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How to Start a Lead Generation Business in 2024?

56 min read
68921 reads

In today’s competitive landscape, businesses struggle to generate high-quality leads, hindering their growth and profitability.

Though traditional methods work, they fall short, leaving entrepreneurs and marketers frustrated and searching for a better solution.

We understand your challenges and the desire to reach a receptive audience that converts into loyal customers.

Whether you’re launching a venture or enhancing existing efforts, this guide will equip you with the strategies to build a thriving business that consistently delivers quality leads, fueling growth and maximizing revenue potential. 

Let’s unlock the secrets to effective lead generation together!

What is a lead generation business?

A lead generation business specializes in finding and gathering potential customers for other businesses. 

Its main goal is to generate leads (individuals or companies who have shown or may have an interest in a product or service), effectively generating leads for agencies that are crucial in expanding their client base

Once the leads are collected, they are shared with clients who are looking for new customers for their business. 

This allows them to focus on converting the leads generated into actual sales and other important tasks, taking away a major chunk of their work.

Thus, lead generation businesses play a crucial role in helping companies expand their customer base and increase revenue. 

But there are a few challenges one faces while starting a lead generation business; let’s look into them.

What are the Challenges of Starting a Lead Generation Business?

Starting a lead generation business sounds exciting, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges. Here are the three most common obstacles that many aspiring entrepreneurs in this business face:

1) Being unaware of the laws and regulations surrounding lead generation

  • Many people jump into the lead generation business without thoroughly researching the legal requirements. 
  • Understanding the laws related to data privacy, lead farming, and other such practices is crucial. 
  • Failure to comply with these regulations can result in hefty fines and damage to your reputation.

2) Struggle to acquire clients for the business

  • Building a client base is vital for the success of any lead generation business. 
  • However, finding and convincing potential clients to work with you can be a daunting task. 
  • Companies are often bombarded with countless pitches, making it difficult to stand out from the crowd.

3) Hard to manage the budget and expenses (effectively) 

  • Without careful financial planning, it’s easy to overspend or allocate resources inefficiently. 
  • Creating a comprehensive budget that covers all aspects of the business, including marketing, software, and overhead costs, is crucial. 

Since you are aware of the challenges now, it will be easier for you to approach the business. Let us see exactly how to start a lead generation business.

5 Steps to Start a Lead Generation Business

Learning how to start a lead generation business isn’t very straightforward. To build a successful lead generation company, you must consider various factors. Don’t worry; we have done the work for you; considering all the factors and aspects of starting a lead generation business, put them into easy-to-follow five steps:

Step 1: Laws to consider while starting a lead generation business

Starting a lead generation business requires careful consideration of various laws and regulations. It is crucial to comply with regional and global laws to ensure ethical practices, protect customer privacy, and avoid legal complications. 

Let’s take a look at some key laws to consider:

1) California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA): It applies to businesses collecting personal information from California residents and requires transparency in data collection and the provision of opt-out options.

2) CAN-SPAM Act: It applies nationwide in the United States. It sets rules for commercial email messages, such as including accurate sender information, providing clear opt-out methods, and avoiding deceptive subject lines.

3) Canada, the Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL): It regulates electronic messages sent for commercial purposes, requiring consent, clear identification, and easy unsubscribe options.

4) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): If your business operates in the European Union, GDPR mandates the protection of individuals’ personal data, including obtaining consent, implementing data security measures, and providing data subject rights.

By adhering to these laws, you demonstrate:

  • Respect for privacy.
  • Foster trust with your customers.
  • Minimize the risk of legal complications against your business. 

Please note: It’s essential to consult legal professionals to ensure full compliance with the specific requirements of each law.

Alright, so now you are aware of the laws you should consider while starting a lead generation business. The next important thing soon after that is to consider your budget and ROI, which has two aspects: cost and revenue generated. Let’s look into them.

Step 2: How much will it cost you to start a lead generation business?

Starting a lead generation business does require some sort of investment which can differ depending on the scale you aim for. 

Let’s break down the costs for three different scenarios:

If you want to start a one-person lead generation business:

Starting small as a solopreneur allows for a more affordable approach. 

You’ll need a reliable computer and internet connection, which you may already have. 

Expect some initial costs for a professional website, domain, and hosting, which can range from $200 to $500. 

Additionally, investing in lead generation software or tools may cost somewhere around $50 to $100 per month. 

Setting aside some budget for marketing and outreach expenses could be beneficial. 

Overall, you might be looking at an estimated cost of $800 to $1,500 to get started.

If you want to start a small-medium size lead gen agency:

Expanding your business to a small or medium-sized agency requires more resources. Just like you require resources to start and scale your cold email agency.

Alongside the equipment mentioned earlier, you may need to invest in additional hardware, office space, and furniture. 

Renting a small office space could cost between $500 and $1,500 per month, depending on your location

Hiring a small team, including sales and marketing professionals, might incur monthly payroll expenses ranging from $3,000 to $10,000. 

Additionally, scaling up your marketing and outreach efforts can involve spending $1,000 to $3,000 per month. 

In this scenario, you might need an initial investment of $10,000 to $30,000 or more, depending on your specific requirements and goals.

If you want to start a large-scale business:

Establishing a large-scale lead generation business requires substantial capital. 

You’ll need to allocate funds for office space, equipment, furniture, and technology infrastructure. 

Renting or purchasing a larger office could cost anywhere from $2,000 to $10,000 per month. 

Hiring a sizable team of experts, including sales representatives, marketers, developers, and support staff, may lead to monthly payroll expenses of $20,000 to $100,000 or more. 

Investing in advanced lead generation software, customer relationship management, Investing in advanced lead generation software, customer relationship management systems, lead management systems, and sales automation tools might involve significant upfront costs, ranging from $20,000 to $100,000.

Considering all these factors, starting a large-scale lead gen business could require an initial investment of $100,000 to several hundred thousand dollars.

Remember, these cost estimates are rough guidelines, and actual expenses may vary depending on various factors, such as location, business strategy, and industry competition. But you get a rough idea to start with your business. 

As you are aware of the cost part now, let’s see how you can recover your investments made and, on top of that, run a profitable business.

Step 3: How will your lead generation business make money?

There are various ways in which a lead-generation business can generate revenue. Here are three models that are commonly used by a majority of successful lead-generation businesses:

Front-End Model:

In this model, the revenue of the lead generation business is based on the “number” and “quality” of leads attracted to the clients. 

