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50 Follow-Up Email Subject Line Examples &Tips(2024)

12 min read
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Approaching prospects through emails is hard, and getting a response is even harder. Unfortunately, most people do not respond to initial emails, making follow-up emails a crucial component of any outreach strategy. 

Even with a follow-up email, getting a response can be tough if your subject line doesn’t grab their attention. Therefore, every follow-up email you send must have a subject line that instantly resonates with your recipients’ needs. 

But how do you write such an email subject line every time you send a follow-up email? Well, fear not, as we’re here to help you in your quest to find that perfect follow-up email subject line. 

We’ve curated a list of 50 follow-up email subject lines that are guaranteed to pique their interest and encourage your recipients to open your email. But before we go through with the list of examples, understanding the importance of subject lines is crucial.

Why Follow-up Email Subject Line Matter?

How likely are you to respond to a follow up email with the subject line like “Hey there waiting for your response”? Not much, right?

There are plenty of reasons why you should take follow-up email subject lines seriously. Here are some of them. 

  • Catching the reader’s attention: People receive tons of emails every day, and they are likely to skim through them quickly. When you send an email with a well-crafted subject line, it will quickly draw their attention. So always make it clear, concise, and engaging, and give them a compelling reason to open your email.
  • Setting expectations: Without any context, the prospect is unlikely to open your email, as they are clueless about what you are offering. Thus, always state the purpose of your email and set the expectations for them. This will help them understand the importance of your email and prioritize it accordingly, reducing any chance of your email being ignored or, worse, deleted.
  • Encouraging engagement: A recipient won’t take any action unless prompted, which is why your follow-up email subject line should encourage them to engage with your email. You can present it in the form of a question, an offer, or a call to action. This helps you increase your chance of getting responses.
  • Establishing credibility: The email you send will speak volumes about you as a professional, so your subject line must be credible enough. Given that it is a follow-up, you must come across as a trustworthy entity. This way, the recipient will take you seriously. 
  • Increase open rates: When you send a well-crafted subject line of a follow-up, it increases your open rates. So putting that extra effort into writing an impressive subject line will do the trick for you.

By now, you must be convinced about what the follow-up email subject line might hold. To ensure the best chance of success, it’s essential to take that extra step and craft an effective subject line. Wondering how to do this? Let’s explore some examples of the best subject lines for follow-up emails.

50 Follow-up Email Subject Line Examples

Simply sending an email doesn’t guarantee that your prospects will read or reply to it. It’s time to up your game with attention-grabbing subject lines that will make your prospects sit up and take notice. Here are some of the best ones that will guarantee the higher open rate. 

Plans/Goals-Based Subject Lines

Subject lines that focus on the goals or plans of your prospects tend to capture the attention of readers and encourage them to open your email. You can do that by highlighting specific outcomes that your email can help them achieve. 

For example, if you’re promoting a weight loss product, avoid using a generic subject line like “Get in shape for summer.” Instead of that, try to make it more appealing. How? You can go for a subject line like “Lose 10 pounds in 30 days with our new program”.

The latter ensures that your prospects pay attention to the email and also get an idea of what your message is going to be.

Providing them with clarity of what you want to convey pushes them to open your email and learn more.

Here are some more instances of how you can write plans/goals based subject line:

1) [Name], Let’s Crush [Goal] Together

2) [Name], I noticed you’re focused on [goal]

3) [Name], saw you’re focused on [goal]

4) [Prospect], I thought you might like these blogs

5) [Name], let’s explore how we can work together

6) I wanted to share some exciting news with you

7) We have a limited-time offer for you

8) Can we schedule a demo for you to see our product in action?

9) We have a success story that might interest you.

The effectiveness of goals-based subject lines will depend on your target audience and the specific goals that you’re promoting.

It’s important to test different email subject lines and analyze your results to determine which strategies work best for your email campaigns.

Question-Based Subject Lines

What thought does a question evoke in a person’s mind? It makes them curious and grasps their interest. So using a question-based follow-up email subject line will prompt the recipient to open the message and read on.

It’s because, at the very least, they would try to understand the context or seek solutions by opening the email.

If you want to use a compelling question-based subject line, here are some examples that are ideal for you. 

10) Did you review our proposal, [name]?

11) Can we schedule a call to discuss your needs further, [name]?

12) [Name], Do you have any concerns we can address?

13) Would you like more information about our [product/service]?

14) Have you had a chance to try out [product/service] free trial yet?

15) How can we help you achieve [specific goal]?

16) Are you still interested in learning more about [topic]?

17) Is there anything we can do to earn [company’s name]?

18) Did our previous conversation answer all of your questions?

19) Can you share some feedback on our [product/service]?

20) Do you need any assistance with [specific task]?

21) Are there any roadblocks preventing you from moving forward?

22) Would you like us to send more examples of our work?

23) How can we tailor to better meet [company’s name] needs?

24) [Name], did you discuss our proposal with your team?

The use of a question-based subject line is an effective way to increase engagement and response rates, but always make sure the question is relevant, caters to the readers, and offers them clarity and specificity.

Read more : 15 Best Email Follow Up Software To Get More Replies

Promise-Based Subject Line

Another interesting way of making sure your readers are opening and engaging with your email is creating urgency or FOMO (fear of missing out). And a promise-based subject line does exactly that.

