Create Email Sequences in Minutes

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What Is an Email Sequence? Best Practices & Free Templates

42 min read
9477 reads

Sending just one email to a prospect is not enough. 

It’s like throwing a single fishing line into the ocean and hoping for a good catch. Sure, you might get lucky, but the chances are slim.

The truth is:

80% of sales require five or more follow-ups before you close a deal. 

That’s where an email sequence comes in. 

Your first email might land in the inbox and go unnoticed. 

But with an email sequence, you don’t give up after one shot. You send a series of well-timed emails that keep your message on their radar. 

It’s a structured approach to get your prospects interested in your business. 

In this guide, we’ll take a look at what email sequences are and how you can use them to grow your business.

Email Sequences – Table of Contents

What is an Email Sequence?

An email sequence is a well-thought-out series of emails that are sent automatically to people based on their actions (like opening or not opening your email) or a set schedule. 

Basically, you send someone a chain of emails, each with a purpose. 

You can decide how many emails you’d like to add to your sequence and when you want to send them.

These sequences aim to build a connection, offer helpful information, and eventually lead to a specific goal, like making a sale. 

Email sequences can turn strangers into happy customers who love your company.

You can use email sequences to:

  • Reach out to cold leads
  • Welcome new subscribers
  • Recover abandoned carts
  • Onboard new users
  • Promote your upcoming event
  • Re-engage inactive subscribers
  • Cross-sell and upsell your products/services
  • Send reminders for renewals

…and more!

The best part is that you only have to set them up once, and then they are automated.

That brings us to the question: What starts an email sequence?


Triggers are like the instructions that tell the system when to send each email. They are like the events that start your automated email sequence. 

There are two main types of triggers for email sequences:

  • Time-Based Triggers: With these, you specify when each email should be sent.

    For example, you might want to send the first email immediately when someone subscribes to your newsletter.

    Then, the second email after two days, and the third one, four days after that.
Time based triggers in email
  • Condition-Based Triggers: These are a bit more reactive. They send emails based on what your recipients do.
Condition-based triggers in email
  • For instance:
    • Recipient Didn’t Open the Email: If someone doesn’t open your first email within a day, you can automatically send a reminder.
    • Recipient Clicked a Link: If someone clicks on a link in one of your emails, you can trigger a follow-up email related to that link.
    • Recipient Abandoned their Shopping Cart: If you’re running an online store and someone abandons their shopping cart, you can send a reminder email to encourage them to complete the purchase.

What you need to do is set up your triggers and then keep your emails ready.

Then, the automated email sequence takes over. 

It sends out the right email at the right time, whether that’s based on a schedule or in response to user actions.

What Are the Advantages of Email Sequences?

If you’re still not sure if email sequences are worth your while, check out these advantages of email sequences:

  • Efficiency: With email sequences, you can set up a series of messages in advance. You write them once, and your email automation tool helps you send them out to everyone on your list automatically. 

    This saves you time and effort, especially when you want to send follow-up emails.

    You can schedule follow-up emails in advance, and the email sequence tool will automatically send them at the right time.

    This way, you don’t have to remember who to follow-up with or when to do it – it’s all taken care of.
  • Consistency: Consistency is key to building trust and recognition. If you send emails at random times or forget to update your customers regularly, they might lose interest or forget about your brand.

    This is where email sequences come to the rescue. You can create a series of emails that are scheduled to be sent out at specific intervals.

    For instance, you can send a new product announcement every two weeks or a monthly newsletter. With email sequences, you ensure that your audience receives your messages on time, every time.
  • Personalization: Using email automation tools, you can make your emails feel friendly and personal, even if you’re sending them to a lot of people.

    These tools can use information like a person’s name, location, or pain points to create messages that feel like they were just for them.

    This personal touch grabs people’s attention and makes them more likely to read and act on your emails.

    In simple terms, these tools help your emails work better by making them feel like they’re speaking directly to each individual.
  • A/B Testing: Email sequences give you the chance to test things out and see what gets the best results. You can try different subject lines to see which ones make people more likely to open your emails.

    You can also play around with the email content to figure out what keeps people interested.

    And when it comes to taking action, like buying a product or signing up for a newsletter, you can test different CTAs. With email sequences, you can keep refining your approach until you find what works for you. 
  • Better Outreach: Email sequences warm up cold leads, gradually building trust and interest, resulting in more receptive and responsive recipients.