The price charged to clients is determined by the combination of these factors. For example:

A lead generation business that specializes in generating leads for SaaS companies might charge a flat fee of $200 per lead or a percentage of the sale that is generated from the lead. If the lead generated a sale of $1,000, the lead generation business might charge a 10% commission or $100.

Typically, the more leads your lead generation business brings and the higher the quality of those leads, the higher the price you can command for your services.

Hybrid Model:

Under the hybrid model, clients not only pay for the lead generation services provided by the business but also offer a commission for every lead that successfully converts into a sale or desired action. 

Here is an example of how the hybrid model could work in practice:

  • The lead generation business generates 100 leads for the software company.
  • Of those 100 leads, 10 of them convert into sales.
  • The lead generation business earns a commission of $1,000 for each sale, so they earn a total of $10,000 in commissions.

This model provides an additional incentive for the lead generation business to generate high-quality leads that have a higher likelihood of conversion. 

It aligns the interests of both the business and the clients, as the business’s revenue is directly tied to the success of the leads it generates.

Back-End Model:

In the back-end model, the lead generation business initially invests in generating leads for its clients without charging them upfront. 

Instead, the clients pay a predetermined amount once the leads have been successfully generated. 

This amount is often higher than the typical front-end model, as it includes a premium for the risk taken by the lead generation business. 

Additionally, the business may also earn a commission on the sales or conversions resulting from those leads, which can be on the higher side. 

Here is an example of the back-end model in action:

  • A lead generation business invests $10,000 in Google Ads to generate leads for a client who sells software.
  • The lead generation business generates 1,000 leads for the client.
  • The client agrees to pay the lead generation business $10 per lead, or a total of $10,000.
  • The client also agrees to pay the lead generation business a commission of 10% on any sales that are made from the leads.
  • If the client makes $100,000 in sales from the leads, the lead generation business will earn an additional $10,000 in commission.

This model requires a high level of trust between the business and its clients, as the clients need to honor their financial commitments once the leads are delivered.

These three models provide different approaches to monetizing a lead generation business. The choice of model depends on various factors, including:

  • Target market.
  • Resources.
  • Relationships with clients.

It’s essential for the lead generation business to carefully analyze its options and select a model that aligns with its goals and capabilities. 

By adopting a profitable revenue model, a lead generation business can sustain itself and thrive in the competitive market.

Ok, so now we are aware of the legality and the budgeting part, we can jump into the strategy part to acquire clients for your lead generation business.

Step 4: How to acquire clients for your lead generation business?

Acquiring clients for the lead generation business is a three-step process:

Let’s check each of these steps one by one.

1) Defining the target audience

Defining your target audience is the first and the most crucial step in acquiring clients for your lead generation business.

By understanding “who” your ideal customers are, you can tailor your marketing efforts and generate high-quality leads that have a higher chance of converting. 

Here are two important aspects to consider when defining your target audience:

Pick a Profitable Niche:

To maximize the effectiveness of your lead generation efforts, it’s essential to choose a profitable niche. You can do that by deciding on the ticket value and choosing whom to offer your services. 

Here’s how you can go about it:

a) Decide your Ticket Value: Determine the average value of each lead in terms of the revenue it can generate for your “clients.” This will help you identify industries or businesses with higher ticket values, as they are more likely to invest in lead-generation services. Conduct thorough research and consider factors such as market demand, competition, and profit potential.

b) Choose Whom to Offer: Once you have an idea of the ticket value, identify the specific industries, businesses, or professionals that align with your expertise and interests. Consider your experience, knowledge, and skills to pinpoint a niche where you can provide the most value. Look for areas where there is a demand for lead generation services but less competition, giving you a higher chance of success.

Once you have picked a profitable niche, it’s time to structure things. Thus, you need to create an ideal customer profile based on the niche you selected. Let’s see how you can exactly do that.

Create Ideal Customer Profiles (ICP):

An Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) is a detailed description of your ideal client, including their characteristics, pain points, and goals. Here’s how you can create an effective ICP:

a) Research: Conduct thorough market research to understand the needs, preferences, and challenges of your target audience. Use surveys, interviews, and data analysis to gather valuable insights. Identify common patterns and trends among your potential clients.

b) Demographic and Firmographic Data: Define the demographic attributes such as age, gender, location, and occupation that are relevant to your target audience. Additionally, consider firmographic data such as company size, industry, revenue, and job titles of decision-makers within the organization.

c) Build detailed Ideal Customer Profiles: Combine the collected information to create detailed and specific customer profiles. These profiles should give you a clear understanding of who your ideal clients are, allowing you to tailor your outreach messages and strategies to resonate with them effectively.

Here’s what an Ideal Customer Profile looks like:

 Build detailed Ideal Customer Profiles

By defining your target audience by picking a profitable niche and creating detailed Ideal Customer Profiles, you can effectively acquire clients for your lead generation business. 

These foundational steps will guide your lead generation efforts, enabling you to reach the right people with the right message and generate a steady stream of high-quality clients for your business.

2) Generate leads

Acquiring clients for your lead generation agency can be quite challenging. One of the main hurdles you’ll face is the fierce competition in the lead generation industry. 

There are countless solopreneurs, agencies and firms out there, which makes it tough to stand out from the crowd.

Another difficulty is that potential clients might already have existing partnerships or be skeptical about outsourcing their lead-generation efforts. 

So, how can you acquire clients for your business in such a situation? 

Well, the key lies in acquiring clients strategically and proactively.

By generating leads, you can focus your efforts on those who are already interested, saving valuable time and resources.

There are two main approaches to lead generation: 

Let’s dive into each of them and see how they work:

Outbound lead generation approach

We will begin by discussing the outbound lead generation approach first, instead of the inbound approach, for two main reasons:

1) It is a proactive approach:

The outbound approach allows you to proactively reach out to potential clients. Instead of waiting for leads to come to you, you actively identify and approach individuals and businesses that match your targets. This approach gives you control over the process of acquiring clients.

2) It yields faster results:

The outbound approach provides quicker results compared to the inbound approach because it takes a proactive approach, as explained earlier. This means you can directly target those who are most likely to be interested in your services. By reaching out to prospects who are highly likely to be interested, you can speed up the conversion process.

Both advantages allow you to create immediate opportunities for your lead generation business and achieve a faster and higher return on investment (ROI).

Best channels of outbound lead generation approach

There are various channels of outbound lead generation. But keeping the context in mind, that is, to acquire HIGH-QUALITY clients for your lead generation business, we will only focus on the two best channels:

Let’s check both of them in detail.

