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35+ Best Sales Email Templates To Close Deals

33 min read
96752 reads

Sales email templates work as a great time-saving blessing when one has to send similar emails to multiple recipients who are in different stages of the sales funnel.

Only 30% of emails get opened across all industries, making it important to write a compelling sales email that prompts a click. 

Every business in every industry drills down to one thing – Sales. Be it a marketing agency or an IT firm—sales play a significant role. And a deck of effective sales email templates needs to be handy, especially if you are running a cold email outreach.

This blog contains 35+ proven sales email templates and the best practices for writing a sales email. We have made sure that these are worth your time. Let’s jump right in!

Tips For A Successful Sales Email That Generates Responses 

We believe in the Chinese proverb – “You give a poor man a fish, and you feed him for a day. You teach him to fish, and you give him an occupation that will feed him for a lifetime.”

Therefore, as promised, we have brought you some of the most effective on how to write sales emails that will generate responses. 

A good sales email has a simple anatomy: the opening line, the ‘offer’ line, the closing line (Call to action), and the email signature.

the anatomy of a sales email
  • Personalize your emails:

When you say “Hey Mike” instead of “Hey Customer”, it makes a world of difference. It’s been scientifically proven that we like hearing our own name!

As per a report, segmented and targeted emails generate 58% of revenue. Personalization makes the prospect feels valued and special and makes you more trustworthy. You can also personalize your offerings in accordance with their pain points and the solutions your product/service can offer. 

Use a tool like Saleshandy to personalize every email with a snap of the finger. You can add up to 30 different merge tags like {{first name}}, {{last name}}, {{location}}, {{country}}, and more. 

  • Keep emails short and to the point:

Our attention span is now only 8 seconds (it used to be 12 seconds in 2000)! So yes because of this, it’s more important than ever to keep your sales emails as short as possible. 

Guidelines for a sales email copy: 

  1. Experts recommend keeping your email between 50 to 125 words. 
  2. Should not require scrolling when viewed on your mobile device
  3. Take less than 8 seconds to read (skim) in full 
  4. Require a response that takes no longer than 5 to 10 seconds to ideate and write 
  • Avoid emailing them multiple times:

Nothing turns away prospects like excessive spammy emails! When you send a prospect a follow-up email ensure an adequate amount of time has passed between each email. Sending too many emails too soon will come off as aggressive and they will definitely report you as spam. Be mindful. 

Refer below to a follow-up cycle timeline you can follow: 

follow up sequence example
  • Have a killer subject line

It is said that the first impression is the last impression. So, don’t hold back. Get creative with your subject line and try to make it more value-driven.

Which one of these two emails would you open?

1. Suggest us new updates for development.

2. John, make a wish, and it might come true!  

The second subject line creates more curiosity and entices the prospect to open it. So, make sure your subject line is to the point. 

To increase your open rates you must test your subject lines. With Saleshandy’s A/Z testing feature, you can test up to 24 variants of a subject line and access detailed analytics to see what’s working for your campaigns. 

  • Land in the primary inbox

While sending your email outreach, you need to ensure your email deliverability is in place.

If there are any spam-triggering words in your email or your account is not authenticated, it might affect your domain reputation.

You must be careful and take all the necessary precautions for your email to land in the primary inbox

Saleshandy provides users with an email deliverability toolkit that is inclusive of email list verification, SPF/DKIM/DMARC authentication validation, and email health score. 

  • Talk about benefits (instead of features)

We don’t like it when a salesman keeps talking about features and how good a product is. All we want to know is how would that product help us I am investing X amount of money in it.

Talk about them, their pain points, solutions, and most importantly, their benefits. This would guarantee to fetch you good sales in the long run.

Now let’s explore some sales email templates.

Introductory Sales Email Templates

The average return on investment from cold emails is $38 for every $1 invested. But, you can only get such outcomes if you use the proper strategy.

Sales representatives, on the other hand, fail to establish a lasting impact with their sales introduction email and thereby lose the outreach game before it even began! Use these sales introduction email templates to begin professional communication with a potential client or prospect. 