    Instead of bombarding them with one big message, email sequences send a series of emails over time. It’s like making new friends step by step.

    These emails slowly build a connection, kind of like chatting with someone at a party.

    The more they get to know you, the more likely they are to trust what you’re saying and respond positively.
  • Effective Lead Nurturing: Email sequences are excellent for lead nurturing.

    As you send a series of emails, you’re not just bombarding the recipients with sales pitches loaded in sales sequence. Instead, you’re building trust slowly, just like how you’d become friends with someone over time.

    You’re giving them what they need when they need it, and this can turn these leads into loyal customers.

    So, email sequences are your trust-building tool, making sure your potential customers feel confident in choosing your business.
  • Higher Engagement: Well-written email sequences can lead to higher open and click-through rates.

    When recipients receive timely and relevant content, they’re more likely to engage with your emails, benefiting you.
  • Data-Driven Insights: Most email automation tools provide data and analytics on email performance. These tools tell you a lot about how well your emails are doing.

    For instance, they can show if people are opening your emails (open rates) or if they are doing what you want them to do, like buying something (conversion rates).

    You can also see if your emails are not reaching them and being returned (bounce rates).

    By looking at this data, you can decide how to improve your email campaigns to get better results.
  • Scalability: Whether you have a small or large email list, you can scale your email sequences to meet your needs.

    Even if your list of subscribers grows rapidly at some point, you can use the same email sequences for everyone. You can reach thousands of recipients with minimal additional effort on your part.
  • Increased Conversions: Email sequences can help boost conversions by winning customer trust over a period of time.

    For example, your first email can say hello and share something fun or helpful about what you offer. The next email can share more helpful details, answer common questions, or show off good reviews.

    And then, the third email can give them a special offer.

    This way, people learn more and more about your items or services and feel comfortable and excited to buy. 

By guiding people through a series of emails that educate, inform, and build trust, email sequences can increase conversion rates.

What are the Different Types of Email Sequences?

Email sequences are quite versatile; they’re perfect for warming up cold leads.

You can also use them to welcome new subscribers, nurture leads, and re-engage inactive ones.

Here are the five main types of email sequences for different use cases:

1. Cold Email Sequence

A cold email is a conversation starter with a potential customer.

In the same way, cold email sequences are a series of emails that you send to people who are not familiar with you or your business.

The aim?

You want to get people interested in your product or service.

In fact, sending follow-up emails can increase your open rates.

Cold emails that get more opens also have this feature in common: First, they focus on addressing their prospects’ needs and pain points. 

Then, over a series of emails, they show how their product or service can solve their problem. 

Here’s a cold email template that you can customize for your business:

Cold Email Sequence Template

1st Email (Introduction)

{{Prospect's Company}} X {{Your Company}}

Hello {{First Name}}, I know you’ve been facing issues with [Add pain points] at {{Insert company name}}. At [Company Name], we assist companies like yours with [Add relevant services]. Previously, we've successfully helped [Mention a few examples of companies] with similar challenges. Here is how we helped them: [Add results] We're confident we can do the same for you. I understand your schedule is busy, but could we arrange a quick call at your convenience? Let's tackle your [Add pain point] together and make things a bit easier for you. Cheers! {{Your Name}}

Cold Email Sequence Template

1st Follow Up (Gentle Reminder)

Re: Same subject line as the original email

Hello {{First Name}}, I wanted to check in again. We've helped companies like [Examples] and we can do the same for {{Prospect’s Company}}. Could we set up a quick call to discuss your [Add pain points]? Let me know your availability, and we'll make it work. Thanks for considering us, {{First Name}}. Let's chat soon! Cheers, {{Your Name}}

Cold Email Sequence Template

2nd Follow Up (Provide Value)

Re: Same subject line as the original email

Hello {{First Name}}, [Add pain point] can be challenging, but we can make it a bit easier. I've prepared a little gift – a well-research [Add relevant resource] on "[Add topic]. Would you be interested in receiving it? Just let me know, and I'll send it right over. Your success is our priority! Cheers, {{Your Name}}

Cold Email Sequence Template

3rd Follow Up (Schedule a Meeting)

Re: Same subject line as the original email

Hello {{First Name}}, I wanted to check in again after my previous emails and talk to you about how we can help you with [Add pain point]. We can discuss this further over a meeting; here’s my calendar link: [Add link]. Thanks for your time, [Add name]. Cheers, {{Your Name}}

Cold Email Sequence Template

4th Follow Up (Last Check-in)

Re: Same subject line as the original email

Hello {{First Name}}, Guess who's back in your inbox, ready to tackle the mystery of [Add pain point]? 🕵️‍♂️ Spoiler alert: it's me! [Add meme/GIF] This is my last email to you — hate to see you go 🙁 [Unless you send me a reply and we carry this conversation forward 🙂] Cheers, {{Your Name}}

Basically, it’s a gradual process of warming up your cold leads. 