1) Cold emailing

Cold emailing is an effective strategy to reach out to potential clients and generate leads. It has the advantage of being cost-effective, and it can be repeated and scaled easily. 

When executed correctly, cold emailing can be a valuable method to generate leads and secure profitable deals. 

The chart below exactly illustrates the repeatable and scalable nature of cold emails.

 repeatable and scalable nature of cold emails

To obtain high-quality leads for your lead generation business through cold emailing, follow these five steps:

1) Build a lead list

A lead list is a list of contact information – for those who are interested in your services. It is essential for you to possess a lead list in order to attract new clients.

Why is it important? Well, not all leads are equal. Some leads are more likely to become paying customers compared to others. By utilizing a lead list, you can identify which leads display the greatest interest in your services and concentrate your efforts on them.

This will assist you in organizing your outreach endeavors and increasing your chances of converting potential customers into paying clients.

To construct a lead list, you have two approaches available:

a) Trigger/Intent-based approach:

In this approach, you focus on identifying specific indicators that indicate potential customers may be interested in what you offer.

These indicators could include recent occurrences like:

  • Securing funding
  • Job title changes
  • Initiating a new business

To accomplish this, you can utilize tools such as Google Alerts or Mention to receive notifications when these triggers occur. Another useful tool is database software like, which provides information extraction capabilities.

Using these tools, you can determine when potential customers exhibit interest in the “type of services” you provide and compile a list of leads based on your ideal customer profile.

b) General Prospecting approach:

On the other hand, the General Prospecting approach involves actively searching for potential sources where you can discover contact information that aligns with your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP). These sources could be websites, forums, existing databases, or manual extraction using appropriate tools.

Gather the contact information, including email addresses, job titles, companies, and phone numbers, and create your lead list.

Regardless of the approach you choose, here are four methods to build a lead list for your lead generation business:

a) Manual Research: Conduct online research to identify potential leads and manually compile their contact information, such as email, job title, and company. Although time-consuming, this method is beneficial when targeting a specific niche or industry with a limited pool of prospects.

b) Email Scraping Tools: If you prefer a manual approach but want to save time, utilize email scraping tools. These automated tools extract email addresses from websites and social media platforms. However, be aware of regional regulations governing the use of such tools.

c) Third-Party Databases & Software: Consider utilizing third-party tools and databases that adhere to regulations. These tools provide access to a broad range of contact information for professionals and businesses within your niche. Keep in mind that the accuracy of the data provided may vary, which can result in email bounces and delivery issues.

d) Purchasing a List from Third-Party Providers: Another option is to buy a lead list from a specialized lead generation provider. Although this saves time and effort, it can be expensive and may contain outdated or irrelevant email addresses.

Please note: Purchasing a lead list from a third-party provider may violate national or regional privacy laws, so ensure compliance. Also, Saleshandy does not endorse the purchase of lead lists. It is best to manually build a list or utilize databases/tools.

Regardless of the method you choose, remember to verify your lead list to improve email deliverability.

Ensuring the highest deliverability for your cold emails is crucial, which requires a cold emailing tool that guarantees your emails are delivered to the primary inbox of your prospects. Let’s check how to pick the right tool.

2) Choose the right tool

So, now that you have identified your target audience and created a lead list based on it, what should you do next?

Can you envision yourself manually sending hundreds of thousands of emails to potential clients and keeping track of their replies? That doesn’t sound feasible, right?

Therefore, you need a cold emailing tool that can streamline your outreach process, allowing you to focus on other important tasks.

But how do you choose the right cold emailing tool? There are numerous options available, but not all of them cater to the needs of a lead generation business.

Here are some essential features to look for in cold emailing software:

1. Personalization: Look for a tool that makes it easy to personalize your cold emails. Personalization is crucial for increasing engagement and establishing connections with potential clients. The tool should offer features like mail merge, dynamic fields, and customizable templates, enabling you to tailor your messages to each recipient.

2. Automation: Efficiency is key when reaching out to a large number of prospects. Choose a tool that provides automation capabilities, such as automated follow-ups and drip campaigns. Automation saves you time and effort while ensuring consistent communication with leads.

3. Deliverability: Select a cold emailing tool with a strong track record of deliverability. The tool should offer authentication record setup and the ability to monitor email deliverability. This ensures that your emails reach recipients’ inboxes and avoid being flagged as spam.

4. Cost-effectiveness and scalability: Consider the cost-effectiveness and scalability of the tool. Look for a tool that fits your budget and can accommodate your agency’s growth. Scalability is crucial as your client base expands, so choose a tool that can handle increasing volumes of cold emails without sacrificing performance.

By considering these factors, you can choose the right tool for your agency. Once you have made your selection, the next step is to improve the deliverability of your cold emails. We will explore how to do that in our next step.

3) Setup and email deliverability

Ensuring effective outreach relies heavily on setting up email deliverability correctly. This is crucial because if your email deliverability is poor, your messages won’t reach the primary inboxes of your prospects. To achieve better deliverability, follow these important steps:

a) Select the appropriate domain: 

Using your main domain for cold emailing can harm your domain reputation and hinder open and response rates. It’s important to have secondary domains and email accounts to maintain good email deliverability. When choosing domains, consider the following factors:

  • Ensure your domain is unique and stands out from competitors.
  • Check if the email service provider’s sending limit matches your needs.
  • Purchase domains from reputable registrars that won’t misuse your data.
  • Look for email service providers that support authentications like SPF and DKIM to prove you’re a genuine sender, protecting your account from spammers.

You might be wondering what type of domains to purchase. In short, it shouldn’t be much different from your main domain. Here’s an example of the types of domains you can opt for:

Types of domain

Once you’ve selected your domains, it’s time to warm them up.

b) Warm up your domain: 

Research shows that over 20% of outreach emails fail to reach recipients’ inboxes due to a lack of email warmups in new accounts. 

But what exactly is email warmup?

Email warmup involves building a reputation for a new email account and gradually increasing the sending limit. There are two methods for warming up your email account:

i) Manual Method: You can manually send emails each day and gradually increase the number. However, this method requires considerable time and effort.

ii) Automated Method: The recommended approach is to use tools like TrulyInbox to simplify the warmup process. These tools automate email warmup, saving you time and effort so you can focus on other tasks.