1. Features To Benefits

{{About a situation}} at {{Company Name}}

Hi there, {{First Name}} I am writing this email to you because I believe our {{Product/service}} would be a great fit for your {{Department}} team. We are currently looking for [Marketing or Sales Teams] that are ready to scale their sales or marketing campaigns to higher levels! {{Product/Service}} can help in {{Benefits}}. It can also {{Additional relevant benefits}}. Let’s connect over the phone or [Zoom/Google Meets] for a few minutes about how we can help? {{Calendar Link}} Best, {{Your Name}}

2. Helpful Sales Outreach

Can I help {{Company Name}}?

Hello {{First Name}}, My name is {{Your Name}} and I work at {{Your company name}} as a {{Job title}}. We help companies like yours {{Solutions offered}}. What are your thoughts on how to improve {{The specific solution your product helps with}}? What has been your biggest challenge so far with regard to achieving this? If you have a few minutes, I would love to share some insights on how you can achieve {{Goals}}. Let me know when is the best time to have a chat about this. Regards, {{Your Name}}

3. Mutual Connection

{{Mutual Connection}} told me to reach out!

Hi there, {{First Name}} {{Introduce yourself}} I am reaching out to you because {{Mutual Connection}} thought we had shared interests. During my conversation with {{him/her/them}}, I came to know about {{Their pain points}}. {{Your company name}} recently worked with {{Client 1, 2, 3, etc}} and helped them with {{Benefit}}. We can possibly help {{Company Name}} too. If you are interested, I would be delighted to chat with you. Here's a link to my schedule {{Link}}. Would you mind letting me know a time that works for you? Regards, {{Your Name}}

4. Share a valuable tip

{{First Name}}, have you tried this yet?

Hey there, {{First Name}} I hope this email finds you well. I came across your website and noticed your interest in {{Relevant topic}}. As someone who has worked with {{Similar businesses/clients}}, I thought I'd share a quick tip that could help you achieve {{Prospect's business goal}}. Here's the tip: {{Valuable tip in 2-3 sentences}} I've seen great results using this tip with my clients and thought it could benefit your business as well. If you're interested in discussing how {{Product name}} can specifically help with this, I'd be happy to schedule a quick call to go over it in more detail. Thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing back from you soon. Best regards, {{Your Name}}

5. Met someone at an event

Loved talking to you {{First Name}}!

Hello again, {{First Name}} How are you doing? It was great meeting you at {{Event name}} and discussing the {{Industry}}. I was intrigued by your pain point around {{Topic}} and wanted to follow up with you to explore how {{Company Name}} might be able to help. Our company specializes in {{Relevant services/products}} and we have helped many businesses like yours overcome similar challenges. I believe we can offer a customized solution that meets your specific needs. If you're interested, I would love to schedule a call to discuss this further and see if our solutions are a good fit for your business. Please let me know if that works for you and we'll set up a time that's convenient for you. Thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing back from you soon. Best regards, {{Your Name}}

Cold email templates

Cold emails are vital for sales. And sometimes, it might get difficult to get started while drafting your cold email outreach. Here you will find cold email templates based on different situations that can be used on the go with few edits as per your liking.   

1. The flattery technique

{{First Name}}, here’s something interesting for you

Hey {{First Name}}, I came across your profile on LinkedIn and had a quick browse through it. I must say, your experience and qualifications are very impressive. I enjoyed reading your expert opinion on [add topic], it opened my eyes to a completely different point of view. I think it’s safe to assume that you are a busy individual. This is exactly why I think [name of product] would be beneficial for you to navigate through your busy schedule. I would love to talk further about this with you, let’s set up a quick call. Let me know which time of day works. Best, {{Your Name}}

2. Providing value

Here’s something for you {{First Name}}!

Hey there, {{First Name}}, Hope you’re having a great day. I love your website’s design and personally find the visuals and message to be very impressive. I’ve even forwarded it to my professional network which could find your services to be useful. While browsing through your website, I noticed your [social media outreach] was minimal. I believe this is something [company name] could help you out with. We have helped around [500+ organizations] maximize their social media reach through our comprehensive campaigns. Would you like us to craft a social media strategy for your organization? Looking forward to hearing from you. Regards, {{Your Name}}

3. Offering a tailor-made solution

Do you want to reach your goal fast?

