it will naturally encourage clients to promote your agency.

Additionally, make the referral process straightforward, and also provide clients with simple tools or templates to refer to your services. Remember, the easier it is for them to refer, the more likely they are to do it.

Lastly, always be courteous and thank your referrers. This shows appreciation and also encourages them to make more referrals in the future.

As you can see, it is quite easy to find high-value clients for your web development agency through referrals.

Done right, this method can get you a steady flow of clients, and help you grow your business.

Read More: How to Get B2B Clients (8 Effective Strategies)

Ready to Get More Clients For Your Web Dev Agency?

The above strategies will help you attract a steady stream of clients to grow and increase the profitability of your web development agency.

When you perfect these strategies, you can expect to get quality clients for your agency.

The most successful and cost-effective approach to getting more clients is to directly reach out to your prospects through cold emailing, cold calling, and social selling.

Additionally, you can also use inbound tactics like paid advertising, SEO, content marketing, and referral marketing to complement your outreach efforts.

You may find it challenging at first to introduce these strategies into your agency. However, with consistency, you can create a client acquisition engine. This will automatically set you on the path to sustainable growth.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. How can I promote my web development agency to get more clients?

You can promote your web development agency using a mix of outreach and inbound tactics. If you want to directly engage and nurture your connection with your prospects, then you can try cold emailing and cold calling.

Additionally, you can use social selling and paid advertising for precise targeting, and enhance these efforts with SEO and content marketing for organic traffic. 

2. What tools should I use to get more web development clients?

You can attract more web development clients by using tools like Saleshandy for cold emailing and Google Ads for targeted paid campaigns. LinkedIn Sales Navigator is the go-to choice when it comes to social selling.

Finally, you can boost your website’s visibility with SEO tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs, and leverage WordPress for effective content marketing.

3. How can I grow my web development agency?

If you want to grow your web development agency, then you need to have a good inflow of quality clients. This can be achieved by building a strong brand using strategies like cold emailing, paid advertising, SEO, and content marketing to attract potential clients.

By consistently delivering value and maintaining strong client relationships, you can easily grow your agency.

Skyrocket your conversion rates with cold emailing

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