While writing your follow-up emails, focus on the recipient and their problems.

And remember — Your aim is to help the recipient. Write your email content such that your product or service is pitched as a solution for them.

Also Read: How to Write a Follow-Up Email That Gets Responses

2. Welcome Email Sequence

When someone new joins your community, take some time to extend them a warm welcome. It may sound like a small detail, but it can set the tone of your relationship.

The reason is simple: 

When we feel welcomed, we feel valued. And when we feel valued, we thrive.

A welcome email sequence is your chance to make new members of your tribe feel valued. It is a series of emails sent to new users shortly after they join you. 

When to Use a Welcome Email Sequence:

  • New Subscribers: When people subscribe to your newsletter or blog, send them a welcome series to introduce them to your content and brand.
  • New Customers: After someone makes their first purchase, welcome them with a series that helps them get the most out of their new product or service.
  • New Account Creation: If you have a membership site, SaaS product, or app, use a welcome email sequence to onboard users and show them how to use your platform effectively.
  • Event Attendees: For virtual or in-person events, send a series of welcome emails to attendees to prepare them and keep them engaged before the event starts.
  • Course Enrollees: If you offer online courses, send a welcome series to students to set expectations and provide access to course materials.

The key is to make your welcome email sequences warm and informative.

Here’s an example of a welcome email sequence:

Welcome Email Sequence Template

Initial Email (Give a warm welcome)

Welcome to {{Insert company name}}

Hello {{First Name}}, Welcome to [Company Name]! We're really excited that you’re joining us. 🙂 In the next few emails, we'll share valuable resources that will help you understand: - Who we are - What we do - Why we do what we do We want to make sure that you have a great experience with [Company Name]. If you have any questions or need help, please don't hesitate to reach out. Cheers!

Welcome Email Sequence Template

1st Follow Up (Highlight value/benefits)

Re: Same subject line as the original email

Hello {{First Name}}, In our last email, we introduced you to [Your Company Name] and our mission to [Briefly summarize your mission or purpose]. Today, I'd like to show you what sets us apart: 1. [Benefit #1] 2. [Benefit #2] 3. [Benefit #3] We're excited to be part of your journey! In our upcoming emails, we'll share [Briefly mention what you, as a subscriber, can expect - e.g., product updates, tips, exclusive offers]. If you have any questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out. We're here for you. Cheers!

Welcome Email Sequence Template

2nd Follow Up (Invite to connect on other platforms)

Re: Same subject line as the original email

Hello {{First Name}}, We hope you're enjoying your time with [Company]. 🌟 Let's keep the connection strong: - Follow Us on Social Media: Join us on [Social Media Platforms] for updates and fun discussions. [Link to Social Media] - Join Our User Forum: Chat with others, share, and learn. [Forum Link] - Share Your Achievements: Celebrate with us! Tag us [@Company] and use #SuccessStories. Our journey together is what matters most, and your part in it is valued. Looking forward to connecting more! Cheers, {{Your Name}}

In this series of welcome emails, you also have a chance to tell them a little story about your brand, why you exist, and what you care about.

You can explain how your product or service fits into their lives and makes things better or easier.

You might also mention the values that are important to your brand, like being really good to your customers or caring about the environment. 

This helps new subscribers or customers understand what you stand for.

You also want to invite them to get more involved, like joining discussions on social media or signing up for newsletters.

The goal is to make them feel like they’re not just buying something but joining a group of people who share similar interests and values.

3. Onboarding Email Sequence

You’ve welcomed a new user or subscriber.

The next step is to show them around.

You onboard them. 

Think of an onboarding email sequence as the digital equivalent of a warm colleague showing you how things work around the office. 

It’s all about making you feel comfortable and giving you all the information you need to start working smoothly.