Hey {{First Name}}, Greetings of the day! I recently came across your website and noticed you’ve been trying to {{accomplish a certain goal}}. I believe {{Company Name}} can help you achieve this goal through {{Explain how your product/service will achieve their goal}}. We have helped many companies like yours with similar goals in the past and have been a pivotal part of their success. Here’s what we had in mind: {{Explain tailor-made solution}} Are you free to talk about a strategy? Let me know as we are eager to help you achieve your goals! Best, {{Your Name}}

4. Getting to the point

{{First Name}}, quick question for you!

Hey there {{First Name}}, What if you had one hour extra each day? How would you spend your time? I am {{Your Name}}, a [content marketer] at [Saleshandy]. We specialize in email marketing tools and we are here to tell you that using our product an extra hour a day is yours! {{Add USP 1}} {{Add USP 2}} What do you think? If this is something you are interested in, then I can arrange a walkthrough for you with my product team. Have a great day! {{Link to website}} Best, {{Your Name}}

5. Mention a competitor’s service they are using

{{First Name}}, I was wondering…

Hey {{First Name}}, I was browsing through your website and noticed you are using {{Competitor’s product}}. How has your experience been thus far? I am {{Your Name}} and I am a [sales manager] at [Saleshandy]. Our {{Product/Service}} is a lot similar to {{Your competitor’s product}}. One of the key differences is {{Add key USP and differentiators}}. We feel these features might work better for {{Company name}} as {{Explain why}}. Let’s get on a quick call and see if we can convince you to switch over to our services instead. We promise to make it worth your while! Regards, {{Your Name}}

Sales Follow-Up Email Templates

A sales follow-up email is essential when you’re chasing your prospects. Many salespeople give up after sending the initial email, but only 2% of sales are done through those emails. Find different sales follow-up templates that will help you improve your response rate.

1. Personalized follow-up

Re: {{Subject line same as initial email}}

Dear {{First Name}}, I realized that we haven't yet set a time for our call. I wanted to reach out to see if you had a chance to check my last email on {{Topic}}. I'm quite determined, as you can see. I'm hoping that we can connect this week to explore potential synergies. If I don't receive a response from you, I may have to follow up again. However, I remain optimistic and would like to invite you to schedule a time that suits you using the following link: {{Link}} Take care, {{Your Name}}

2. Offers & Discounts

{{First Name}}, don’t miss out on {{offer}}!

Hey there, {{First Name}} I wanted to follow up on my previous email regarding our {{Product/service}}. I understand you may be busy, but I didn't want you to miss out on the exclusive offer we have for you. For a limited time, we are offering a {{Discount or special offer}}. This is a great opportunity to experience our {{Product/service}} at a reduced price and see the benefits for yourself. If you're interested, please let me know and we can discuss the next steps. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thanks, {{Your Name}}

3. Follow-up after a phone call/in-person meeting

Great talking to you!

Hi again, {{First Name}} I really enjoyed our conversation earlier today. I was able to gain a better understanding of you and {{Company name}}. I understand {{Company name}} is encountering {{Challenges they are facing}} and how this is in turn affecting the [team]. During our conversation, I mentioned how exactly {{Your company name}} is going to resolve this. I am attaching some information about our resources and how we can help you resolve your issue. {{Resources}} Let me know if you have any questions, you can reply to this email directly. Best, {{Your Name}}

4. Follow Up after no response

Re: {{Same as the initial email}}

Hi {{First Name}}, I sent you an email a while back about [company name] and how we would be a great fit for {{Their company name}}. Our clients have reported a [5% increase] in their [revenue] after using our services. Besides that, our clients have also expressed how they have been able to cut costs on resources after using {{Name of software or service}}. If you’d like to hear more about our services in detail, please reply to this email. I would be more than happy to walk you through our services. Looking forward to your response. Best, {{Your Name}}

5. Final Follow-up

Re: {{Same as the initial email}}

Hi {{First Name}}, I have tried emailing you a couple of times over the last few months and have not received a reply thus far. I am going to assume you are not interested, and this is totally okay. No biggie! The timing is wrong I guess. If you’re ever in need of a {{Name of service offered}}, then you can always reach out to me. I won’t be contacting you again, however, you can always keep my information for the future. {{Add your information}} Wishing you all the best! Best Wishes, {{Your Name}}

Bonus Sales Follow Up Email Templates

1. Follow-up after voicemail

Tried calling you {{First Name}}!