After warming up your email accounts, improve deliverability by focusing on authentication records and technical setup.

c) Authenticate your email account: 

Authentication is essential to prevent your cold emails from ending up in spam folders. Simply having a valid email address and clicking the send button won’t ensure successful delivery. Set up the following authentication records:

i) SPF (Sender Policy Framework): SPF is a security mechanism that prevents email spoofing and verifies the authenticity of incoming emails. It checks the DNS records of the sender and recipient, ensuring legitimate communication.

ii) DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail): DKIM uses an encrypted signature to authenticate the sender’s identity. It provides the recipient’s DNS server with a key to verify the sender’s DNS record.

iii) DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance): DMARC allows you to specify actions for receiving servers when outgoing messages fail SPF or DKIM authentication.

Additionally, consider setting up a custom tracking domain. This is your own domain used to track “opens” and “clicks” in your emails. A custom tracking domain preserves the sender’s reputation, improves email deliverability, and enhances click-through rates.

You can find detailed information about all authentication records in this comprehensive guide on email deliverability.

Now that you’ve completed the necessary setup for optimal email deliverability, it’s time to craft compelling emails.

4) Write a compelling cold email

Mastery of writing effective cold emails is extremely important because it fosters trust and relationships, increasing the likelihood of receiving positive responses. 

A well-crafted email captures attention, conveys your value proposition, and persuades readers to take action. 

Let’s check the three crucial elements of a cold email:

a) Subject line: Create an engaging subject line that grabs attention and motivates recipients to open your email. 

Subject line Stats

Here are a few tips to craft attention-grabbing subject lines:

  • Keep it brief and relevant.
  • Personalize it.
  • Use action-oriented language.
  • Accurately represent the value of your email.
  • Avoid spam-like words.

b) Preheader: The preheader text appears alongside the subject line in the recipient’s inbox and provides a summary of the email.

Preheader feature - Saleshandy

Here’s how you can make the most out of your preheader text:

  • Align it with your subject line and email content.
  • Keep it concise (30-140 characters) and ensure it generates interest.
  • Consider your ideal customer profile (ICP) when writing it.

c) Body: The body of your email is where you make your pitch and convince recipients to take action. 

Good Content Body Example

Consider the following points:

  • Begin with a personalized greeting, using the recipient’s name in a formal yet compelling manner.
  • Introduce yourself and your agency, and explain why you’re contacting them.
  • Highlight the benefits of your services and how they add value to their business.
  • Include social proof such as credentials or testimonials to establish credibility.
  • Conclude with a clear call to action and a professional, friendly closing.

After crafting and sending your cold emails, it’s important to follow up with your clients.

5) Follow-up

Based on the steps mentioned earlier, you have sent numerous cold emails, but the responses have been limited. 

However, don’t give up at this point. Instead, send a friendly reminder to the potential clients who haven’t responded to your initial emails. 

You might wonder why you should send another email when they haven’t responded yet. The truth is, their lack of interest in your service is just one possibility among many. They could be too busy to reply, have overlooked your email in their crowded inbox, or have any other reason. 

By sending a follow-up email in the same thread, you can remind them about your offering and show genuine interest in helping them.

When it comes to following up with potential clients, you have two strategies to consider: a time-based sequence and an intent-based sequence. 

Let’s explore both approaches.

a) Time-based sequence

In a time-based sequence, you consistently send emails to your prospects, ensuring you have 7 to 8 touchpoints with them. These emails are spaced out at intervals over time. This method ensures that every prospect on your list receives equal attention, regardless of where they are in their buyer’s journey. It’s like maintaining a steady rhythm of communication.

Follow-Up Sequence Example

b) Intent-based sequence

On the other hand, the intent-based sequence focuses on the interests of your prospects. This strategy specifically targets those prospects who are actively seeking a solution. To identify these prospects, you look for “intent signals” such as reply rates, link clicks, open rates, or downloads. The intent-based sequence allows you to precisely target prospects who genuinely show interest in what you have to offer. By personalizing your approach, you can significantly improve your conversion rate. 

Intent-based Sequence

Regardless of the strategy you choose, your follow-up emails should align with the same approach as your initial email, as discussed earlier.

Now, you might be wondering which strategy to use: time-based or intent-based. Well, that depends on your specific goals and the nature of your prospects. 

If you want broad engagement and consistent interaction with everyone, the time-based sequence is a good fit. On the other hand, if you want to concentrate your efforts on those actively seeking a solution, the intent-based sequence is the way to go. 

Consider your objectives, analyze your prospects’ behavior, and choose the strategy that best suits your agency.

Remember, follow-up emails present an opportunity to strengthen connections and bring prospects closer to becoming your clients. By following the above steps, you can consistently acquire genuine, high-quality leads for your lead-generation business.

Now that you understand how to approach cold email outreach let’s explore a few tools that can simplify your work.

Best cold emailing tools for lead generation businesses:

Cold emailing tools are essential for streamlining your outreach process and maximizing your email effectiveness. Let’s explore three of the top tools you should consider while starting a lead generation business:

1) Saleshandy:

Intent-based Sequence

Saleshandy is an outstanding cold email automation tool that allows you to send highly personalized emails at scale while ensuring the highest email deliverability. It mimics manual sending approaches by sending cold emails one by one, making them appear more authentic. 

With Saleshandy, you can easily manage replies from a unified inbox, giving you better control over your email conversations. 

Why should you choose Saleshandy for your cold email outreach?

  • Personalization: Increase engagement and response rates by easily personalizing your emails with merge tags, such as recipient names, company details, and job titles.
  • Automation: Save time and effort with powerful automation features like automated follow-ups and email tracking, enabling you to send emails at scale.
  • Deliverability: Ensure your emails land in recipients’ inboxes and not their spam folders through advanced deliverability techniques like email warmup and custom domain tracking.
  • Easy Inbox Management: Keep track of all your email responses in one centralized place using Saleshandy’s unified inbox feature, making it effortless to manage and respond to replies.
  • Cost-Effective and Scalable: Saleshandy offers flexible pricing plans suitable for businesses of all sizes, allowing you to send hundreds of emails daily without getting flagged as spam.

2) Woodpecker:

Intent-based Sequence

Woodpecker is an excellent choice for automated personalized emails. They pride themselves on being one of the most secure cold emailing solutions for automated campaigns. This tool is ideal for teams that require collaborative features like sharing contact lists and blacklisting domains.

3) Yesware:


Yesware is another top-notch cold emailing tool that simplifies your outreach efforts. With Yesware, you can effortlessly import prospects from CSV files and create successful email campaigns. It allows you to link your Gmail or Outlook account for sending emails and seamlessly integrates with Salesforce CRM, making your processes even smoother.

After familiarizing yourself with top-notch tools for cold emailing, it’s time to enhance your client acquisition techniques. 