When to Use an Onboarding Email Sequence:

You can use an onboarding email sequence in various situations to help new users or customers become familiar with your product, service, or community. 

Here is when you should use an onboarding email sequence:

  • New User Sign-Ups: When someone creates an account or signs up for your platform or app, an onboarding sequence can guide them through the initial setup and usage.
  • Product or Service Launch: If you introduce a new product or service, an onboarding sequence can help users understand its features, benefits, and how to get started.
  • Membership Sites or Communities: When users join an exclusive community or membership site, an onboarding sequence can introduce them to the community guidelines, features, and how to engage effectively.
  • Online Courses or E-Learning Platforms: For online courses or e-learning platforms, an onboarding sequence can help students navigate the course materials. 

It can also help in setting the right expectations and making sure they get the most out of their learning experience.

When creating onboarding emails, look at the overall user journey.

Look for the moments when they need help or information to make their product experience better. 

These emails can be like a bridge, helping users transition from simply signing up to becoming active and well-informed users.

Here’s an example of an onboarding email sequence:

Onboarding Email Sequence Template

Initial Email (Showcase your product/service)

Let's Begin Your Journey at [Company Name] 🚀

Hello {{First Name}}, We're excited to have you on board. Let's get started on this incredible journey together: Getting Started: Visit [Website URL] to create your account and explore what we offer. Intro: Learn how [Product/Service] can benefit you. Guided Tour: Take a tour with our easy-to-follow walkthrough. We're here to support you every step of the way. Feel free to reach out with any questions. Cheers! {{Your Name}}

Onboarding Email Sequence Template

1st Follow-Up (Show key features)

Re: Same subject line as the original email

Hello {{First Name}}, We hope you're enjoying your journey with [Company]. It's time to dive deeper: - Spotlight #1: [Share how a specific feature/service differentiates your company] - Spotlight #2: [Share how a specific feature/service differentiates your company] - Spotlight #3: [Share how a specific feature/service differentiates your company] - Resources: [Add helpful posts/videos] Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions – we're always available to assist you! Cheers! {{Your Name}}

Welcome Email Sequence Template

2nd Follow Up (Connect on other platforms)

Re: Same subject line as the original email

Hello {{First Name}}, Welcome back! It's time to connect with our community: Social Media: Follow us on [Social Media Platforms] for updates and discussions. User Forum: Join the conversation, share insights, and seek advice on our user forum. Exclusive Insights: Be the first to know about updates and special offers. Together, we're stronger. Join the conversation today! Cheers! {{Your Name}}

Your onboarding emails should be welcoming, informative, and supportive. They should make it easy for users to understand how to use your product or service. 

Pro Tip: Include images, explainer videos, or even GIFs in your onboarding emails. These visual aids simplify the understanding of your product or service for users.

4. Re-Engagement Email Sequence

Customers can drift away for various reasons – they get busy, explore similar products, or simply forget about you.

You may even have a group of customers who were once highly engaged but have become silent. It’s like they’re at the back of the room, not participating like before.

In such cases, re-engagement email sequences work.

These re-engagement emails are reminders of the value they’re missing.

These emails are friendly invitations, not pushy at all. They’re saying, “We miss you, and we’d love to see you again.”

The goal is to get them interested again and keep them engaged and loyal.

When to Use a Re-Engagement Email Sequence:

  • Inactive Subscribers: When subscribers haven’t opened or clicked on your emails for an extended period, typically several months.
  • Dormant Customers: When customers who previously made purchases haven’t made a purchase or renewed their subscription.

Here’s an example of a re-engagement email sequence:

Re-engagement Email Sequence Template

Initial Email (Renew their interest)

Re: We Miss You

Hello {{First Name}}, It's been a while since we connected through [Company Name], and we've genuinely missed you. 😔 We understand that life gets busy, but we're here to remind you of all the fantastic ways we can make your work life easier. Here are some of the benefits you've been missing out on: - Benefit #1 - Benefit #2 - Benefit #3 Don’t you think it's time to experience them again? 😄 Click below to reactivate your account [Reactivate Your Account Button] Let's get you back on track! 🚀 Cheers! {{Your Name}}

Re-engagement Email Sequence Template

1st Follow Up (Give an Offer)