Hey there, {{First Name}} I tried calling you just now, but I assume you are busy at the moment. No worries, we can always reschedule our call. When you are free, you can call me back at [number] or reply to this email to let me know of a better time that works for you. Talk soon, take care. Best, {{Your Name}}

2. When a prospect has asked to follow up later

{{First Name}}, ready to take another look?

Hi {{First Name}}, The last time we talked, you requested that I contact you in [30 days]. I know I am a day early, but I thought it’d be worth reaching out early. Were you able to go through my previous proposal? Have you given it any additional thought? I’d be more than happy to set up a quick meeting with you and do a quick walk through of it and resolve any queries you may have. Let me know which time works best for you. Regards, {{Your Name}}

Warm Leads Email Templates

After emailing prospects, building a rapport with the warm leads who have shown interest in your product or service is essential. These lead nurturing or warm leads email templates help you with exactly that. The aim of these emails is to clear up any queries or bottlenecks that leads may have, to further move them into the sales funnel.

1. Welcome Email

{First Name}, Welcome aboard!

Greetings {First Name}, Thank you for signing up with [name of product/service]. From now on, you will be receiving regular updates about [product/service]. We built [product/service] with the sole purpose of [providing free accessible knowledge to each and every person out there]. Watch the video below to know all about us: [Video link] Here is a quick list of our most popular material that has received over [100,000] downloads in the last month alone: [List of popular material] If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to our support team [number]. Regards, {Your Name}

2. Show exclusivity

Only 4 hours to make it or break it

Hey {First Name}, You have an opportunity to [buy out of 40 pieces exclusively made for the special customers of ours]. Although this limited edition is available for you, time might not be unlimited. Make sure you make your decision fast and get benefitted. We have attached the secret link from where you can get your exclusive and unique masterpiece. [Link] Thank you, {Your Name}

3. Facts and figures segue

Just for your Info!

Hi {First Name}, Did you know that [47% higher purchases are generated by nurtured leads]? In order to nurture these leads, you need to constantly engage with your customers. If you want to learn more about how to nurture leads, please feel free to give us a call. Our support team works 24-7 to provide you with distinguished and best in the market services/help. Think about it. Thank you, {Your Name}

4. Published content

We believe in you, {First Name}

Hey {First Name}, I read your article regarding [how you are going to expand your network by taking the whole real estate vision into the digital world]. I think it is a very realistic and smart thing to do as the whole world is turning into a digital mass. I hope you achieve nothing but success with your newly developed goals. Also, if you need any help regarding your vision or want suggestions and advice from our side, we are all in for it. Let me know at what time you would have spare minutes, we would schedule a meeting. Hope to help you in this amazing venture. Reply awaited. Thanks, {Your Name}

5. Connecting after an event

Great meeting you, {First Name}

Hey there, {First Name}, I really enjoyed meeting you at [name of event] and learning more about what your organization does. I would love to connect over a coffee to learn more about your experience and background with [add industry or speciality]. I am currently employed as a [position] at [company name] and I am very much interested in knowing how you [add topic], that you mentioned in our previous conversation. Let me know which day and time works best for you. If coffee is not possible, we can always connect over a Zoom (or Google Meet) call; I'm flexible. Hope you have a great day! Regards, {Your Name}

Bonus Warm Leads Email Templates

1. Connecting with webinar attendees

Thank you for attending [name of webinar]!

Hey there {First Name}, On behalf of [name of company] we would like to thank you for attending [name of webinar]. We covered a lot in the webinar and wanted to ensure everyone has all the information from it. I am attaching the recording of the webinar below. Additionally, I am also attaching a number of additional sources that could be of interest to you. [Resource 1] [Resource 2] [Resource 3] As you know, our organization deals with [email marketing tools] and helps maximize your reach. If this is something we can help you with, please feel free to reach out to me with any questions. Best, {Your Name}

2. You visited our website

{First Name}, we see you!