Instead of focusing solely on cold emailing, let’s explore other avenues of outreach. This will allow you to make an informed choice regarding the most suitable approach for your business. 

Don’t worry! We’ll provide a guide later on to help you determine the ideal strategy. But for now, let’s move on to our next channel: LinkedIn Outreach.

2) LinkedIn Outreach

LinkedIn outreach involves reaching out to potential clients on LinkedIn by sending connection requests, InMail messages, or commenting on their posts. The aim of LinkedIn outreach is to establish relationships with potential clients and ultimately generate leads.

By using LinkedIn strategically, you can increase your visibility to potential prospects and build relationships that lead to new clients.

Here are four ways to use LinkedIn to find leads:

1) Creating an “All-star” profile

It is essential for your business to create an All-Star profile in order to attract clients.

An All-Star profile means that you have provided detailed information about your professional experiences in all the relevant sections.

LinkedIn all-star profile

Having an All-Star profile on LinkedIn helps potential clients easily discover and connect with you.

Furthermore, LinkedIn promotes All-Star users more frequently in the ‘People Also Viewed’ section.

According to LinkedIn, users with All-Star profiles are an astonishing 40 times more likely to receive opportunities through the platform.

By increasing your visibility among professionals in your network, you can unlock numerous prospects and opportunities for generating leads.

These opportunities arise during the later stages of the sales cycle, enabling your business to thrive. Now, let’s explore another method for finding leads on LinkedIn.

Begin by using the search function to find and connect with potential clients who are connected to your 2nd and 3rd-degree connections. 

LinkedIn offers various filters to help you narrow down your search. 

Search and Filter Prospects

You can expand the filters under “All filters” to refine your search based on criteria like job title, industry, past companies, and more. 

This will help you find users who match your target audience. 

Once you have applied the desired filters, you can start sending connection requests to these filtered users. 

This initial connection is a great opportunity to build a relationship and lay the groundwork for future business connections.

3) Share content over a targeted network

Once your network reaches a substantial size of 1000 or more connections, it’s time to share valuable and engaging content on your profile. 

Linkedin post

When people interact with your posts by sharing, liking, and commenting, their connections will also see these interactions on their feeds. 

As a result, the reach of your content expands rapidly, which adds credibility to your profile. 

As users come across your content frequently, they start considering you as a reliable source. 

This credibility significantly facilitates connecting with potential clients on LinkedIn.

4) Target your prospects

In addition to the methods mentioned earlier, one of the fastest ways to perform LinkedIn prospecting is by targeting groups and organizations.

To gain valuable insights, you can search for profiles of specific industry verticals.

Linkedin profile Search

When conducting a LinkedIn search, you can understand their expansion areas and customize your approach accordingly.

On the employees’ page, you will find helpful filtering options like title and name, which can narrow down your search and make it more focused.

This approach is particularly effective for account-based marketing or sales, as it allows you to concentrate your efforts on specific individuals.

Another effective strategy for LinkedIn prospecting is to join relevant private and public groups.

Just like searching for professionals or organizations, you can easily search for groups on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn groups

Once you have joined these groups, you can actively participate in ongoing conversations related to your expertise.

Engaging in these group discussions enables you to demonstrate your expertise and establish yourself as a trusted authority.

As you generate engagement with your content, you will begin to identify users within the group who are an ideal match for your business.

At that point, you can connect with them individually and explore potential business opportunities. 

Now that we’ve seen how to discover and connect with prospects let’s explore LinkedIn prospecting tools that can help us make the most out of the platform.

Best LinkedIn outreach tools for lead generation businesses

1) Saleshandy Connect

Saleshandy Connect

Saleshandy Connect is a FREE LinkedIn email finder that delivers excellent quality leads within seconds.

This means you can swiftly identify the email addresses of your potential clients over LinkedIn. It’s a reliable and verified source of data, ensuring you have accurate and up-to-date information.

Beyond just finding email addresses, Saleshandy Connect goes the extra mile by providing the lead’s first name, last name, and also designation.

This additional information allows you to personalize your outreach efforts and establish a more meaningful connection with potential clients.

With Saleshandy Connect as your LinkedIn prospecting tool, you’ll have the power to identify and engage with high-quality leads effectively.

2) LinkedIn Sales Navigator

LinkedIn Sales Navigator allows you to conduct targeted outreach on a larger scale.

It offers advanced search and filtering options that let you narrow down your prospects based on criteria like their years of experience, seniority level, and the groups they’ve joined. Plus, it even recommends relevant leads to you, making your job easier.

But that’s not all!

As a user of Sales Navigator, you’ll also receive extra InMail credits every month.

This means you can send personalized messages directly to potential clients, even if you’re not connected with them. 

Also, Sales Navigator allows you to see who has visited your profile, giving you valuable insights into potential leads who have shown interest in your agency.

By leveraging these features, you can streamline prospecting efforts and connect with high-quality leads more effectively.

3) LeadConnect


LeadConnect allows you to automate your LinkedIn Outreach and send personalized messages to potential clients.

It goes beyond just finding prospects – you can also connect with your target audience directly on LinkedIn. Plus, it offers the convenience of automated follow-ups based on their preferred time zone.

It’s a game-changer for boosting your client acquisition strategy via LinkedIn.

Okay, so now we have reviewed the best LinkedIn outreach tools, and with that, we have successfully covered our outbound lead generation approach.

But things don’t end here!

If you’re looking for ways where your prospects reach out to you – for your services, you may want to consider an inbound lead generation approach.

Inbound lead generation approach

The inbound lead generation strategy aims to attract and engage potential customers by providing them with valuable content and experiences. When executed properly, this approach can help you establish a solid reputation as an industry expert and attract interested leads who are already interested in your offerings.

To implement an inbound lead generation strategy, there are various channels available. However, we will only focus on the best ones that suit your business’s lead generation requirements:

3) Local SEO

If your business wants to attract local clients or target a specific region or country, you must use local SEO. Local SEO is a powerful inbound tool to acquire clients for your lead generation business.

Whether you have a physical location or an online business that serves a specific area, you need a plan to reach clients who are searching locally. This is how you make your website appear higher in Google search results, surpassing your competitors and attracting more customers. It’s about getting noticed and standing out!

Here are six steps to get started with local SEO:

Step 1: Take stock of your services

Start by evaluating the services you offer and determining your target audience. Understand the specific needs and pain points of your potential clients. This will help you tailor your local SEO strategy to attract the right prospects.