Re: We Miss You

Hello {{First Name}}, We'd love for you to get active at [Company Name], and we've got something special to make your return even better. For a limited time, we're offering you [Add Deal/Benefit]. This means you can enjoy all those powerful features you've been missing, like: - [Benefit 1] - [Benefit 2] - [Benefit 3] Just click below to claim your special offer and restart your account: [Claim Your 50% Discount Button] Don't miss out on this great chance! Cheers, [Your Name]

Re-engagement Email Sequence Template

2nd Follow Up (Send a final reminder)

Re: Same subject line as the original email

Hello {{First Name}}, This is your last chance to renew your [Company Name] account and benefit from all the incredible features it offers. 🚀 We hate to see you go, and we're eager to have you back in the fold. Remember, with [Company Name], you can: [Feature 1]: [Show the value it offers] [Feature 2]: [Show the value it offers] [Feature 3]: ]: [Show the value it offers] Your exclusive [Discount/Other benefit] is still up for grabs, but it won't last much longer. Click below to reactivate your account now: [Reactivate Your Account Button] [Add Discount Code] We’d love to welcome you back! Cheers! [Your Name]

Re-engagement email sequences are all about reconnecting with customers who might have lost touch with your brand. 

Let’s say you have a friend you haven’t talked to in a while, and you want to catch up with them. 

Re-engagement emails are a bit like that.

They already know who you are and what you have to offer, but they need a quick refresher.

Here’s what you should keep in mind while creating re-engagement email sequences:

  • Show Value: It’s crucial to highlight the value they’re missing out on by not actively engaging with your brand. Showcase any new features, products, or benefits that might pique their interest and reignite their enthusiasm.
  • Don’t Apply Pressure: Avoid putting pressure on your customers to take immediate action. Instead, extend a gentle invitation, signaling that you miss them and would love to have them back whenever they’re ready. This approach respects their autonomy and choices.
  • Add a Clear Call to Action (CTA): For those customers who do want to re-engage, make the process simple and straightforward. Include a crystal-clear and concise CTA, such as “Subscribe Again” or “Get Started Again,” guiding them toward the next steps.
  • Tailor Your Emails: Recognize that not all customers are the same. Tailor your re-engagement emails to different groups, addressing their specific interests or preferences. For instance, if someone was a frequent shopper, you might remind them of the products they once favored.
  • Don’t Wait Too Long: Be mindful of the timing when sending these emails. You don’t want to wait too long, as their interest might dip further.

Also Read: How to Re-Engage Lost Leads in SaaS

5. Upselling or Cross-Selling Email Sequence

These sequences involve sending a series of emails to existing customers with the goal of increasing their overall purchase value.

Upselling is when you suggest to these customers that they might want to buy something even better or fancier than what they bought before. 

It’s like telling someone who bought a regular movie ticket that they could get a VIP ticket with more perks.

Cross-selling is when you suggest other things in your store that go well with what they already bought. 

It’s like when you buy a burger, and the cashier asks if you want fries or a drink to go with it.

You send these suggestions in emails after they’ve bought something because it’s a good time to offer more or complementary things. 

And when you do it right, it can make both the customers and your business happy! 

When to Use Upselling or Cross-Selling Email Sequences:

These sequences are most effective after a customer has made a purchase. It’s an opportune moment to introduce them to additional offerings that align with their interests and needs.

Here are examples of upselling and cross-selling email sequences:

Upselling Email Sequence Template

Initial Email (Offer an Upgrade with a Discount)

Let’s upgrade your experience!

Hello {{First Name}}, We hope you're loving your journey with [Company Name]! We’d love to upgrade your plan so that you have an even better experience. With our [Upgraded plan/add-on], you can get these added benefits: [Benefit #1] [Benefit #2] [Benefit #3] And right now, we have a super sweet deal for you: [Add Discount Details]. Explore the possibilities now: [Upgrade Your Experience Button] Not interested in upgrading? No worries! You can still enjoy your current plan to the fullest. 😊 Cheers! [Your Name]

Upselling Email Sequence Template

1st Follow Up (Send a reminder about the Upgrade offer)

Re: Same subject line as the original email

Hello {{First Name}}, We noticed you haven't had a chance to explore our [Upgraded plan/add-on] yet. It's designed to get the best experience from [Company Name]. Here's a quick reminder of what you'll get: [Benefit #1] [Benefit #2] [Benefit #3] But if you're ready to experience these benefits, click the button above! [Upgrade Button] This [Upgrade plan/add-on] will take your experience to the next level. Cheers! [Your Name]

Cross-Selling Email Sequence Template

Initial Email (Introduce complementary product)

We’ve got something special for you!