Greetings {First Name}, I am {Your Name} and I am [content marketer] at Saleshandy. You recently visited our website and wanted to know if there is something I could personally help you with. If you are interested in [email marketing softwares] then you have come to the right place. I am providing a few links and resources to help you gain a better understanding of what we do. [Resource 1] [Resource 2] Do you have 20 minutes to spare to have a quick chat? You can book a free demo over here: [Booking link] You can book a meeting with me over here: [Meeting link] Thanks, {Your Name}

3. Educational email

Here’s something for you!

Hi there, {First Name} We recently published an Ebook [title of ebook], which shares exclusive [email marketing hacks that have had proven success]. I am sharing it with you, in case you want to expand your knowledge on email marketing. Here is a rundown of what the Ebook covers: [Topic 1] [Topic 2] [Topic 3] Once you’ve finished reading, feel free to reach out to with any questions you may have. Happy reading! Regards, {Your Name}

4. Newsletter

What you’ve missed!

Hey there, {First Name} Thank you for being a loyal subscriber to our monthly newsletter. This is what you’ve missed so far: 1. We have just recently launched very exciting new features on [product name]. These features allow users to, [explain the uniqueness of the features]. ALL THE FEATURES ARE LIVE! 2. [We’re expanding into the European Market!] 3. Something exciting is happening as we speak, let’s just say it may or may not have something to do with a new version of our app. Sign back into your account right now Or Create a new account Best, {Your Name}

Sales Prospecting Email Templates

Sales prospecting is one of the most important processes for any business. It entails identifying and reaching out to prospects to generate new business. Writing the perfect sales prospecting email that delivers value and ultimately converts prospects into paying customers can prove to be tough. Use these sales prospecting email templates for inspiration to create your own.

1. The quick email

[Q4] results are in!

Hey there, {{First Name}} I saw on [LinkedIn] that you are hiring [Job titles], so I assume you are looking to get some help hitting your [Marketing] goals. Increasing teams, however, involves expanding budgets, so you must strike the correct balance. This is where we {{Your company name}} can help! What if we told you we helped {{Their competitor's name/client}} to crush {{metric}} without going over their budget? How? {{Explain how by showcasing the benefits of your product}} Is this something you’re interested in? Warm Regards, {{Your Name}}

Get here: 65+ Best Cold Email Subject Lines To Boost Open Rate

2. Comparing competitors

A better solution that {{Competitor company}}!

Hi there {{First Name}}, I understand you are {{Position name}} at {{Company name}} and currently utilize the services of {{Competitor company name}}, a well-regarded company in the industry. Although they have a good reputation, I believe {{Your company name}} and {{Company name}} could have a beneficial relationship. At {{Your company name}}, we have been dedicated to resolving {{Critical prospect issue}} and have developed a {{Product, service, or solution}} that can provide you with immediate benefits such as [[scalable solution such as increased revenue, lowered cost, boosted efficiency]]. Our {{Product/service}} offers significant advantages over {{Competitor company product}} and I would be delighted to demonstrate these benefits to you. Could we schedule a brief call later this week to discuss this further? Kind Regards, {{Your Name}}

3. Addressing pain points

{{First Name}}, looking for help with {{Pain point}}

Hello, {{First Name}} I hope you’re having a great week. I wanted to inquire about the level of difficulty you face regarding {{Specific issue}} at {{Company name}}? Based on my experience working with similar organizations like {{Client names}}, I understand that this can be a significant challenge. I believe I can provide some valuable insight and ideas to help address this issue. Please let me know when you have a moment to discuss this further. Best regards, {{Your Name}} P.S. I have created some content specifically addressing (specific issue), which you may find helpful. Here is the link: {{Link}}

4. Looking for the best person to contact

Can you help me, {{First Name}}?

Hi {{First Name}}, I am {{Your Name}} and I am the [[Head of the sales department]] at {{Company name}}. We have recently launched a new version of our product {{Add in your pitch}}. Based on your LinkedIn profile it appears you are the person to get in touch with to help me find the right person to talk about {{The problem your product/service solves}}. I’d like to speak to someone from {{Company name}} that is responsible for {{Decision required to buy your services}}. Can you point me to the appropriate person for this? Thank you in advance! Best, {{Your Name}}

5.Building Rapport (this email is better sent as a follow-up)

Breaking the ice, let’s get to know each other!