Local SEO Strategy

Step 2: Conduct competitor keyword research

Researching your competitors’ keywords is crucial to gaining a competitive edge. Identify the keywords they are ranking for and analyze their performance. Tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs can provide valuable insights. Look for keywords that are relevant to your services and have a decent search volume.

competitor keyword research

Step 3: Identify Geo-specific keywords

Local SEO relies heavily on targeting location-specific keywords. These keywords include the name of your city, neighborhood, or region combined with relevant search terms. 

Keyword research

Conduct keyword research using tools like Google Keyword Planner or any other tool to find location-based keywords that are relevant to your services and have a reasonable search volume.

Step 4: Create localized landing pages

Build dedicated landing pages on your website that are optimized for specific locations and services. Each landing page should target a unique combination of location-specific keywords. Include valuable content related to the services you offer in that location. 


Optimize the page titles, meta descriptions, headers, and content with relevant keywords. Make sure the pages have clear calls-to-action (CTAs) and contact information to encourage conversions.

Step 5: Optimize your Google My Business listing

Setting up and optimizing your Google My Business (GMB) listing is crucial for local SEO success. Claim and verify your business on GMB, providing accurate and up-to-date information. 

Local search

Optimize your GMB profile by including relevant keywords in your business description. Add high-quality images, your business hours, contact details, and a link to your website. Encourage customers to leave reviews and respond to those reviews promptly to build trust and credibility.

Step 6: Submit your business info on local directories

Submit your business information to local directories and review websites such as Yelp, Yellow Pages, and TripAdvisor. Ensure that your NAP (Name, Address, Phone Number) is consistent across all listings. These directories help boost your online visibility and increase the chances of your business being found by potential clients. Also, consider industry-specific directories and local business associations for more targeted exposure.

Remember, local SEO is an ongoing process, and results may not be immediate. Monitor your performance regularly, analyze the data, and make necessary adjustments to your strategy. With SEO tools, your lead generation business can increase its visibility in local search results and attract more clients. Let’s check them out.

Best local SEO tools for lead generation businesses

1) Google My Business

Google My Business

The Google My Business Profile is one of the most crucial tools for local SEO. It enables clients to easily find important details about your business, like the address or phone number. Therefore, it’s important to keep your business information current and make any necessary updates to your Google listing.

You can compare businesses, explore local competitors, and keep track of and reply to reviews. Additionally, Google offers a convenient “book an appointment” feature that can entice customers to interact more with your listing.

2) Bright Local

Bright Local

BrightLocal is a widely used reporting platform for Local SEO, with over 10,000 leading brands, local businesses, and agencies worldwide utilizing its services. It offers a range of features specifically designed for local SEO. Users can find and monitor existing citations on numerous websites, conduct quick and detailed audits of Google My Business (GMB) listings, and provide clients with easily customizable and user-friendly reports through a dashboard. 

The platform also allows users to track search rankings for hundreds of keywords across Google, Bing, and Yahoo. Additionally, BrightLocal’s team can manually fix and create citations on over 1400+ sites. It enables users to monitor reviews on various platforms, including Facebook, GMB, Yelp, Tripadvisor, and Foursquare. Lastly, BrightLocal generates SEO reports that are straightforward and easy to read.

3) Whitespark


Whitespark offers a range of tools to manage and optimize your website for local searches. These include the Local Citation Finder, which identifies citation opportunities to improve local search rankings. The Local Rank Tracker helps monitor your performance in local and organic search results. 

The Reputation Builder enables you to gather business reviews on popular platforms and attract more customers. The Link Prospector automates the process of finding link-building opportunities. Additionally, Whitespark provides free local SEO tools like the Review Handout Generator, Google Review Link Generator, and Offline Conversion Tracker.

So, we covered the best local SEO tools, and with that, we have come to our last channel of inbound lead generation approach – social media marketing. In this channel, things ARE different (for real), and you should not miss it. Let’s take a closer look.

4) Social media marketing

Social media marketing is a unique and powerful way to acquire clients for your lead-generation business.

As the name suggests, it’s all about using social media platforms to connect with potential customers, build brand awareness, and establish yourself as an expert in your field.

Here’s the step-by-step process to effectively use social media to win clients:

Step 1: Organize your social media platforms

When it comes to acquiring clients for your lead generation business through social media marketing, the first step is to organize your social media platforms.

You may wonder, “Why should you organize your channels when you can simply post content on all platforms?”

The answer is straightforward: organizing your channels helps you concentrate your efforts and maximize your impact.

Find out which social media platforms are most relevant to your target audience and industry. Consider the following:

  • Research the popularity and engagement levels of each social media platform you have identified.
  • Look for platforms that not only have a significant user base but also an active community in the industry you are targeting.
  • Also, consider how much you can invest in effectively managing and maintaining each social media channel.

It is better to have a strong presence on a few platforms rather than spreading yourself too thin across many.

Based on the factors mentioned above, prioritize the social media channels that offer the most potential for acquiring clients.

Choose a core set of platforms to focus on initially, ensuring that you have the capacity to consistently engage and provide valuable content.

Remember, organizing your social media channels is an ongoing process. As your business grows and your target audience evolves, you may need to adjust your channel selection. Regularly monitor the performance of your chosen platforms and adapt your plan accordingly.

Step 2: Plan your content and schedule

After organizing your channels, plan and schedule your social media content. First, gain a deep understanding of your target audience on each platform. 

Analyze their preferences and behavior to tailor your content to their needs.

Next, determine your objectives for the social media content. Whether it’s increasing brand awareness, driving website traffic, generating leads, or promoting specific products/services, clearly defining your objectives will guide your content creation process.

Now that you’ve completed the majority of the work, create content that resonates with your target audience and aligns with your objectives. 

Develop a mix of informative, entertaining, and visually appealing posts, using captivating headlines, high-quality images, and videos to capture attention and encourage engagement. But it’s not just about creating and posting content. 

You also need to send the posts at times when your audience is active and ready to engage. 

Develop a content calendar to organize and schedule your social media posts, considering the frequency and timing for each channel based on your target audience’s peak activity times. 

Social Media Content Template

Use scheduling tools to automate your posts and maintain a consistent presence.

To keep your social media presence fresh and engaging, include a variety of content formats. Experiment with different types of posts, such as blog links, infographics, polls, behind-the-scenes glimpses, client success stories, and industry news. Maintain a diverse content mix to cater to different preferences.

Remember, social media content planning and scheduling require continuous optimization. By consistently delivering valuable content, you can attract potential clients and showcase your expertise.

And if you’re wondering about generating leads, don’t worry. We’ll cover that in our next step.

