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30+ Link Building Tools of All Time to Improve your Search Rank

11 min read
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Today, in this internet era, link building is one of the most important skills and talents one should have. It is almost an impossible task to achieve the optimum level of reach that one deserves without using these link building tools.

Saleshandy has curated a comprehensive list of best link building tools and categorized them according to the purpose that suits them the best.

Link Building Tools : Table of Contents

SEO Link Building Tools (Competitor analysis, Keyword research, and so on)

These tools will help you in optimize your links in accordance with its search engine optimization. From backlink analysis to competitive strategies, everything can be understood from these tools. When these tools are used effectively and various SEO strategies are followed , no one can stop an organisation from booking first rank in the google searches.

1. Ahrefs

Ahrefs SEO link building tools

Ahrefs is a tool set for SEO & marketing running on Big Data. It covers SEO audit, backlink checking, competitor analysis, keyword research and so on.
Price: Starting from $990 / year

2. SEMRush


SEMrush is a powerful and versatile competitive intelligence suite for online marketing, from SEO and PPC to social media and video advertising research.
Price : Starting from $999.40/ year

3. Majestic


Majestic surveys and maps the Internet and has created the largest commercial Link Intelligence database in the world. This Internet map is used by SEOs, New Media Specialists, Affiliate Managers and online Marketing experts for a variety of uses surrounding online prominence including Link Building, Reputation Management, Website Traffic development, Competitor analysis and News Monitoring.
Price : Starting from $499.99/ year

4. Moz


Moz builds tools that make SEO, inbound marketing, link building, and content marketing easy. It is a compilation of different productivity tools. It also writes informative content about SEO and backlinks in their blogs that caters to beginner as well as experts.
Price : Starting from $950/ year

5. Raven SEO Tool


The ultimate digital marketing platform for reporting on SEO, social, email and paid advertising campaigns. These tools provided by Raven are used by thousands of marketeers around the world.

Price : Starting from $1188/ year

6. Kerboo


Kerboo is a data intelligence and workflow platform for marketers. It is an award winning tool that is generally used by various roles in digital marketing including SEO Execs, Content Execs, Brand Managers, Affiliate Managers, PRs and Online Business Owners.
Price : Starting from ÂŁ2988/year

7. Spyfu


Spyfu provides you with the analyses of every keyword your competitor might have bought on Adwords, every organic rank, and every ad variation happened in the last 12 years.

Price : Starting from ÂŁ399year

8. SERPstat


SERPstat helps you collect keywords for SEO and PPC campaigns, determine the value of keywords, find keyword variations and search suggestions to expand your semantic core and also analyze the keyword trends. This results in a good SEO link building in your organization.

Price : Starting from $182.40

9. Netpeak Checker

Netpeak software

Netpeak Checker is a desktop tool for SERP scraping and data aggregation from top SEO services to analyze and compare websites in bulk. This tool allows you to research the backlink profile of the sites and compare URLs by parameters of Ahrefs, Moz, Serpstat, Majestic, Semrush, etc. Also, you can review domain age, expiration date, and availability for the purchase.

Price : Starting from $182.40/year

10. SE Ranking

SE Ranking is the most user-friendly SEO software for SEO and online marketing professionals. It can analyze competitors, select keywords for keyword lists, get rid of site technical errors, monitor backlinks, examine PPC advertising, and much more. 

Price: Starting from $374 / year

Link Finding Tools

In order to rank good on search engines, one needs to find right backlinks and link building opportunities. There are few tools that will help you with this procedure.

1. URL Profiler

URL-profiler Link finding tools

It is a tool which will analyse thousands of backlinks and provide you with the backlink of your relevance. It will save hours of your time and help you find relevant and high quality backlinks
Price : Starting from $239.40 Yearly

2. Scrapebox


It will help you with lots of things other than just finding a link. Some of its features are search engine scraper, keyword scraper, webpage meta scraper, domain availability, platform popularity, phone number scraper, bulk anchor creator, etc. These features will help you find a good backlink opportunity as well as do other miscellaneous analysis and tasks.

Price : Starting from $97

Contact Finding Tools

In order to deal in the digital space, we all need to provide each other with as much support we can and maintain a healthy competition amongst each other. In order to do that, we need some point of contact with which we can increase our reach and network resulting into link building. Here are some contact finder tools which will help you in finding the contact point of different professionals.

1. Hunter

Hunter contact finding tools

Hunter is a tool that will provide you with the available email addresses from any website you surf. It helps you with link building as you can directly mail the person and make them aware about your digital presence.  

Price : Starting from $468/year

2. Buzzstream


Buzzstream helps you find the data of your prospects and also manage it in an organised way. You can browse prospect lists, add contacts, and automatically find contact information and metrics through it. It could work as an amazing contact finding and linkbuilding tool.
Price : Starting from $288/year

3. Voila Norbert

Voila norbet

Voila Norbert is a tool that helps you find new email addresses and verify ones you have of people who matter most to your business. Generate a big list of sales prospects, build marketing connections or reach potential recruits, it helps you finding all of it and eventually helping you building links.

Price : Starting from $468/year

4. Clearbit


It finds any email available within a few seconds. Clearbit expertises in Gmail and outlook which makes it easy to get in touch with anyone right from your inbox.