Hi there, {{First Name}} I noticed both you and I are members of the [[LinkedIn Group - name of the group]]. They recently hosted a [[webinar]] on {{Topic}} and I saw you attending as well! Looks like we’re both interested in {{Shared interest}}. What do you think of the latest {{Something new about shared interest}}? I recently came across this [[video]] that I think you will like! Anyways, I hope you had a chance to check my previous email(s). Let’s talk! Warm Regards, {{Your Name}}

Get here: 50+ Best Follow-Up Email Templates To Get Faster Replies!

Bonus Sales Prospecting Templates

1. Using the power of statistics

{{First Name}}, a must know for you!

Hey {{First Name}}, Did you know [[44% of salesmen give up after one follow-up?]] This gives you a chance to swoop into the inboxes of these prospects and get a follow-up. If you want to get ahead with this opportunity, do let us know. Hoping to work with you. Thanks, {{Your Name}}

2. Attaching a personal detail

Be smart, {{First Name}}

Hey {{First Name}}, I have seen some of the [[awesome logos made by your company]]. They are stylish and eye catching. Especially, the touch of the handshake illustration used in the real estate business logo was a great and meaningful addition to the design. We can help your already established business multiply its effect and reach through our {{Product/Service}}. You’d be able to bring in more and more business through the aforementioned strategies. Also, it will help you understand the market scenario and the behavior of your customers in a clear way. Keep doing good work Thanks, {{Your Name}}

Sales Email Templates For Existing Customers

When you send sales emails to existing customers, your purpose is to either upsell, cross-sell or gain feedback. Entice your customers with schemes, offers, and updates that pull them towards you. These up-selling and cross-selling templates will help to grab your customers’ attention. 

1.Sharing updates about your product/service

The wait is finally over!

Hey {{First Name}}, It’s {Your Name} on this side. How was your journey with our {{Product/service}} till now? I hope it was nothing but awesome. If there are any queries or complaints, feel free to ask. Our {{Function}} team works 24-7 to provide you with the best of everything! There is an exciting announcement/update we are sharing: {{Name of product/service}} has finally rolled out {{New feature}}! Here’s how it can help you: {{Benefits}} This feature is free for all our existing users. Use it and give us your feedback. It is of great value to me and our whole team as a whole. Thank you and regards, {{Your Name}}

2. Upselling

{{First Name}}, upgrade your account now!

Hi {{First Name}} It appears your free trial will be expiring in 2 days. I hope your experience using {{Product name}} has been a productive and fruitful one. Have you decided if you wish to continue using our services? If so, our plans start as low as $X per month. If you upgrade your account now, you will get extra premium features that are yet to be launched next month. {{Explain premium features that they can benefit from}} Please do remember that once your trial expires, you won’t be able to access your account anymore. Click here to find out more about our premium plans. {{Link}} Alternatively, you can reach out to me, {{Your Name}}, if you have any questions. If you still need some more convincing then watch the video below that explains the features the premium plans offer. {{Video}} PS: The most popular plan is the [[all in one suite]] used by 90% of our users. Best, {{Your Name}}

3. Cross-selling

You have to try these out {{First Name}}!

Hi {{First Name}}, Hope you're doing well. Are you having fun with your [[BoomBox 360]]? Get any noise complaints yet? Haha! Why not pair your [[BoomBox 360]] with {{Add name of other products they can try out}}? We have curated a special list of items for you that will really amp up your sound experience. Click here to start shopping {{Link}}. Best, {{Your Name}}

4. Asking for feedback

{{First Name}}, your opinion matters!

Hello there, {{First Name}} Thank you for choosing {{Product Name}} as your {{Function of the product}} partner. We strive to provide our customers with the best possible experience, and we are always looking for ways to improve our products. That's why I would greatly appreciate it if you could take a few moments to provide your feedback on {{Product Name}}. Your input will help us better understand how our customers use our products and what we can do to improve them in the future. Please take a moment to share your thoughts and suggestions with us. {{Link to survey}} Thank you for your time and for being a valued customer. Best regards, {{Your Name}}

5. Exclusive offer for them

Here’s a treat for you {{First Name}}!