Hello {{First Name}}, We're really excited to tell you about [Complementary Feature] from [Company Name]. It's something that works great with what you're already using and can make things even better: - [Benefit #1] - [Benefit #2] - [Benefit #3] If you want to know more, just click below: [Learn More About [Complementary Feature] Button] Give it a go, we know you’re going to love it! Cheers! [Your Name]

Cross-Selling Email Sequence Template

1st Follow Up (Send a reminder about the complementary products/services)

Re: Same subject line as the original email

Hello {{First Name}}, We hope you had a chance to take a look at [Complementary Feature] and how it can make your [Company Name] experience even better. This addition to your [Company] kit can help you with: - [Benefit #1] - [Benefit #2] - [Benefit #3] If you're interested in learning more, just click below: [Explore [Complementary Feature] Button] Explore and experience the benefits for yourself! Cheers! [Your Name]

As shown in the examples, these email sequences focus on helping your recipient get the most out of your product or service.

When creating upselling or cross-selling email sequences, here are some things you should keep in mind:

  • Relevance: Ensure that the upsell or cross-sell offer is directly related to the customer’s previous purchase. It should genuinely enhance their experience.
  • Value Proposition: Clearly communicate the benefits and value of the upsell or cross-sell item. Explain how it complements or improves what they already have.
  • Timing: Send these emails at an appropriate time, ideally after the customer has had a chance to use their initial purchase and might be considering additional items.
  • Personalization: Tailor the message to the customer’s preferences and behavior. This shows that you understand their specific needs and preferences.

7 Best Practices You Should Follow While Creating Email Sequences

Now, let’s see what it takes to create an email sequence that gets conversions. Here are some best practices you should follow while creating your email sequences:

1. Be Clear on Your Goals

Alright, first things first. 

Before you dive into writing emails, it’s a good idea to think about your end goals.

You may want to sell your product, onboard new users, or re-engage inactive users. Once you’re clear on your goals, it’s easier to map out your email journey.

Here’s how the content of your email sequences will change based on your goals:

  • If you want to sell a product, your sequence might include emails showcasing its benefits and offering discounts.
  • For onboarding, you’d send a series of emails explaining how to use your app or service.
  • Keeping people engaged might involve sending regular updates, tips, or content they’d find interesting.

The key is to know your destination before you start the journey. 

It’ll help you write emails that actually work. 

2. Use the Right Email Sequence Software

Writing emails is just the first part. The next part in your email sequence journey is actually sending them out.

When you want to send hundreds of emails out at once, it can take up a lot of your time. 

For that, there’s a simple solution: Email Sequence Software.

These tools can automate the process of sending a series of emails. You can set it up once, and it takes care of sending out emails at just the right times. 

For example, let’s look at Saleshandy.

Here is how you can set up an email sequence with Saleshandy:

It’s simple — You can set up an email sequence within a few minutes on Saleshandy.

Plus, you can use these special features to make sure you create effective email sequences:

  • Get a Sequence Score: With the Sequence Score, you can check how well your email sequences are performing.

    Along with the rating, you’ll also get suggestions on how to improve your email sequences.
Sequence Score - Saleshandy
  • Send Multiple Different Versions of the Same Email: If you send the same email again and again to a lot of people, email providers may think you’re sending spam or unwanted emails. 

    With Spintax, you can create multiple versions of the same email such that they are tailored to the recipient’s interest.
  • Test Different Versions of Your Email: Let’s say you’ve sent emails to lots of people, and you want to find out which email is the most popular.

    The A to Z testing feature in Saleshandy lets you create 26 different versions of your email inside your email sequence.
  • Rotate Email Addresses For Outreach: With Sender Rotation in Saleshandy, you can send emails from multiple accounts in a rotation. It makes sure your emails are more likely to reach the recipients’ inboxes without having to worry about hitting email-sending limits.

    If one of your accounts has a problem, your email sequence keeps running smoothly. It’s like having backup accounts that step in if needed.
Rotate Email addresses using Sender Rotation

Also Read: Best Practices for Sender Rotation

3. Decide Frequency and Triggers

Planning is really important to create effective email sequences. It’s like having a strategy for playing a game – it makes you more likely to win. 

Once your goals are set, you want to figure out when you want to send each email in your sequence.