Step 3: Create landing pages to capture leads

You need to create landing pages to capture leads from social media platforms. These pages serve as dedicated spaces where potential clients can provide their contact information, enabling agencies to follow up and nurture these leads. 

Here are some key considerations:

  • Your landing page headline should be attention-grabbing and clearly convey the value proposition. Use concise and persuasive language to entice visitors to take action.
  • Keep the copy focused on highlighting the benefits and solutions your agency offers, emphasizing how it can address your audience’s pain points.
  • Place a prominent and compelling call-to-action (CTA) on your landing page, guiding visitors to provide their contact information. Utilize action-oriented language like “Download Now,” “Request a Consultation,” or “Sign Up Today.”
  • Ensure that the CTA button visually stands out, attracting attention and encouraging clicks.

You might wonder if prospects will really provide their contact information. The straightforward answer is no! To incentivize visitors to share their information, offer something valuable in return, such as a free ebook, whitepaper, webinar registration, or exclusive industry insights.

Clearly communicate the benefits of the content or incentive to highlight its value and motivate visitors to take action. Remember to constantly monitor the performance of your landing pages and make data-driven adjustments to improve their effectiveness in generating valuable leads.

If you’ve tried various methods to increase engagement on your social media channels without significant results, don’t worry. The next step could be a potential solution for you.

Step 4: Choose social media advertisements

Using social media ads can make a big difference in gaining clients for your agency in social media marketing.

paid social ads

These ads target specific audiences, increasing brand visibility and generating valuable leads. To make the most of your social media ads, establish clear campaign goals. Are you aiming to generate leads, increase website traffic, or promote specific services?

Having defined objectives will help you create compelling ad content and optimize your campaigns for success.

Now that we have scheduled our content and run ads to attract leads, what comes next?

Random actions will only result in wasting your time, effort, and money with no leads.

Some businesses have minimal engagement but attract high-quality clients, while others may have viral social media posts but poor-quality leads.

Therefore, tracking your efforts becomes crucial, especially in the world of social media.

Step 5: Track performance and optimize

Tracking your social media posts involves monitoring various metrics and analytics to gather data on your posts’ performance. 

You can use social media management tools or the built-in analytics features provided by platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn to track essential metrics such as engagement, reach, impressions, clicks, and conversions.

social media analytics

Once you have gathered sufficient data, the next step is to optimize your social media posts based on the insights you’ve gained. 

Optimization involves adjusting your content, timing, and targeting to improve social media performance.

If you’re running social media ads, track the performance of your campaigns closely. 

Monitor critical metrics like:

  • Click-through rates
  • Conversion rates
  • Cost per acquisition, etc.

Optimize your ad targeting, creative elements, and bidding strategies based on the data to maximize the return on your advertising investment.

Use the data gathered from tracking to segment your audience based on demographics, interests, or behaviors. 

Tailor your social media posts to specific segments to ensure your content is relevant and engaging for each group. This personalized approach can help you build stronger connections with your target audience.

Remember, tracking and optimizing your social media posts should be ongoing. 

Regularly review your analytics, test new strategies, and adapt to your audience’s changing preferences and behaviors. 

By continuously refining your social media marketing efforts, you can enhance your chances of acquiring clients for your lead-generation business through social media. But there are a few social media marketing tools that you should be aware of to ease your workflow and attract burning leads.

Let’s check them out in the next section.

Best social media marketing tools for lead generation businesses

1) Hootsuite


Hootsuite’s success is its ability to streamline social media tasks. From curating and scheduling content to measuring social metrics and running ads, it covers all the essentials. Lead generation businesses appreciate the convenience of having everything on a single platform.

Hootsuite stands out for its exceptional monitoring capabilities. Agencies can effortlessly keep an eye on their clients’ social media presence across multiple accounts and keywords. 

Additionally, it offers seamless integration with over 35 social media networks, allowing agencies to expand their reach and manage diverse platforms from a central hub.

Another advantage of Hootsuite is its bulk-scheduling feature. This time-saving functionality enables agencies to plan and publish social media posts in large quantities, streamlining their workflow and maximizing efficiency.

2) Buffer


Buffer is a fantastic tool for managing your lead generation business and your client’s social media accounts. 

It has a user-friendly interface that many clients love. However, agencies and small teams might find it a bit pricey in the long term.

To access all of Buffer’s features, like Buffer Reply and Buffer Analyze, you’ll need a separate subscription. Unlike its competitors, these features usually come bundled without any additional charges. 

So, keep that in mind when considering your options for social media management tools.

3) Sprout Social

Sprout Social

Sprout Social is an all-in-one platform for lead generation businesses, offering a range of social media tools. It combines social media scheduling, monitoring, and analytics to provide better reporting.

What sets Sprout Social apart is its inclusion of customer relationship management (CRM) features. These features allow you to have a complete profile of your clients, enabling you to serve them better and foster stronger relationships.

One of the standout features of Sprout Social is its impressive reports. Many lead generation businesses love beautifully designed reports so much that they often download and send them to their clients without any further editing needed. It’s a real time-saver!

Once you’ve successfully captured the attention of potential customers, it’s essential to guide them through the sales funnel, building trust and maintaining engagement along the way. 

Now that you’ve learned how to acquire clients for your lead generation business, it’s time to shift our focus to the next crucial step: nurturing those leads.

Nurture Leads & Build Relationships

It’s not just about attracting new clients but also about keeping them engaged and satisfied over time. Thus, nurturing leads and building relationships are key to growing your business. 

By focusing on nurturing your leads, you can turn them into loyal customers who keep opting for your lead-generation services on a recurring basis.

One way to nurture leads is by providing valuable and relevant content/resources/information.

This could be in the form of blog posts, videos, or email newsletters. By offering helpful information, you establish yourself as an expert and build trust with your leads.

Another important aspect of nurturing leads is personalization. Take the time to understand your leads’ needs and preferences, and tailor your communication accordingly. 

  • Use their names in emails.
  • Send them personalized offers.
  • Provide solutions to their specific problems. 

This shows that you value them as individuals and care about their success.

Building relationships goes beyond the initial sale. Stay in touch with your customers through regular communication. 

Send follow-up emails, make phone calls, or even meet in person if possible. Show genuine interest in their business and ask for feedback. 

This not only helps you understand their needs better but also strengthens the bond between you.

Remember, building relationships takes time and effort. Be patient and consistent in your approach. 

By nurturing leads and building relationships, you can create a loyal customer base that supports your business for years to come.