Hey {First Name}, Since you have been actively using {{Product/Service}}, we have decided to give you X month access to the {{name of pack/feature/service}}. You will be able to use all the amazing features of our tool now and maximize your {{Tool function}}. If you have any queries regarding the same, let us know. Click here to redeem this offer {{Link}} Thanks, {{Your Name}}

The ‘Breakup’ Email Templates

A break-up email might not be everyone’s favorite, but it helps you to get a clear sense of direction from your prospect. If they want you to stop emailing them or if you should connect with them later.  

1. Reassuring if they want to leave

Before we part ways

Hey {{First Name}}, It’s been a while since I last heard from you We had a brief conversation about the difficulties with [pain point] and [your company name] could help in resolving the issue over [a period of 6 months]. Are you still interested in this proposition? If not, then let me know and I can go ahead and close your file. Best, {{Your Name}}

2. Offering valuable resources

Thanks from {{Company Name}}

Last chance!, Hey {{First Name}}, I’ve reached out a few times to connect with you about {{Mention reason you reached out}}. Since I haven’t heard back from you, I’ll assume either the timing isn’t right or you are already using a different [[email marketing software]]. I am sharing some resources with you that are beneficial for professionals dealing with {{Pain point}}. {{Resource 1}} {{Resource 2}} {{Resource 3}} If you ever require my assistance in the future, I would be more than happy to reconnect. I am sharing my contact information for future reference. {{Contact information}} Take care! Best, {{Your Name}}

3. The humorous breakup email

{{First Name}}, is everything okay?

Hey there, {{First Name}} I know these emails are getting pretty annoying by now. But my job is to be persistent otherwise we won’t reach our revenue goals, haha! Hustle is life! The reason I say this is because I still haven’t heard back from you. I can only assume the following things: You’ve decided to move ahead with another organization, and I should stop bothering you Or You’re really busy and haven’t got the chance to reach out Or! You’ve lost your phone/laptop! I am always here if you change your mind. Kind Regards, {{Your Name}}

4. Keeping it short and simple

Thank you from {{Company Name}}

Hey {{First Name}}, I guess this is goodbye! I’ve reached out a couple of times over the course of 2 months to resume our conversation about {{Product/service}}. We had proposed our {{Tool}} could help you to achieve {{Objective}}. I assume the timing wasn’t right, and that is completely fine. If you would like to continue the discussion in the future, shoot me an email. Cheers, {{Your Name}}

5. Casual breakup

Before we part ways {{First Name}}!

Hey {{First Name}}, Hope you are doing well. Over the course of 6 months, I have tried reaching out to you several times about using our {{{Product/services}} but haven’t been able to get through to you. I understand that you might be busy or are simply no longer interested. I don’t want to bother you any further, thus I will stop sending you emails. If you are ever interested in the future, please let me know and we can schedule a time. Wishing you all the best. Thanks, {{Your Name}}

Bonus Breakup Email Templates

1. Closing their file

Permission to close your file, {{First Name}}?

Hi {{First Name}}, I know you are probably really busy, which is why we haven’t had the chance to connect. The timing may not have been right for you or perhaps you no longer have a need for [[Email marketing tools]]. This is totally understandable. I want to respect your time and thus I would like to move forward with closing your file. Please let me know if this is alright with you. If you would still like to continue this conversation, then you can reply to this email and we can discuss the next steps. Thanks, {{Your Name}}

Also read : 50+ Email sign offs that fit any context and ignite responses!


Using these sales email templates you can simplify your work significantly, enabling you to reach out to a larger number of prospects in less time and ultimately increase your sales!

By utilizing these templates, you can boost the likelihood of your emails being opened and engage with prospects more effectively. Don’t forget about the tips shared on how to write effective sales emails as well. 

It’s crucial to customize the templates according to your prospect’s requirements, so they feel more personalized and relevant to them.

These templates are versatile and can be used in various scenarios to help you meet your sales targets efficiently. You can also draw inspiration from these templates to create your own sales email templates.

Skyrocket your conversion rates with cold emailing

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