The use of promise in your subject line excites your reader to avail of something that is exclusive to them and them only. 

If you want to write a follow-up email subject line that delivers a promise, here are some examples that will work for you.

25) Our guarantee: the perfect solution to [company’s name]

26) Get More Leads and Close More Deals Today.

27) Expect the unexpected: we promise to exceed expectations

28) Stellar service: our team’s commitment to you

29) Accelerate your success with our promise to deliver

30) Our solution guarantees to fast-track your [specific goal]

31) Expect outstanding results: our promise to you

32) Let us simplify [specific task] for you with our solution

33) Unmatched quality: our promise to you

34) Our tireless commitment to your satisfaction

35) Unlock [company’s name] success with our groundbreaking solution

36) Support at every step: our guarantee to you

37) Say goodbye to [specific pain point] with our solution

38) Measurable results: our promise to you

39) Your goals are our mission

Before you use them, always remember that the promise you are making in your subject line must be genuine.

If you fail to do so, the readers will obviously get disappointed and lose trust in you, ultimately impacting your business.

So always use these subject lines judiciously and make sure what you promise is specific and true.

Conversational Follow-up Email Subject Lines

The lack of a personalized subject line in emails from companies or brands is one of the reasons why recipients don’t read them.

So you must use an email subject with a conversational tone if you want to establish familiarity and a personal connection with your recipient.

Using a conversational tone will give them a feel of a one-on-one conversation, and the email won’t come across as yet another generic marketing email. 

Use these professional email subject line examples to stand out in your recipient’s inbox.

40) I have some exciting news to share, [name]

41) Quick question, [Name]: [insert question]?

42) Just a friendly reminder, [Name], about [specific task]

43) Wanted to connect and see how you’re doing, [Name].

44) Any news to share, [Name]?

45) [Name]: here’s what we’ve been up to lately

46) Keeping in Touch

47) Is there anything we can help you with, [Name]

48) It’s been a while, [Name]. How are things going?

49) Have you heard about [topic]?

50) We need your input by [specific deadline]

Though a conversational tone appeals to the readers, always remember that being too informal or too casual in your subject line may not be appropriate for every audience.

Thus, you will need to customize your subject lines based on your recipients and their preferences.

Now that you know the best follow up email subject lines, it’s time to win the other half of the battle by learning its best practices so that you can write them yourself. 

Read more : 50+ Best Follow-Up Email Templates To Get Faster Replies!

Best Practices for Follow-up Email Subject Lines

The difference between receiving a response and being ignored can often be found in the subject line. So writing it is a sort of art that calls for finesse.

Here are some recommendations for writing a good one:

  • Personalize the subject line: Using the recipient’s name or referencing a previous conversation or interaction can help make the email feel more personal and relevant. This can also foster a relationship of trust with the recipient.
  • Avoid spam triggers: Avoid using terms that are frequently used in spam or promotional emails, such as “free,” “limited-time offer,” or excessive exclamation points. These could set off spam filters and reduce the likelihood that the recipient will receive your email.
  • Focus on the point: Keep the subject line short and concentrate on the email’s core goal. This can make it easier for the receiver to determine whether the email is relevant to them and what it is about.
  • Make it catchy:  Using catchy words in your subject line grabs your reader’s attention and entices them to open your email. This, in turn, will ensure that they read your email and take the desired action.
  • Exclude the word ‘follow up’: Using the word ‘follow up’ only adds to its redundancy and establishes your predictability because both you and your readers are aware that the email is a follow-up. Instead, make an effort to personalize it by outlining your goals.  

By following these best practices for follow-up email subject lines, you can increase the likelihood of your emails being opened by the recipient. 

Remember to always put yourself in the recipient’s shoes and consider what would make the subject line relevant, interesting, and valuable to them. 

But how can you efficiently do it? That’s where Saleshandy can be your help.

Let us find out!

How Saleshandy helps to create the Best Subject Lines and Automate Follow-ups?

Saleshandy is a cold email software that offers a wide range of features to help you streamline your outreach efforts and achieve better results. And one of its key features is to help you test your subject lines with A/Z testing.  

So if you want to create the best subject lines, Saleshandy comes with an integrated email assistant that notifies you of the length of your subject line, whether spammy terms were used, and the degree of personalization used, all in real time.

an image of Saleshandy's AI writing assistance

In terms of automating follow-up emails, Saleshandy allows you to set up a series of follow-up emails that will be sent automatically based on the recipient’s behavior, such as whether or not they opened your email or clicked on any links. 

an image of Saleshandy's Follow up feature

With your manual email efforts simplified, you can now focus on crafting a compelling message and get a step closer to making your campaign a success.

Ending Thoughts

Crafting a compelling follow-up email subject line is the key to the success of any sales outreach campaign. The examples provided in this list above will help you grab your prospects’ attention and ultimately drive higher open and click-through rates. But it’s not just about the examples. When you follow the best practices, you write effective follow-up email subject lines that yield better results – amplify your outreach success. 

And if you’re looking to take your sales outreach game to the next level, Saleshandy can help you streamline your sales process. So why wait? Start your 7-day free trial today!

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