This is the planning stage where you get to identify all the triggers that you want to add to your email sequence. 

For example, in a re-engagement campaign, a trigger could be a customer who hasn’t interacted with your website or emails for a while. 

In an onboarding sequence, a trigger might be when a new user signs up on your platform.

When you customize your email sequences based on what subscribers do, you’re not just sending specific emails. 

You’re making each subscriber feel special and understood.

Next, you plan out how many emails you want to send in your email sequence. 

Some plans might need more emails than others. It’s like deciding how many steps you need to climb a staircase.

4. Stick to a Regular Email Sending Routine

This best practice is specifically for time-based triggers in email sequences.

During the planning phase, it’s important to decide on a sending schedule and stick to it.

For example, if you’re onboarding new subscribers and you promise to send them an email every day at 9 AM, make sure you do it consistently. 

If you don’t, it might confuse them and mess up the order of your emails.

Following a regular schedule creates a pattern that your subscribers can get used to. They’ll start looking forward to your emails and will be more likely to open them.

But be careful not to send too many emails all at once. 

If you flood their inbox, they might get tired of it and even decide to stop getting emails from you. So, find the right balance!

5. Create Personalized, Relevant Content

Did you know that 71% of consumers expect companies to give them personalized interactions?

If they don’t get this personalized experience, a whopping 76% of them said they get frustrated.

But here’s some good news: 

The same study shows that when businesses do focus on personalization, customers are more likely to buy from them. 

So, it’s not just about making people happy; it’s about boosting sales too!

So, how can you personalize your email sequences?

You can use the Merge tags in Saleshandy.

These are like magic placeholders in your email. They stand in for the specific information you have about each person, like their first name, last name, or company.

Here’s how these merge tags make your email sequences more personalized:

With merge tags, you can write one email template, and the tags automatically fill in the right information for each person.

Personalized Email Content

It’s like having a conversation with each reader, even when you’re sending emails to a bunch of them at once.

For more personalization, you can also set up Custom Merge Tags in Saleshandy. 

With it, you can add more specific custom fields like account numbers, customer IDs, pain points, or other data points.

You can combine Custom Merge Tags with regular Merge Tags to make your emails more interesting. You can use them in both the email subject lines and the email content.

Also Read: How to Do Mail Merge in Outlook to Send Personalized Emails

6. Write Engaging Subject Lines

Subject lines act as the headlines of your emails, and they’re the first thing people see. They’re a bit like the cover of a book – they need to grab attention. 

An engaging subject line is a short, catchy phrase that makes readers curious enough to open your email. 

It’s crucial because a captivating subject line can lead to more people opening your emails, clicking on the links inside, and engaging with your message.

So, how do you create these engaging subject lines? 

There’s a tried-and-tested method you can use to make your email subject lines more effective. It’s called the CURVE formula.

It stands for Curiosity, Urgency, Relevance, Value, and Emotion.

Write Engaging Subject Lines With the CURVE Approach

  • Curiosity: Make people eager to know more
  • Urgency: Encourage quick action
  • Relevance: Connect to the recipient’s interests
  • Value: Highlight benefits or savings
  • Emotion: Evoke feelings or excitement

Here’s what each part means with examples:

  • Curiosity: Make people curious about what’s inside the email. For example, “Discover a Surprising Secret!”
  • Urgency: Give them a reason to act quickly, like “Limited Time Offer: 24-Hour Sale!”
  • Relevance: Make sure the subject relates to what they care about, such as “Perfect Solutions for Your Home.”
  • Value: Tell them what they’ll get or save, like “Save 50% on Your Next Purchase!”
  • Emotion: Use words that make them feel something, for instance, “Share Joy, Create Memories – Our Special Valentine’s Day Selection.”

Remember, for the CURVE approach to be effective, you need to first understand your audience. Then, align your subject lines with the content and objectives of your email campaign.

Also Read: 21 Email Subject Lines for Sales That Definitely Get Responses

7. Include an Effective CTA

An effective CTA is like a helpful invite that tells people what to do, like buying, signing up, or learning more. 

It’s important because it shows the way forward.