Price: Clearbit is a free extension where you can find up to 100 emails per month. Although, their premium version is coming soon.

Outreach Tools

After finding the contacts of your prospects, you need to send them an outreach email letting them know that you are interested in building relations and links with them.

1. Saleshandy


It is an outreach tool which lets you track unlimited number of emails sent from your account in real time for free forever. It also gives you a dashboard which makes it easy to analyse the sent emails. Along with that it also provides mail merge, email templates and auto follow up feature which helps you in getting better link building opportunities.

There have been case studies where we have managed to earn 100+ Dofollow Quality Backlinks in a Month using Saleshandy. This tool is a must have for all outreach marketers out there

Price : Starting from $36/month

2. NinjaOutreach


It is a tool that helps marketers, bloggers, and entrepreneurs, as well as small and big enterprises with the lead generation. This tool automates outreach emails.

Price : Starting from $828/year

3. Outreach

cold Email software Outreach-io

The name itself suggests the utility of this tool. It provides multi level access to different levels of management making it a useful tool. It could be a great tool for building links by outreaching your prospects.

Price : Starting from $1,200/year

4. JustReachOut


It is a PR strategy building tool which also enables your outreach campaigns.  One can do a PR outreach to attract most relevant journalists and get press for your story on an ongoing basis every single

Price : Starting from $8364/year

5. AutoPilot


Autopilot marketing automation software is a way to automate and personalize your marketing across the entire customer journey. It is not a core outreach emailing software but provides a feature along with its other products.

Price : Starting from 1188/year

Link Research Tools

In order to get a related and a high quality link, you need to research upon certain aspects like Domain rank, relevance of the content, links on the page, etc. There are a few tools that will help you get these things done within a few minutes.

1. Bulk URL Analyzer

Bulk URL Analyzer

It enables you to analyze the SEO metrics of thousands of domains or pages, import thousands of URLs and identify the strongest link potentials by dozens of SEO metrics. It makes it closest to the perfect tool for link research.

Price: Starting from â‚¬ 2988/year

This price includes Bulk URL analyzer, SERP research tool and Link Opportunities review tool. We have mentioned it separately as they have separate purposes.

2. SERP Research tool

SERP Research tool

With SERP Research tool, one can work on link prospecting for dozens of keywords at once and also find the strongest link opportunities within a few clicks. It could be used as an effective link research tool.

3. Link Opportunities Review Tool

Link Opportunities Review Tool

It specialises in reviewing the opportunities of the links. So with this tool, one can check power and risk of a linking page before one builds that link, estimate unique Link Detox Risk® before it causes damage to your company and much more.

4. Monitor backlinks


The tool provides the overview of a domain, SEO metrics, keyword rankings, anchor text reports, and lets you disavow low quality links.

Price : Starting from $198/year


It is a free link research tool that enables you to check the backlinks of websites. At a time you can use up to 2 projects simultaneously in the free version.

Price : Starting from $552/year

6. SEO Powersuite


With  SEO powersuite, one can monitor their rank on search engine as well as analyse links. This tool helps you with overall SEO of your company resulting into great linking building efficiency.

Price : Starting from $299

Link Analysis Tools

Other than link research, you need to analyse the link. The link has to be analysed from various angles like where is the link coming from. What are the various pages that this link has been attached to, why to choose this backlink, etc needs to analysed beforehand. The tools providing you with detailed link analysis are these:

1. Contentbird


From Strategy to Analysis, Contentbird provides you with all of it. Their methodology helps companies to increase online visibility and win customers online.

Price : Starting from €468/year

2. Linkody


Linkody backlink tracker & monitoring tool helps you manage your link building campaigns. This tool is majorly used by marketing agencies, SEO experts, and webmasters.

Price : Starting from $134.4/year

3. Bright Local


It is also known as local SEO tool as its expertise lies in local link building and SEO. An SEO expert thinking about building the search rank of a local business must consider Bright Local as a choice.

Price : Starting from $ 290/year

4. Sistrix


It is a tool used by professionals who are field experts having an in-depth knowledge of the domain. It provides an interactive dashboard making it easier to analyse different aspects related to the link.

Price: Starting from € 1200/year

Link Removal Tools

Just like adding backlinks, removing backlinks is equally important. Your search rank can fall drastically low if you have your backlinks on spammy or unrelated websites. So these are the tools, you can use to remove those backlinks.

1. Google Disavow Tool


Any easy to use tool provided by google itself in order to remove and disavow spammy and low quality backlinks. It is made by google hence can be heavily relied upon.

Price : Free tool

2. Rmoov


When removing backlinks seems to tough of a job, Rmoov comes to the rescue. You can use it to ask webmasters to remove bad links from a single URL as well as multiple URLs.

Price : Starting from $588/year

3. Removeem


Put all your data related to link removal at one destination through Removeem. Till date, millions of backlinks have been removed using removeem and the list is continuing. It automatically checks your backlink score and provides you with the information in order to contact for link removal.

Price : $249 for lifetime

That’s not all

Hope you find our list of tested “Link building tools” useful. We will keep on updating it with time. If you believe that there is a related tool that should be on this list, then please do share its name with us in the comment.

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