Step 5: Measure and analyze your lead generation efforts

And the last step is measuring and analzying your efforts. By analyzing your lead generation activities, you can gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of your strategies and make informed decisions to optimize your results. 

Let’s explore four simple steps to measure and analyze your lead generation efforts:

1. Set Clear Goals: Start by defining specific goals for your lead generation efforts. What are you trying to achieve? Is it increasing website traffic, capturing more email subscribers, or generating qualified leads? Setting clear objectives will guide your measurement and analysis process.

2. Analyze Lead Sources: Determine which channels and sources are driving the most leads to your business. Are they coming from cold emailing, organic search or social media? By analyzing lead sources, you can allocate your resources effectively and invest more in the channels that yield the best results.

3. Use A/B Testing: Conduct A/B tests to compare different variations of your lead generation assets. For example, test different call-to-actions or lead captures to determine which version performs better. A/B testing allows you to optimize your efforts based on data-driven insights.

4. Regular Reporting: Create regular reports to review and share the findings from your lead generation analysis. Highlight key metrics, trends, and actionable insights with your team. These reports provide a clear overview of your progress and guide future decision-making.

Remember, measuring and analyzing is an ongoing process. Continuously monitor and refine your strategies based on the insights you gather. By doing so, you can optimize your lead generation activities, attract more qualified leads, and drive the growth of your business.

After examining both the Outbound Lead Generation approach and the Inbound Lead Generation approach, you may be curious about which one suits your lead generation business the most. To assist you in making an informed choice, let’s explore some important factors.

Which is the best strategy to acquire clients for your lead generation business?

When deciding on the best approach to acquire clients for your lead generation agency, two factors need consideration: ROI and time

You want to ensure that the money and efforts you invest result in the highest possible returns and that the time it takes to deliver outcomes is minimized. 

By taking both factors into account, the Outbound approach may be a better choice than Inbound. 

Let’s explore why.

1) Outbound lead generation allows you to proactively reach out to potential clients. 

  • You have more control over who receives your message by directly targeting specific individuals or companies. 
  • This targeted approach increases the likelihood of connecting with prospects genuinely interested in your services. 
  • As a result, your ROI potential is higher since you’re focusing on engaging with qualified leads.

2) Outbound strategies provide an opportunity to create genuine connections with prospects. 

  • By personalizing your messages and demonstrating a clear understanding of their pain points, you can establish a real and relatable connection. 
  • Building trust and credibility through this emotional connection significantly increases the likelihood of converting prospects into clients.

3) In terms of time, Outbound approaches often yield faster results compared to Inbound strategies. 

  • Inbound methods rely on creating valuable content and optimizing your online presence to attract leads organically. 
  • While effective, this process can take time to generate a significant influx of clients. 
  • On the other hand, Outbound methods enable you to actively seek out potential clients and initiate conversations, expediting the client acquisition process.

So, you are convinced now that the outbound approach is better than the inbound approach, but which channel in the outbound approach is best for your lead generation business?

When choosing the best approach for your business, it’s important to consider factors such as cost-effectiveness and scalability. 

Within the Outbound Lead Generation approach, the only two channels to consider are cold emailing and LinkedIn outreach. 

Amongst the two, let’s explore which channel might be the best fit for your lead generation business.

Firstly, let’s discuss cold emailing:

  • Not only is it cost-effective, but it is also scalable, meaning you can reach out to a large number of potential clients without incurring significant expenses. 
  • By crafting compelling and personalized email messages, you can effectively introduce your agency and its services to a targeted audience. 
  • Cold emailing allows you to establish initial contact and showcase your expertise, making it a valuable channel for generating leads.

Now let’s compare cold emailing to LinkedIn outreach:

  • While LinkedIn can be a powerful platform for networking and connecting with professionals, it tends to be more costly compared to cold emailing. 
  • With LinkedIn, you may need to invest in premium memberships or advertising options to maximize your reach and visibility. 
  • Additionally, the response rate on LinkedIn can be lower compared to cold emailing, as users on the platform are often inundated with connection requests and messages.

In conclusion, when choosing the best channel within the Outbound Lead Generation approach, cold emailing emerges as the most cost-effective and scalable option. 

It allows you to reach a wide audience, establish initial contact, and showcase your agency’s value proposition. 

While LinkedIn outreach has its merits, it can be more costly and time-consuming compared to cold emailing.

Remember, the ultimate choice depends on your business’s specific goals, resources, and target audience. 

It may be beneficial to experiment with different channels and evaluate their performance to determine the most effective approach for your business.

So, let’s say you decided to go for cold emailing to win high-quality leads for your lead generation business – How can you leverage Saleshandy to your advantage? 

Let’s check it out!

How can Saleshandy help you acquire clients for your lead generation business

Saleshandy is one of the best cold email automation tools, allowing you to send highly personalized emails at scale with the highest email deliverability. 

It sends out cold emails one by one, making them appear to be sent manually, mimicking human-like sending approaches. 

Also, you can easily manage the number of replies on the email sent using Saleshandy and respond to them from a single place in a unified inbox.

Here’s why you should choose Saleshandy for your cold email outreach:

1) Personalization: With Saleshandy, you can easily personalize your cold emails using merge tags such as the recipient’s name, company, and job title. This customization boosts engagement and increases the likelihood of receiving responses.

Saleshandy Personalization

2) Automation: Saleshandy offers powerful automation features, including automated follow-ups and email tracking. These capabilities save you time and effort when sending emails at scale.

Saleshandy Automation

3) Effortless Inbox Management: Saleshandy enables you to keep track of all your email responses in one centralized place. The unified inbox feature simplifies managing and responding to all replies conveniently.

Unified Inbox

4) Cost-Effective and Scalable: Saleshandy provides a cost-effective and scalable solution with flexible pricing plans suitable for businesses of all sizes. It allows you to send hundreds of emails daily without triggering spam filters.


In conclusion, starting a lead generation business requires careful planning, targeted marketing strategies, and consistent effort. 

By following these steps, you can establish a solid foundation for your business and increase your chances of success. 

Remember to identify your niche, build a strong online presence, develop effective lead-generation techniques, and provide exceptional customer service. 

Stay proactive, adapt to industry changes, and continuously refine your strategies to stay ahead of the competition. 

With determination and a focus on delivering valuable leads to your clients, you can thrive in the lead generation industry and build a profitable business. 

So, take the leap, put your ideas into action, and embark on your journey to becoming a successful lead generation entrepreneur.

Skyrocket your conversion rates with cold emailing

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