Here are the key points to keep in mind while creating CTAs:

  • Clear Invitation: Your CTA should clearly tell people what to do, such as “Buy Now” or “Sign Up.”
  • Action-Prompting Language: You should use words that encourage action, like “Get Started” or “Learn More.
  • Eye-Catching Design: Your CTAs should stand out visually with bold colors, prominent buttons, or other attention-grabbing elements.
  • Relevance: A good CTA matches what you’re talking about in your email message, so it fits naturally.
  • Urgency: You can create a sense of urgency with a CTA like “Limited Time Offer,” to prompt quick action.
  • Benefits: You may highlight what people will gain, like saving money or getting access to exclusive content.
  • Mobile-Friendly: Your CTA should work well on phones and tablets, not just on computers.
  • A/B Testing: It’s often a good idea to test different CTAs to see which one works best.

Also Read: 100+ Cold Email CTAs to Book More Meetings

How to Create Email Sequences: A Step-by-Step Guide

Now, you’re all ready to set up your first email sequence. Here is a quick overview of how you can do it with Saleshandy:

Step 1: Sign up or log in to your Saleshandy account.

Step 2: Connect the email account that you want to send emails from in Saleshandy.

Step 3: Put your email account on warmup. 

In the ‘Email Warm Up’ section, go to the “Go To TrulyInbox” button. Add your email account, email service provider, and other required details.

Email Warmup

Once you are done, click on “Connect and Save.”

This email warmup process can take up to 2-3 weeks to complete. 

While it’s happening in the background, you can create your email sequence and use all the other features in the tool.

Step 4: Go to the Sequences section and click on the “Create Sequence” button.

Create sequence in saleshandy

Step 6: Click on “Add Step.”

start new sequence

Step 7: Write your email copy and click on “Save.”

Personalized Content

Step 8: Open the Sequences section and click on the “Add Step” option that is below the first email.

Add step in Sequence in Saleshandy

Step 9: Add your follow-up email and set the time gap between your emails (bottom left corner), and then click on “Save.” 

For all your follow-up emails, you can keep the subject line empty. This way, it gets added in the same thread as your initial email. 

You can follow the same steps to add multiple follow-up emails in your sequence.

add multiple followups in email sequence

Step 10: Add the prospects that you want to send emails to.

Go to the Prospects section and click on, “Add Prospect” to add contacts manually. If you want to import them in bulk, you can select the “Import via CSV” button.

Add prospects in Saleshandy

Step 11: Next, let’s verify the prospects that you’ve added to your list. 

Go to the Prospects tab and select all the prospects’ names that you want to verify. You can tick the arrow next to their name. 

Click on the “Verify Email(s)” option from the top horizontal bar and click on the “Verify Now” button.

verify emails

Step 12: Now, let’s make your email sequence active. 

Go back to the Sequences section and switch on the option for “Activate Sequence.”

Activate sequence in saleshandy

Step 13: Monitor your performance metrics in the Sequences section.

email performance metrics

Step 14: Use the A/Z testing feature to see which version of your email performs the best.

From the Sequences tab, open your email sequence, and click the “Add Variants” button where you want to add a new version.

add email variants in saleshandy

Step 15: Add a second version of the email that you want to use for A/Z testing. 

For all the variants that you add for each step, make sure you use the same subject line. 

Click on “Save.”

Personalized Content

Step 16: From the Sequences tab, enable the newly created variant using the switch next to its name. Once it is active, you’ll be able to monitor its performance separately along with the other variants.

enable email variant

Start Creating Your Email Sequence Today

So there you have it! You’ve got the basics of email sequences. It’s a fantastic way to engage with your audience and deliver the right message at the right time. 

Ultimately, it will drive clicks and conversions for you.

Don’t worry if email sequences feel a bit overwhelming at first. Take it one step at a time: Set clear goals, identify triggers, personalize your emails, and plan a consistent sending schedule. 

As you create more email sequences, you’ll learn and adapt along the way.


1. How can I create an email sequence?

You can create an email sequence using specialized software like Saleshandy to create and manage your email sequences. 

2. What are email sequence tools?

Email sequence tools help you create, automate, and manage email sequences. These tools offer features like email scheduling, personalization, tracking, and analytics. Popular email sequence tools include Saleshandy, Yesware, Mixmax, and others.

3. How many emails should be in an email sequence?

The ideal number of emails in a sequence depends on your goal, audience, and content. 

Typically, email sequences range from 3 to 7 emails. Shorter sequences work for simple messages, while longer ones are for more complex goals like building relationships or converting leads.

Skyrocket your conversion rates with cold emailing

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